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Why I Am A Christian & WHY I AM NOT

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Dear Mr. Vinu Ram, Greetings from a fellow being, who is seeking to find the TRUTH / REALITY / ESSENCE / FACT. Since I claim to be a genuine seeker, I have got a lot of answers I would keep on asking questions, and that too, pointed ones. If you are ready to get onto a platform where we can discuss spiritual matters logically, intelligently and without prejudice (which I cannot expect from you since you have already formed an opinion that I am very much against Christianity, even though the article which I posted is authored by one of the acclaimed philosophers of our times, Mr. Bertrand Russel, who has not left neither Hindu Scholars’ attitudes nor Islam’s dogmas free of criticism). In fact, he has made fun of Hindu Saints who probably have not answered him properly or he may not have found an authoritative God-realised Guru to ask his questions, because God-realised souls would never give the answers that he has quoted in his

article. I can give a better answer than what he has quoted in his article, which is beside the point here. Wasn’t it proper for you to write to me after reading and understanding what Mr. Russel discussed in his articles with some valid reasoning ? I read it with an open mind trying to learn something new from him. He has criticized all major religions in light of the science’s progress of his times. And from that angle, he was right and that is the reason that he was considered a highly intellectual philosopher. Science has progressed much further since the 1920s when sub-atomic level understandings were in their primitive stages when Mr. Russel made his observations and arguments. That position from a scientific point of view has changed since then because in the 1960s, scientists have started watching atoms (which are the building blocks of this Universe), dancing with energy through very powerful microscopes, to arrive at the MOST SCIENTIFIC OMNI-PRESENT/OMNIPOTENT/OMNISCIENT UNIFYING FIELD/WHOLESOME CONSCIOUSNESS/ENERGY from which the entire activities in this Universe function in a co-ordinated manner, as a part of that WHOLE, which the ancient

Maharishis of India explained/described through VEDAs and UPANISHADs. IN FACT, WE ALL ARE A PART OF THAT WHOLE UNIFIED FIELD / CONSCIOUSNESS AND THAT IS WHY ARE ARE ALL DIVINE AND COSMIC. If Mr. Russel lived today, his arguments would have taken much more acceptable shapes to the scientists. Western and European Scientists are now studying the Vedas and Upanishads and other Scriptures of Sanatana Dharma so that the activities of energy concentrations at sub-atomic levels could be co-related to some understandable nature and purpose. Now, every scientific advancement into the hitherto unknown frontiers of Physical sciences such as Physics at viewable and atomic/sub-atomic level activities not viewable by naked eyes, Chemistry, Bio-chemistry, Biology and Zoology, Human Physiology, Mathematics, Plant & Animal Kingdom, etc. are knocking the doors of VEDIC WISDOM, which according to them, are KNOWLEDGE WITHOUT AMBIGUITY AND SCIENTIFIC. About 4,500 patents by Germany, 2,500 patents by U.S.A., and as many number by U.K have been registered, which are based on the Scriptures of Sanatana Dharma,

such as AYUR VEDA, VASTHU SHASTRA (STHAPATHYA VEDA), DHANUR VEDA, KAAMA SHASTRA, ARTHA SHASTRA, NIRUKTHA, VYAKARAN, CHANDAS, VEDAS, UPANISHADS, ARANYAKAS, BRAHMANAS, SHAD-DARSHANAS, UPAVEDAS, VEDANGAS, PURANAS, UPAPURANAS, ITHIHAASAS, ETC. THESE KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS AND PRODUCTS ARE PATENTED BECAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN PROVEN 100% SCIENTIFIC. There are thousands of Scriptures in Sanatana Dharma and all of them are Scientific, which is the reason why these Scriptures are sought after now by anyone who is able to connect this knowledge to the life that we are leading. Visit www.amiahindu.com and see for yourself that the entire Sanatana Dharma Scriptures are COPYRIGHTED BY AMERICAN LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. WHY??????? “SEEK AND YOU WILL FIND” is a logical statement that any ordinary man could advise, because that is a tool with which man moves forward. When I have a desire (spiritual or material) and I start seeking ways to fulfill it and my seeking only would take me to the fulfillment of the desire. THAT IS A PRACTICAL LESSON ONE LEARNS FROM EVERYDAY LIFE. Even the Maharishis also became Maharishis because they wanted (sought) to know the secrets and purpose of creation, sustenance and the end of the creation (dissolution of that is created). Due to the austere penances and tapasya that they could transcend this material world and experience God. For the benefit of

