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Bhagavan Krishna's quality of easy accessibility

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Hare Krishna . Pranam to all Vaishnavas,

Bhagavan Krishna's quality of easy accessibility

Human life in the world is of two types. The first which the majority lead is materialistic wherein only the pursuit of worldly comforts and pleasures of the senses for one's gratification is the sole motive, while the other is a Krishna - centred life wherein all actions are oriented to realising the Bhagavan. Such a person is a true devotee of Sri Kishna and whatever he enjoys in life is accepted by him as the grace of Krishna. One need not necessarily be

learned in the scriptures or given to austerities to attain this frame of mind ; what is necessary is unalloyed devotion to Sri Krishna which is expressed by overwhelming love for the Bhagavan. Such souls are rare but it is such a devotee who is dear to Bhagavan Krishna and He seeks their company .

The Bhagavata Purana describes this kind of devotion to Sri Krishna while portraying the childhood deeds of Krishna by highlighting how He made Himself easily accessible to the cowherd boys of Gokul. To them He was a friend and they all indulged in pranks and sports as boys of that age do. It would not have even occurred to them that Krishna was the Supreme Godhead but they all adored Him and could not bear to be separated from Him.The Bhagavan's deeds (Lila) like killing the demons Trnavarta, Bakasura and Aghasura were extraordinary but to them Krishna was their dear friend and how and why He

performed such superhuman feats did not matter to them.

After rescuing His friends from death which had threatened them in the form of the serpent Aghasura, Sri Krishna in order to make them get over their fright suggested that they ate their lunch which they had brought with them to eat on the banks of the Yamuna while tending the cows. This Purana describes how even the denizens of the heaven looked on with wonder at the camaraderie between Bhagavan Krishna and His friends and His easy accessibility to them.

``Describing to one another the taste of each dish, all took their meal in the company of Bhagavan Krishna, laughing and making others laugh. Bearing the flute between His midriff and the cloth tied around his body and His horn and cane under His left armpit and holding a buttered morsel of cooked rice in His left hand and fruits stuck in between His fingers, seated in the middle and inducing laughter in the friends surrounding Him by His jokes, Bhagavan Sri Krishna engaged in childlike sports and dined with them.'' The Supreme Godhead of the universe, who partakes the offerings in sacrifices indirectly through the agency of fire, in the case of these cowherd boys ate with

relish the food they offered after they had tasted it .

Bhagavan Krishna says in Gita , Chapter . Sloka 14 & 22 :

ananya-cetah satatam / yo mam smarati nityasahtasyaham sulabhah partha / nitya-yuktasya yoginah

purusah sa parah partha / bhaktya labhyas tv ananyayayasyantah-sthani bhutani / yena sarvam idam tatam

(O Partha, for one who is constantly absorbed in bhakti-yoga and who continuously remembers Me with an undistracted mind, I am easily attainable.O Partha, I am that Supreme Person in whom all beings are situated, and by whom,as Antaryami, this whole world is pervaded. I am attained only by

ananya bhakti.)


SriKrishnaDasa RajeevSend instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.

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