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Hare Krishna!


Diwali Greetings!!! May Lord Krishna shower His grace on You all , who are His true devotees!!!

Diwali is originated from the Sanskrit word , Deepavali meaning row of lights. Houses and temples are decorated with a row of lights during this festival which spans over 5 days. In short, it symbolizes the triumph of good over evil .

The first day is called Dhana (wealth) Trayodashi (the 13th day of the fortnight), also is originated from the sanskrit word Dhan Teras . During this day, people pray to Goddess Lakshmi, the eternal consort of Lord Vishnu. Lakshmi is the Goddess of fortune as she is the most coveted person by Lord Vishnu, the lord of this Universe. On this occasion, people also light lamps at their doorstep throughout the night as

it is believed that Yama will not come to the house which is lit with lamps on that day. Yama is the deva in charge of removing the soul from the human body and giving him appropriate reward / punishment before giving the soul the next body (during the course of transmigration of the soul). Long ago, a lady relieved her husband from early death by following the above ritual (Yama was said to be blinded by the lamps kept by the young lady).

The second day is called Naraka Chaturdasi (The 14th day of the fortnight when Narakasura, a horrible demon was killed by Lord Krishna). Lord Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Lord Vishnu is the expansion of Lord Krishna. When Lord Krishna returned home after killing the demon, His devotees celebrated by having oil bath and annointing Lord Krishna with perfumes etc. So, on this day, people take oil bath before sunrise and pray to Lord Krishna.

The 3rd day is Amavasya or the New Moon Day when the Sun enters Libra. This day is associated with start of mercantile activities. During this day, the merchant class worship Goddess Lakshmi by keeping new account books in front of paintings of Goddess Lakshmi. Lamps are lit to destroy the darkness of the New Moon day symbolising that we have to light our heart with devotion to Lord Krishna to overcome the darkness of this material world which has befuddled us. Lord Krishna left

this world on this day and so did many saints.

The 4th day is Balipadyami (Bali's day- 1st day of the bright fortnight). Long ago, there was a king of the demons called Bali who wanted to become the emperor of the Universe. Lord Vishnu took incarnation as a

young dwarfish priest-boy called Vamana and requested 3 foot steps of land from him to perform meditation . The king Bali granted . The Lord grew to gigantic proportions and with His first step, He placed it on the heavenly planets. In His next step with he placed it on Earth and there was nothing that was left. Bali offered himself as the 3rd step and the Lord placed it on him and pushed him to the netherworld. This happened on Balipadyami. Appreciating Bali’s devotion, the devotee-loving Lord Vishnu became a servant on his door and decreed that in his next life, Bali will become the emperor of the heavenly planets. People celebrate this day to celebrate the mercy showered on His devotee Bali

by Lord Vishnu . In other parts of the country, people honor newly weds.

The final day is Bhayya Duj and is a festival honoring brothers. It is celebrated in very few states of India.

The above is a summarized version of the celebration of Diwali . There is tremendous significance which cannot be incorporated easily in email.

Govindaya Namah!


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