human race, they explained and described in the most scientific and absolute terms what they experienced and how every individual could experience what they experienced. (Looking at the habits of modern day scientists, you could say ancient Maharishis were also scientists or in other words, modern day scientists are Maharishis, since both categories of these souls pursued their quests, relentlessly seeking to know the TRUTH that lies at the bottom of every phenomenon that took place around them). These exalted Maharishis knew that every individual though physically of same features is continually evolving to higher and higher levels of understandings of THAT

ULTIMATE TRUTH (we call BRAHMAN) KNOWINGLY or UNKNOWINGLY, and therefore, differ in intelligence. (KNOWINGLY once you start consciously searching for spiritual satisfaction, OR UNKNOWINGLY as you move along in life normally as all others do without understanding the purpose or meaning of life). They became Achaaryas (Gurus), first because they knew the UNIVERSAL TRUTH scientifically, then by explaining that TRUTH to individuals of the highest intelligent level/capacity through the most sophisticated Scriptures such as VEDAs and Upanishads, down to the most common and illiterate/working class individuals through Mahapuranas, Upapuranas, Ithihaasaas, etc. Through these Scriptures, everyone who followed them were able to improve their lives by knowing what is right and wrong (but, not

necessarily doing always the right things, because after all humans are humans and are subject individual choices and cravings some of which result in negative tendencies and negative evolution). They also explained the scientific methods of Yoga and Meditation (which are called ACHAARAAS – There are Achaaraas, Duraacharaas and Anaachaaras, mind you) with which one can experience that DIVINE TRUTH and THE ETERNAL BLISS (NOT IN THE LIFE AFTER DEATH BUT DURING THIS LIFE TIME ITSELF). AND THEY PRACTICALLY LED A LIFE FOLLOWING THOSE SCIENTIFIC ACHAARAAS (CUSTOMS AND RITUALS). And that is the definition of Achaarya – One who

knows and has experienced THE ULTIMATE DIVINE TRUTH scientifically, one who can explain / describe THAT TRUTH in unambiguous terms to the seekers and the scientific methods by which seekers can experience THAT TRUTH, AND ALSO ONE WHO FOLLOWS THOSE SCIENTIFIC METHODS, ACHAARAAS, RITUALS AND CUSTOMS IN HIS OWN LIFE. (Against this, today’s most of the Bishops and Mullahs and Achaaryas are the last human species worth positioning as IDEALS FOR OTHERS TO FOLLOW. The compensation to be paid against 9,000 odd child abuse cases in American Priest World is about to wreck the empire called Churchianity and Vatican structurally and financially, as we learn from the news). What moral strength can be achieved from such institutions, WHICH AGAIN PROVE THAT ONE’S RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD IS ONE’S PERSONAL MATTER AND NOTHING SHOULD BE IMPOSED ON ONE BY ANY ONE FOR THAT MATTER. HEALTHY DISCUSSIONS AND EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION ARE HELPFUL FOR SEEKERS, BUT CLAIMING SUPERIORITY OF ONE DOGMA OVER THE OTHER WILL ONLY LEAD TO COMPETITION AND NEGATIVE RESULTS. AND THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE TRUTH AND THAT TRUTH HAS TO BE UNIVERSAL, SCIENTIFIC AND APPROACHABLE/ACCESSIBLE BY EVERYONE. So, in Indian Traditions, it was through incessant seeking, questioning, logical and intelligent debates and discussions that THE TRUTH of THE OMNIPRESENT ISHWARA was established and passed on from generation to generation. UNLIKE SEMITIC GODS AND PRIEST CLASS FORBIDDING FOLLOWERS FROM “ASKING QUESTIONS” SAYING “FOLLOW WITHOUT ASKING QUESTIONS, AS ASKING QUESTIONS AMOUNT TO DOUBTING THE DIVINE AND THAT IS A DEVIL’S APPROACH”. In fact, quotations in your letter show simply that you have followed what all those

