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Vaishnavism , royal path to salvation

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Hare Krishna,

There is only one royal path to salvation even though for the sake of the lay people it has been described as many. As the level of each spiritual aspirant varies each has to be given the right guidance to evolve further on the path. For a clear understanding of the path shown by the scriptures it is necessary to understand the human personality first.

The ``I'' which is the underlying factor in all human experiences is identified with the body-mind-intellect personality. But, the Self (Atman) of man is spiritual in nature. Man is a complex being whose consciousness operates at the different levels of the body, mind and the intellect. So the spiritual discipline must take into consideration all the levels at which his awareness functions so that evolution can be holistic.

This spiritual technique is termed as ``Upasana'' in the scriptures, which literally means taking one near Lord Krishna, the Supreme personality of Godhead. It is a mental process involving Krishna and the mind, which is the vehicle for realising Krishna. The mind which is subtle is nearest to experiencing the Divine and the senses and the body being grosser than the mind are further away, in spiritual parlance. For practical purpose, the mind and the intellect (Manas and Buddhi) are treated as one entity. The process of inquiry happens in the mind and it is at the level of the intellect that the conclusive certainty takes place.

Yoga helps one to keep the body fit for spiritual discipline. It is not possible for anyone to desist from action as long as the body is there and hence attuning one's actions to the higher purpose of realising Krishna is termed Karma yoga.

Man is an emotional being and his love expressed for the Divine is called Bhakti yoga (devotion). Jnana yoga is scriptural study under the Guru involving the process of listening to his exposition of the scriptures and learning and reflecting on them to experience one's true nature. It becomes apparent from this that these different Yogas are not exclusive paths to Krishna but are aspects of the same spiritual discipline. Each one was necessary at a particular stage of spiritual evolution.

There are many lanes in which the spiritual seeker can wander and lose his way and when he manages to get back to the right path he may find that he has not progressed much. So comparisons are odious and it is advisable to stick to the practices recommended for one's station in life (Svadharma) for realising the goal of liberation.

The entire manifestation of insentient and sentient beings is created, sustained and withdrawn into the unmanifest by bliss (Ananda). The Upanishadic tradition uses Ananda as a synonym of Lord Krishna because He is bliss- incarnate. Paradoxically, the same scriptures emphasise that worldly life is full of sorrows and advises man to seek that which is the source of eternal bliss – Lord Krishna.

Even human experience confirms the fact that life in the world cannot be unadulterated joy all the time. Joys and sorrows alternate in human life and instinctively everyone seeks only happiness and avoids sorrows. All actions of man are done with the objective of finding happiness. Even if a person is unable to enjoy that which gives him happiness, his mind at least dwells on the object of his desire and craves for it. The mind is always restless because of unfulfilled desires.

It then becomes imperative to understand what impels the mind to seek happiness. The scriptures say that it is Karma, as latent tendencies (Vasanas), which drives the mind and it is also responsible for the joys and sorrows one faces. No one can do anything about Karma which has started giving result and hence one's efforts must be directed towards realising Krishna by which lasting bliss could be attained.

Prahlada taught this truth to the demon boys, ``The only course advisable for a man in this world is to betake himself to the feet of Lord Narayana. Like suffering, sensual pleasure also is obtained by embodied beings in every birth by force of destiny without any effort through mere connection with a body. No effort for such pleasure should be made; from such effort follows mere waste of one's life.''

The objective of the scriptural texts and the works of the preceptors of the philosophical traditions is to reinforce the evanescence of worldly pleasures so that human beings will not fritter away their entire life in seeking them. The Acharyas of Vedantic tradition have written three types of texts - commentaries on the three important scriptures, the Brahmasutra, Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita; hymns in praise of Krishna and also independent philosophical treatises which elucidate the requisites of spiritual life.

Vaishnavism is the royal path to salvation and it lays emphasize on devotion to Lord Krishna who alone can bless one with liberation. Lord Krishna Himself has personally guided the renowned Vaishnavite Acharyas and this truth has been revealed by them.

Please Chant :Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare HareAnd Be Happy.


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