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Remain poised amidst vagaries of life

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Hare Krishna. Pranam to all Vaishnavas ,

Remain poised amidst vagaries of life

Human life in the world is an admixture of joys and sorrows and it is very often related by elders that no one can enjoy unalloyed happiness always or face only unhappiness in life. Human birth is the result of previous deeds and hence it is not possible to escape from one's Karma. A wise person who understands this truth reposes faith in divine dispensation and accepts his lot with equanimity of mind and prays to God to give him strength to face the vicissitudes of life.

Likewise, it is also necessary to retain mental poise when fortune smiles without going overboard with joy or get totally depressed when beset with problems. Moreover, some people have the tendency to take the credit for their successes and blame Providence for their failures without realising that whatever they enjoy in life is due to the combined result of their Karma and Providence.

The life of Bhagavan Krishna when He manifested as Rama serves to teach this important lesson which every human being must learn to face life situations. Rama underwent great trials and tribulations just like an average human being and His conduct in these situations is worthy of emulation. The manner in which Rama conducted Himself when He was banished to the forest on the eve of His coronation is a case in point.

Though there was a total reversal in His fortune Rama was only intent on fulfilling the boon Dasaratha had granted to Kaikeyi without any thought of personal discomfort. The Ramayana notes that after reaching Chitrakoot and in the company of sages ``Rama for His part rejoiced and shed the agony caused by His exile from the city of Ayodhya.''

The same could not be said of Dasaratha who was beside himself with grief caused by separation from Rama. When Sumantra returned from the forest after leaving Rama, Sita and Lakshmana in the forest, the king gave vent to his sorrow raving like a mad man and swooned unable to bear the agony. Even Kausalya who had remained in control when they took leave of her could not contain her distress when Sumantra conveyed Rama's parting message to her. Forgetting that Dasaratha was also suffering the same pangs of separation from Rama like her, Kausalya spoke harsh words to him even though she was foremost among his devoted wives. She gave vent to her pent- up anguish by condemning Dasaratha for all that had happened without realising that

it was not going to change the situation. Unable to bear the harsh words the king swooned again crying out to Rama and died.

Bhagavan Krishna says in Gita Chapter 2 , Sloka 66 & 67 :

nasti buddhir ayuktasya / na cayuktasya bhavanana cabhavayatah santir / asantasya kutah sukham

indriyanam hi caratam / yan mano 'nuvidhiyatetad asya harati prajnam / vayur navam ivambhasi(One whose mind is uncontrolled, and who is bereft of intelligence related to

the atma, is unable to attain peace through meditation on Paramesvara. And without peace, where is the possibility of happiness?Just as the wind sweeps away a boat on the water, similarly, any one of the wandering senses can divert a man's uncontrolled mind and carry away his intelligence. )



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