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Bhagavan Krishna intervenes in the working of Karma to help His devotees

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Hare Krishna. Pranam to all Vaishnavas,

Bhagavan Krishna intervenes in the working of Karma to help His devotee

It is common to see certain virtuous people suffering in the world while a few of those given to immoral ways blessed with good things in life. This paradox is sure to confound and demoralise those who are wedded to Dharma because they do not seem to enjoy the result of their good actions (Karma) in this life. The scriptures are the only source to which such people can resort to boost their morale in times of despondency. Bhagavan Krishna has clarified in the Bhagavad Gita that man cannot escape from reaping the fruit of his actions and that He gives the result of man's Karma.

One may wonder why Karma cannot operate without the agency of the Bhagavan on its own. Karma as such is incapable of giving result directly and works through other agencies. For instance, when a person acquires Punya by performing good deeds, the result may attain fruition perhaps in another birth and will be conferred through some external agency though Krishna dispenses it. Man accumulates Karma by thought, word and deed. Only Bhagavan Krishna who is all-knowing and resides as the indweller (Antaryamin) in all knows

what transpires in the minds of men. Hence the role of a divine agency in human lives to dispense the fruit of actions becomes imperative.

The Bhagavata Purana highlighted this truth while expounding the life of Dhruva, the child-devotee of Mahavishnu. Spurned by his stepmother, Suruchi, when he sought his father's love and attention, Dhruva yet a child, ran crying to his mother, Suniti. Lifting her sobbing child the noble lady instead of speaking ill of those who had wronged them, consoled him saying, ``Entertain no evil thought about others, dear child. For a man reaps in this life the very suffering he has inflicted on others in a previous existence...''

Suniti also advised Dhruva that both worldly and heavenly joys can be obtained only by worshipping Bhagavan Vishnu and directed him, ``Take refuge in Him who is fond of His devotees and access to whose lotus feet is sought after by men keen to get liberated and imprinting His image on your mind, purified by devotion to your duty and exclusively attached to Him, adore the Supreme Person. I find none other than the Bhagavan who can wipe out your sorrow.''

Without being fatalistic or blaming others for one's lot in life, a person in adversity must try to improve his condition by reposing faith in Bhagavan Krishna and worshipping Him because only Sri Krishna can intervene in the working of Karma in human lives.

Bhagavan Krishna says in Gita Chapter 9, Sloka 17, 18, 19 and 22 :

pitaham asya jagato / mata dhata pitamahahvedyam pavitram omkara / rk sama yajur eva cagatir bhartta prabhuh saksi / nivasah saranam suhrtprabhavah pralayah sthanam / nidhanam bijam avyayam

tapamy aham aham varsam / nigrhnamy utsrjami caamrtancaiva mrtyus ca / sad asac caham arjuna

ananyas cintayanto mam / ye janah paryupasatetesam nityabhiyuktanam / yoga-ksemam vahamy ham

( I am the mother, the father, the maintainer and the grandsire of the universe. I am the object of knowledge and the purifier. I am the syllable om and I am also the Rg, Yajur and Sama Vedas.

I am destiny in the form of the fruit of karma, the sustainer, the Lord, the witness, the abode, the refuge and the dearest well-wishing friend. I am the creation, the dissolution, the basis, the restingplace and the eternal seed.

I give heat and I withhold and release the rain. I am immortality and I am death personified. I am the cause of everything and also the effect; spirit and matter are both in Me.

However, for those who are always absorbed in thoughts of Me, and who worship Me with one-pointed devotion by every means, I Myself achieve their necessities and preserve what they have. )


SriKrishnaDasa RajeevSend instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.

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