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Bhagavan Krishna's acts of compassion

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Hare Krishna. Pranam to all Vaishnavas ,

Bhagavan Krishna's acts of compassion

The simple act of remembering the presence of Bhagavan Krishna at all times and thanking Him for His benevolence in extending protection on all occasions and for having rendered guidance when needed, should be considered as the best gift and an enviable privilege that a man has been endowed with. Invariably, the human tendency is to seek divine help when a man passes through crisis. But when he gets over these problems he will definitely forget the relief received.

Some may say that they have no opportunity to read or study or even listen to the epics or the Bhagavatam to display their submissive attitude to Sri Krishna and ask how then should they give expression to their feelings. For them, even the recital of one hymn praising how Bhagavan Krishna had shown the divine path to the Pandavas is sufficient. The prayers of a woman who listed the several ways in which Sri Krishna had saved her sons from the jaws of death, will remind mankind as to how to express their gratitude. Called ``Kunti Stuthi'', the poignant verses serve as a treasure.

After protecting the child that was growing in the womb of the scion of the Pandavas from the deadly effects of ‘Brahmstra) aimed by the enemy (Aswathama), Sri Krishna was due to leave for home when Kunti, felt grieved and with others submitted her plea to Sri Krishna to shower His grace on them. ``You have protected us from being administered with poison, from a huge fire, from man- eating demons, and in the latest occasion, saving the only child from the dart discharged to kill it. May calamities befall us at every step through eternity, because only in adversity that we will be blessed with Your sight. You are the only wealth of those who have no sense of possession'', she prayed.

After Kunti's song of praise elaborated in the Bhagavatham, Yudhishtira broods over the destruction caused in the Kurukshetra war, and with his brothers meets the grandsire, Bhishma, who was wounded and was awaiting death, and receives clarifications from him on a variety of topics concerning ``Righteousness'', and the sacred obligations and courses of conduct. After Krishna's departure and Yudhishtira's rule over the kingdom, the child that was protected by Sri Krishna was born and through him, the dynasty continued.

This ruler was Parikshit for whom the Bhagavatham, consisting of Bhagavan Krishna's incarnations, was narrated. ``Bhishma Stuthi'' extolls Bhagavan Krishna's acts of compassion and His kind gesture to those who fall at His feet.

Sri Krishna Says in Bhagavad Gita , Chapter 8, Sloka 14 :

ananya-cetah satatam / yo mam smarati nityasahtasyaham sulabhah partha / nitya-yuktasya yoginah( O Partha, for one who is constantly absorbed in bhakti (devotional service) and who continuously remembers Me with an undistracted mind, I am easily attainable. )


SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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