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Realisation of Krishna , goal of human life

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Hare Krishna,

Human birth reaches its fruition only if the goal of liberation is realised; otherwise the opportunity given by Providence is frittered away and there is no guarantee that a similar chance will be given again. The Bhagavad Gita says that a person who remembers Krishna in his last moments is liberated from bondage which is the fulfilment of the spiritual exercises he has practised all his life.


The Bhagavata Purana also echoes this truth. Krishna Himself taught the subtle truths expounded in this Purana to the creator, Brahma, before the creation of this universe when he meditated on Him. The Supreme Being (Krishna) after revealing His divine form to the creator told him that He had blessed him with His vision because of his penance. The Lord pointed out that the pains that men take for the good of their soul reach their fruition by realising Him.

Krishna’s entire teachings to Brahma had been briefly summed up in four verses in this context which had come to be known as ``Catussloki Bhagavata''.

The entire Purana can be interpreted to be a detailed elaboration of what has been encapsulated in these verses. When Krishna blessed Brahma with His vision He also granted him a boon pleased with his penance.

Brahma sought with this boon that he should be blessed with an insight into both the absolute and relative aspects of His formless Being. Just as a spider spins a web round itself, sports in it and then retracts it into its mouth, so also Lord Krishna through His creative will, multiplies Himself in the form of this universe, maintains it and then dissolves it all by Himself, by His manifold powers and thus carries on His sport assuming various forms. It was an elaborate exposition on this sport of the Lord that Brahma wanted to be enlightened which is the subject matter of this Purana.

The Catussloki Bhagavata takes up the discussion from this point. The Lord granted Brahma that he would be taught esoteric knowledge, the greatness of devotion to Him and all that is accessory to it and be blessed with realisation.

The same truths have been taught in different contexts in this Purana. They formed the crux of Prahlada's teachings to his friends as he was blessed with this knowledge even before he was born. His mother Kayatu while expecting him had listened to these teachings from Sage Narada and hence he was blessed with devotion and spiritual knowledge even as a child and could expound it to others with conviction. Another context is the ``Sruti Gita'' which appears later in the Purana.

Devotion to Krishna is an end in itself and not just a means to liberation. Devotees who have by dint of their love and faith in Krishna attained this acme of devotion are rare and they are dear to the Lord because they revel in Him and in activities concerning Him only. The cowherd maidens of Gokul and Akrura distinguished themselves as such sterling devotees.

Kamsa sent Akrura to Brindavan to fetch Krishna and Balarama to set the elephant Kuvalayapida on them as he increasingly became paranoid about the threat to his life after listening to the miraculous deeds of Krishna and wanted to finish Him off. Though Akrura did not like the nature of his mission, in his heart of hearts he was overjoyed that he would be meeting Lord Krishna.

Throughout the journey he ruminated over the impending meeting visualising in his mind Krishna's adorable form and wondered, ``What noble act has been performed by me, what supreme austerity has been gone through by virtue of which I am going to behold Sri Krishna? My birth has become fruitful in that I shall bow to the lotus feet of the Almighty Lord that are fit to be meditated upon by Yogis.''

Contemplating on Krishna all the way Akrura arrived in Vraja and saw the footprints of the Lord, the sacred dust of whose feet is borne on their heads by His devotees. Jumping down from the chariot with tears of joy brimming in his eyes he rolled on the footprints exclaiming that this was the end to be attained by only the fortunate.

Soon he saw the two brothers and his joy knew no bounds. He was welcomed warmly in Nanda's house and Krishna and Balarama waited upon him personally. Thus Akrura realised more than he had hoped for and apprised them about his mission. The news that Krishna and Balarama would be leaving for Mathura spread like wild fire in the cowherd community and

naturally the Gopis directed their ire at Akrura.

Afflicted at the very thought of separation from Krishna and bemoaning their lot as they woke up to the reality that Akrura would take Him away anyhow, they remarked snidely that Akrura (one who is not cruel) should not have been the name of such a ruthless fellow who was extremely hardhearted in that he was going to take Krishna, who was dearer than life, not caring to comfort them who were sorely distressed. These Gopis had because of their single-minded devotion been favoured by Lord Krishna and Akrura also was bestowed with the vision of His cosmic form while accompanying Him to Mathura .

Please Chant:Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare HareAnd Be Happy.


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