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Krishna exists in all living processes

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Hare Krishna,

All the texts that are based on the principal scripture, the Vedas, like the Itihasas (epics) and the Puranas, expound on five broad subjects. The foremost among them is the nature of the Lord Krishna who is the end to be attained by man.

The scriptures are the ultimate authority on God since He cannot be known through other means of knowledge. The other topics discussed in them are hence in some way related to the exposition of the nature of the Ultimate Reality.

The next subject generally elaborated by these texts is the nature of the soul, how it is born in the world due to Karma, though its essential nature is eternal and blissful. This description is necessary to bring home the fact that the aim of the scriptures is to enable man to overcome his bondage and thus be rid of rebirths. By understanding that he truly belongs to Krishna and not to this world of bondage, the desire to strive for liberation arises in him.

When the end to be realised is clear to a spiritual aspirant then he must know the impediments that will cause obstruction when he pursues this goal. The aspirant has to be wary of these obstacles because they can distance him from Krishna and pave the way for being born again and again in this world. The texts dilate in detail on these impediments. In this matter, the scriptures and the elders well-versed in them are the best guides.

The fourth topic treated in the scriptures is the means to adopt for realising Krishna. Bhakti (devotion) and Prapatti (Self- surrender) were the two ways for attaining this end. Ramanuja who propagated the philosophy of Visishtadvaita elaborates on both these means in his works.

While the path of devotion is difficult to practise as the success depends on the effort of the practitioner, the path of Self- surrender is easier to adopt because the onus of liberating the person who surrenders to Lord Krishna , from bondage, is on Him.

Realisation of the goal of liberation by adopting devotion as means therefore will be fruitful only if the aspirant stringently follows all the guidelines prescribed in the scriptures. Saranagati, on the other hand, needs to be performed once through the preceptor, after which the responsibility shifts to Krishna and the aspirant will be delivered from bondage without fail.

The final subject dealt with in the scriptures is the result that can be obtained by practising the scriptural guidelines - liberation which puts an end to transmigration. Knowledge of these five topics is essential for one desirous of liberation .

The underlying Reality behind all the diversity is reinforced in the scriptural texts for man's understanding through different methods and by using analogies because only the plurality is evident to the senses. One common approach is through the identification of the objective and the subjective levels. This not only dispels the notion of duality but also enables the seeker to realise the absolute consciousness as the Self (Atman).

In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna identifies all the lights like the Sun, the Moon and fire as Himself. It is common knowledge that the Sun is the source of energy for the sustenance of life on the Earth. While plant life uses sunlight directly, animals and human beings depend on plants for their food. Though the Almighty supports everything through light, His manifestation varies. This can be better understood with the analogy of the same electricity functioning through different equipments like a heater or an airconditioner manifesting differently.

An interesting subtlety pointed out here in this context in the Gita is that the light of the Moon is as much necessary as sunlight because it gives the life-giving sap which nourishes life. Lord Krishna affirms, ``Permeating the soil, it is I who support all creatures by My vital power and becoming the nectarine Moon, I nourish all plants.'' Traditionally farmers expose the seeds used for sowing to moonlight. This infuses fluidity in the germinating seeds.

As the indwelling consciousness of all insentient and sentient beings Lord Krishna imparted their essential nature and identity to them. For instance, the distinctive sweet taste of sugar gives it its unique nature and Krishna imparts this quality to it.

The Supreme Being is not only the source of all life; He resides as the vital air (Prana) in all beings and in association with food maintains the body. He thus becomes both the consumer and the consumed. This section is one of the most profound ones in the Gita in which the discussion is in a similar vein to the Taittiriya Upanishad which identifies the Absolute with all the five aspects of the human personality.

If Lord Krishna is present in even the grossest function of eating food why then does man wallow in ignorance and fails to recognise Him? It is because of ignorance, which makes one forget the true nature of the Self. Scriptural texts like the Gita take up such basic subjects for discussion to drive home the truth that Krishna, the Supreme Being pervades all life processes. It serves to remind the person of Krishna even while engaged in such day-to-day acts as

eating food .

Please Chant:Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare HareAnd Be Happy.

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