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Devotion, only criterion to realise Krishna

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Hare Krishna

When confronted with problems in life, any number of people discuss the issues threadbare and offer suggestions. However, very few are in a position to give help and succour to resolve the same. The best advice is to repose faith in Lord Krishna.

The path of devotion is open to all human beings. Contrary to what some people think, no special qualification is required to tread the path of devotion towards Krishna.

There was once a mendicant who by virtue of his penance acquired special powers, so much so that when a bird inadvertently ruined his meal, an enraged look from him was sufficient to scorch it to death. Puffed up with ego at the spontaneous manifestation of his supernatural ability, he conducted himself with high expectations. Once, while he was seeking food, the lady of the house requested him to wait until she could complete her puja. When the mendicant became angry she said, ``I am not a bird to be burnt by you.'' Amazed at her powers and feeling chastened, he humbly sought her guidance, and she directed him to surrender at the lotus feet of Lord Krishna.

The next consideration is with regard to age. ``Should there be a prescribed age for turning to things spiritual?'' Dhruva's well-chronicled life should be sufficient to show that age is no bar to reaching Krishna. A widely held misconception is about one's origins. The fact that Lord Krishna preferred the humble abode of Vidura to palaces and the special benediction He showered on him are proof enough that one need not be ``high born'' to be blessed by Him. Kannappan, was a hunter, yet the Lord

showered Grace on him. Devotion is the only calling card required to realize Krishna.

One of the five essential (basic) requirements of a person who aspires to obtain release from rebirths is to know the infinite nature of Lord Krishna, His powers, His qualities and His readiness to grant relief to such yearning souls. As against this, he should realise his own limitations and how he should serve Krishna and obey His commands and how he is totally dependent on Him. Then he should be aware of his goal viz. salvation. To achieve this, he should adopt the procedures prescribed in the scriptures. Lastly, while eager to get the Divine grace, there may be many obstacles and he should

take steps to get over them. For this, acquisition of spiritual knowledge will be necessary.

Krishna Himself had demonstrated how one's life can run smooth if the Law of Virtue is followed but even then people shied away from Him. He then deputed His chosen representatives to guide humanity. They were the spiritual torch-bearers who gave proper directions to reach the goal. Their role has been compared to that of a lion which can leap across, from one mountain to another. The aspiring soul (man) is likened to an ant that clings on to its body and thereby easily goes from one place to another when the former makes the jump.

Sri Ramanuja, who gave clear-cut instructions for devoted individuals to reach Krishna's Feet, was a revolutionary in his ideas and his message was greatly influenced by the stirring writings of the 12 Azhwars and other presiding divine religious leaders like Yamunacharya (Alavandar). Acharyas like him, will remove our ignorance and clear doubts that may arise.

Sri Ramanuja had to face numerous problems while propagating Visishtadwaita. He had to flee from the traps laid by persecutors. The philosophy of Sri Vaishnavism became known as Ramanuja Darsanam (vision or path). This great preceptor was also called Yatiraja and Bhashyakarar by his being a king among ascetics and by virtue of his commentary for Brahma Sutras. His another name was ``Udaiyavar''. His clarion call was that the effective means of release from worldly ties was ``surrender'', open to all.


By his practice, Ramanuja illustrated the infinite nature of Krishna. While on his daily alms seeking excursion, a few boys waylaid him and pointing out to him the figure of Krishna they had drawn on earth, told him ``Here is your Krishna. Worship Him if He is everywhere.'' Ramanuja admiring the boys' enthusiasm prostrated before the ``figure'' and ``partook'' even the ``food'' (the road dust) earlier offered to their imaginary Krishna that the boys had worshipped .

Please Chant :Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare HareAnd Be Happy.

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