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Revelation of January 10th 2005.

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Hare Krishna! All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all Vaisnavas.

Please accept my humble obeisances and blessings. I pray that this

meets you well and in the service/mercy of Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.


My Dearest Sajeev Prabhuji;


Please forgive me, but I must comment on your post that you made to

Krishna Bhagavan Group concerning your revelations of 10 January 2005.


While it is a wonderful thing that we receive sometimes divine

revelations, we must indeed be cautious in our revealings of them.

While I am greatly humbled that you have completed parikrama, and I

do not minimize the task that you have undertaken, your personal

attack and comments upon other Maths was indeed short sighted.


While we are to indeed warned to beware of the philosophies of the

Mayavadi, no where are we instructed to comment against them. In

your post you imply that Srila Sankaracharya of Kanchi Kamakotipeetam

had the ability and information that could have saved the lives of

hundreds of thousands from the devistating Tsunami, and that he

failed to make this information known to all. Further in your post

you give praise to Srila Prabhupada, giving the indication that his

followers also had this information, but the results are that if they

did, they failed to inform the people of the impending disaster.

Then you go on to make comment concerning Lord Shiva Himself. Please

forgive me, but your post reads as an accusation against everyone

having knowledge of the Tsunami, yet in their callous selfishness

retained this information to themselves and allowing these poor souls

to suffer a cruel death without merit.


We as Vaisnavas are to speak against no one, not even the most evil

of sinners. There are strict guidlines by which we may speak against

another devotee of the Lord. It is not for us to say who is and who

is not a devotee of the Lord. Many factors come into play by which

one comes to the pure knowledge of the Lord, karma being one of

them. Of all the sins one may commit, offense against a devotee is

the most serious, one that the Lord Himself will not forgive, because

the offense is not against Him, but against the devotee.


While we are to be cautious of impersonalist philosophies, we are to

also respect the devotee. Sri Krishna Caitanya Himself took

initiation from Kesava Bharati who was a Mayavadi Sannyasi. In the

Sri Caitanya Mangala, Srila Locana Das Thakura writes that Sri

Caitanya Himself discribes Kesava Bharati as " upon seeing the

illustrious sannyasi, Gauanga stood to greet him and offered

respects. Tears fell from the Lord's eyes when He saw that PURE AND

EFFULGENT SANNYASI. " (pg 191 Visvambhara meets Kesava Bharti) Later

in the chapter, Srila Kesava Bharati states " You are the Supreme

Personality of Godhead Himself! " This statement alone attests to

Srila Kesava Bharati's purity and devotion.


While Mayavadi devotees are servants of Lord Shiva, we are warned in

the Caitanya Bhagavata that we are not to speak against them. Lord

Shiva is Sri Krishna's greatest servant. When we read the

literatures concerning the life of Sri Caitanya Himself, we will see

that he has great respect for both Lord Shiva and His devotees. As a

devotee of Srila Prabhuapda, you must realize that there are many

instances in the Srimad Bhagavatam where Lord Shiva himself glorifies

Sri Krishna. Even according to Srila Prabhupada's works, Lord Shiva

is considered as the foremost devotee of Sri Krishna. " Vaishnavanam

Yatha Shambhu " . As ultimately followers of the cult of Sri Krishna

Caitanya, we are to honor, respect and glorify Lord Shiva, because He

has the abilitites to assist us in our devotional service and

surrender unto the lotus feet of the Lord. Are you not aware of the

writings concerning Sri Caitanya's advent and

associates? " rudro 'vatirya mad-bhaktim, srimad-advaita-samjnakah;

grahiyisyati lokams ca, yatnat karunikah prabhuha " .

" Lord Shiva will incarnate as My great devotee and His name will be

Shrimad Advaita Acharya. Due to His unlimited compassion, He will

give pure bhakti to each and everyone with great endeavour. " This

statement alone by Sri Krishna Caitanya explains much. It is through

the chanting of the Pancha Tattva that we sing the name of Lord Shiva

Himself prior to Kirtana and chanting the Holy Names.


We must be extremely cautious in whom we speak against. It is not

for us to determine, but the Lord alone. We are to serve all

devotees of the Lord, not making decisions or determinations

concerning external appearances. We are taught by Srila Prabhupada

that " we are not these bodies " , yet his very own devotees continue to

judge according to bodily concept. If we are to mature and advance

in our spiritual journey, we must put aside such notions and cling

ever tightly to the chanting of the Holy Names. If we would, as

Vaisnavas, stop making judgements and cass remarks, and be merciful

to all living entities, as we are commanded to do, this world would

ring with the Holy Names continually. We need to follow Srila

Prabhupada's example and give even the Mayavadi our obeisances and

respects. He did not make differences as to who was and who was not

a devotee, but saw Sri Krishna in all living beings. This is what

personally drew me to him, his unconditional love.


While we can argue without end over this matter, the most important

aspect is that we are not to commit offense to any living entity. We

are not to distress anyone. Yes we have been sternly warned

concerning Mayavadi philosophy and through Vaisnava scripture not to

have intimate association with impersonalist, but no where is it

written that we are to disrespect anyone in any manner. Love does

not work in this way. How are we to determine how the Lord will use

us? How do we know that we will not be His instrument in bringing

someone to the merciful lotus feet of the Lord? If we throw rocks,

we need to ensure that our own house is not made of glass. The Lord

is not pleased with us when we cause distress, and if the individual

we have attacked is His pure devotee, (whether we determine they are

devotees or not does not matter), the Lord Himself will not hesitate

to protect them.


Your ending statement is most damaging to your post. You

write " Submitted humbly at the lotus feet of the

Vaisnavas..by " Bluehorse " an aspiring devotee... " You give the

impression that you are not an initiated devotee of any Institution

or Matha. This is most damaging concerning that your implication is

from a " non-devotee " . If this is indeed correct, how do you expect

the Vaisnava community to accept your " revelation " as pure and

exact? This statement throws many questions into your post

concerning the validity of your character. Please clarify this

position. If you are not an intiated devotee, I would humbly suggest

that you search for Guru and gain proper training. Book learning is

fine, but you cannot learn etiquette from a book, nor can you derive

respect. When we only read, and have little pure association,

especially the association of mature advanced devotees, much is left

to our own interpretation. This is a most dangerous position.


Please accept the rebuke that has come upon you from the community.

You have offended some in the group by your post. A true Vaisnava

would seek their forgiveness. It is a terrible thing to insult

another's Guru, and Balajih Prabhu is correct in his rebuke to you.

You should humble yourself and ask his forgiveness. He approached

you in a most submissive manner, although what he had to state to you

is indeed unpleasant. But, you must realize that he is bound by

etiquette to defend his Gurumaharaj. You should return his behavior

in kind, submissively and humbly. This is the sign of a true devotee.


If I myself have offended you or anyother in this fine Group, I

plead your forgiveness with millions of prostrations. It is not my

intent to offend, but to teach. Aparadha is not only for the

Vaisnava, but all devotees of the Lord. This is a most serious sin,

one that we all must be mindful of.


Your eternal servant;

Nitaipada Maharaja

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