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Lord Krishna's Grace and Compassion

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Pranam to all Vaishnavas,

Lord Krishna's grace and compassion

Many people who feel aggrieved when confronted with problems or difficulties, imagine that Lord Krishna is unkind to them. A deep study of the scriptural text, the Bhagavatham, reveals how Krishna had been extremely merciful to His devotees. It brings out the deep faith that two characters had reposed in Him, accepting which He had reciprocated by saving them on many occasions. Though born in affluent circumstances and steeped in wealth, the two were subjected to several trials which they withstood because of their total belief in Krishna's compassion and grace. The sons of one of them (Kunti)were repeatedly protected from numberless perils, like being administered poison, pushed into a great conflagration, made to face an encounter with a cannibal, undergo forest life and face deadly effects of powerful weapons. But the chain of misfortunes never made her lose her morale as she held on to Krishna's feet.

The other (Draupadi) was about to be shamed in a public assembly by evil forces, abducted by one, solicited by a passionate warrior and was forced to work as an a maid-servant . The final act of the Lord was to save the only child in the womb of Arjuna's daughter-in-law which was being burnt by a red-hot missile aimed by an enemy, by ordaining its protection by Holy Discus ‘Sudarsana Chakra’.

Truly memorable are Kunti's prayers to the Lord extolling His qualities and describing how He had extended His help to the Pandavas, when they faced several dangerous situations. ``May calamities befall us at every step through eternity because it is during adversity alone that we are blessed with Your sight, which eliminates our re-births. You are open to the perception of only those who have nothing to call their own. You are the only wealth of those who have no sense of possession. None can know what you intend doing when you are `acting' like an ordinary human being. No one is ever dear or loathsome to You, though men alone think of You in

times of adversity. Your appearance and actions in the sub-human species as well as among men, sages and other creations are mere sport. You have come to this earth to perform acts fit to be dwelt upon by the tormented souls. Your devotees hence constantly listen to, sing and repeat to others and contemplate on Your stories and rejoice'' .

All actions performed by a person who has oriented his life towards the spiritual goal are acts of worship and not just the rituals performed during the act of prayer. For the performance of the daily ritualistic worship several preparatory acts conducive to creating a congenial atmosphere for it are necessary. For instance, if we consider the simple act of offering food (Naivedya) to Krishna, it involves procuring the necessary food grains, earning the money to buy these condiments, then preparing the food and finally offering it to Krishna with

devotion. All these acts then become intrinsic to the worship of the Lord.

This is the reason why in the case of a householder all his actions right from his profession to his duties become transformed into worship if he has devotion and dedicates all his actions to Krishna. The householder has to lead an active life to discharge his duties towards his family and society and hence spiritual quest at this stage involves developing devotion to Krishna and orienting all his actions towards the spiritual goal.

This active stage in life will automatically lead to the next stage of total contemplation on Krishna after all the worldly duties have been discharged. When a spiritual aspirant reaches this level worldly attachments will drop away on their own accord if he has evolved spiritually. Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa used to give the example of the housefly which flits here and there in search of food to the life of a householder and compares the recluse to the honeybee which seeks only the nectar in the flowers.

Renunciation of worldly life is only an attitude of mind ultimately. Even while leading an active life in the world it is possible to evolve spiritually if one has the right orientation. Sages advised devotees to hold onto Krishna with one hand while engaged in worldly life and after the discharge of all the duties develop total detachment by holding onto Him with both the hands. This symbolically conveys the truth that spiritual evolution has to follow

a natural course.

When one's thoughts are always centred on Krishna then the mind will develop concentration. Once the mind gets a taste of the peace that results, it will seek this quietude instinctively. Initially this requires effort by allotting a specific time everyday to prayer and contemplation but with practice the mind will get attuned to Krishna effortlessly. This is similar to the comfort one feels in one's own home and the instinct to return to it.


Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita :

Chapter 6, Verse 47

yoginam api sarvesam / mad-gatenantaratmanasraddhavan bhajate yo mam / sa me yuktatamo matah( He who constantly performs My bhajana with full faith, always thinkingexclusively of Me within himself, is, in My opinion, the topmost of all yogis. )

Chapter 9, Verse 22ananyas cintayanto mam / ye janah paryupasatetesam nityabhiyuktanam / yoga-ksemam vahamy

ham( However, for those who are always absorbed in thoughts of Me, and who worship Me with one-pointed devotion , I Myself accomplish their necessities and preserve what they have. )



Krishna’s Dasi, Jayamma

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