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Clarification about Idol Worship

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Ramakrishna Paramahamsa wanted to give an opinion about the reliability of various religions. What he did first was to learn the basic principles and rituals of religions like Islam and Christianity and trying it himself. Later he came out with his finding that various religions different paths toward same goal.

People like Fahad has not studied Hinduism properly. 'Sanatana Dharma' has been in place since millions of years . It is based on logic and do not try to restrict the inltellegence of devotees. On the other hand religions like Islam and Christianity are teaching it's followers that only their own religion is true and everything else is rubbish. These religions also tell their followers to keep a distance from the followers of other religion to avoid contamination. If one's faith and God are strong why should he afraid of any thing ?!.

Sanatana Dharma says that God has two states, viz, Personal and Formless. Normally saints worship God in the formless (Nirguna Parabrahman)realization of which is more difficult than the former.

In the case of 'Personal God' images are used for worship. Consecated 'Deity' of a temple is not like a statue. The Deity is powerful replica of God that breathes life. It can communicate with 'Tantrics' , Vedic Astrologers and "Chosen devotees' . This is the secret behind the existence of temples.'Mantras' are immensely powerful as they invoke the 'Deity' immediately.

Bhagadvad Gita is universally known as 'Song of God' due to it's acceptance by impartial intellectuals belonging to various faiths . Please see the following verses in Chapter no.9 of Gita.


avajananti mam mudha / manusim tanum asritam

param bhavam ajananto / mama bhuta-mahesvaram

When I appear in My human-like form, foolish people with mundane intelligence disrespect Me, because they cannot comprehend My nature as the Supreme Lord of all beings.


moghasa mogha-karmano / mogha-jnana vicetasah

raksasim asurincaiva / prakrtim mohinim sritah

The hopes of such foolish people for liberation, fruitful gain and the culture of jnana all go in vain. Thus, with their minds distracted, they adopt the deluded nature of atheists and asuras.


mahatmanas tu mam partha / daivim prakrtim asritah

bhajanty ananya-manaso / jnatva bhutadim avyayam

O Partha, the mahatmas, however, having taken shelter of My divine nature, know Me to be the original and imperishable cause of all beings. They constantly engage in My bhajana with their minds fixed exclusively on Me.

Krishna’s Dasi Jayamma


Hinduism , "fahad18g" <fdfm@m...> wrote:


> Since the Hindus thought I am not respecting them, I am rephrasing

> this question. Okay, so now I ask the following. Isn't Islam, whose

> rigidness I hate, leading its people to Hell? I will show you how.

> Islam considers idol-worship an unpardonable sin and Islam's prophet

> Muhammad is responsible for not only breaking some of the idols (of

> the pagan Arabs) himself but also for ordering Ali to break the

> remaining idols of the infidel Arabs, so in this way isn't Islam

> leading its followers (the Muslims) to doing bad "Kerma" which will

> lead to punishment (or suffering or Hell-fire) after death?? Because

> he broke Arab idols, isn't Muhammad himself going to have a taste of

> Hell too? Islam's Quran also says something like "the curse of Allah

> and of his angels and of all Muslims be on the polytheists", so isn't

> the Quran also leading the Muslims to Hell? Aren't Ali and Muhammad

> (these two atleast) going to have a taste of suffering after their

> death because they broke idols? And because Muslims praise Muhammad

> and Ali for breaking the idols, aren't they going to go to Hell too?

> But you should remember that worship of idols is despised also in

> Christianity and Judiasm. Islam also tells us the story of how a

> prophet Abraham (Ibraheem) broke the idols that his own father

> created, so isn't Abraham going to suffer? By asking Muslims to

> consider idols as nothing more than stones and rocks, isn't Islam,

> according to the great philosophy of Hinduism, asking the Muslims to

> perform bad Kerma which will lead the Muslims to suffer? In this way

> isn't Islam leading its people to Hell?

> Thankx Dear Hindus,

> Fahad

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