sheeps called Christians did these 2000 years, repeating like a parrot what you were taught from the childhood. You have said nothing new or originally from your own perceptions, except saying that you experienced God. Could you please explain that personal experience of God ? I have no complaints because your belief and faith are absolutely your personal matters. Who am I to interfere ? But, this letter is necessitated due to your following reply. In my note, I mentioned that the article

of Mr. Russel for repeated readings by Hindus AND CHRISTIANS WHO WANT TO THINK FREELY (without the restrictions of the Priest Class). My spiritual quest is about 35 years only. I have searched for Truth in Bible and Quran first before looking into Sanatana Dharma Traditions, because I grew up with a so-called modern outlook imposed on me that “Hinduism is full of Superstitions and Duraachaaras and Anaachaaras. I have made some progress, which we can discuss during the course of our future exchanges. To tell you frankly, Bible (King James Version and American Standard) has not satisfied me. I heard the cassettes of Mr. Aravindaksha Menon also bogusly quoting RG VEDA for Jesus’s Teachings. From the beginning itself, so many doubts started biting me that by the 5th book, I felt suffocated and could not continue. I completed reading Quran twice, but two factors led me to discard the same. We will talk about Quran later when we finish New Testament. I discussed my doubts with few of my Christian friends, and they were never bothered about such logical questionings. Regular visits to Church and repeating the prayers that are taught from childhood are the end of their seeking and therefore, they could not shed any light to clear my doubts. If you are Biblical Scholar, we can discuss, otherwise, let us not waste time. As long as you are happy with your faith, please go on. But, please do not impose on me a burden saying that Jesus suffered for my sins. (BY THE BY, WHAT HAPPENS TO PEOPLE WHO LIVED BEFORE JESUS ? AND ALSO MILLIONS OF THEM WHO NEVER HAPPENED TO HEAR ABOUT HIM DURING HIS LIFE TIME ? ) I am a fallible human being, I commit sins some times for which I know that I would suffer. Absolutely my responsibility and I would never lean on some one to share my sins. But, I know that my understanding about the whole creation and the created improves by every passing hour and day, and I would leave this world as a better human being than I was the day or the hour before. Every experience adds on to my strength and analyzing/observation powers. I am just happy with that philosophy. Until about a year back, I considered Jesus as a great Teacher, but the material from different sources which came to me (such as “AGE OF REASON” a book written by Thomas Paine, an American in 1793-94) changed my perception about the historicity of the person called “Jesus”. Also, various websites, such as www.reformation.org, www.conspiracyarchive.com, www.jesusneverexisted.com, www.askwhy.co.uk/judaism, www.askwhy.co.uk/Pious

Lies etc. and many others opened up the unbelievable tracks started by THE Jewish PRIEST CLASS 2500 years ago (controlling the then naïve population by LIES based on a GOD not perceivable by common man) who led a gullible section of local population into blindly and ignorantly following a dogma of “CHOSEN PEOPLE”. And I learn that By 400 AD when King Constantine of Italy declared Christianity as the official religion of the Country, this religion of lies acquired some dignity and by 700 AD, it has become a big industry and Bible had already gone through thousands of amendments. Thomas Paine says that till his time, around 300,000 changes were made in

the original Bible. I will attach a mail posted by a very highly educated Kerala Christian gentleman who worked in States for the last 30 years at a very high post, who says that King James Version of Bible underwent 7 changes. CAN WORD OF GOD BE CHANGED ??????? I am sure, the two Bibles that I downloaded from internet (one in 2000 and one in 2003) would be varying in each other’s contents, because whatever man-made is not INFALLIBLE. When I discussed with an American gentleman, who has read AGE OF REASON, about the Jesus’s existence asked me plainly “whether one should have FAITH IN FAITH or not ?” AND THAT IS WHAT I HEAR HAPPENING IN AMERICA NOW A DAYS, propped up by the enthusiasts defending Jesus. Instead of trying to find out the truth more deeply, one is trying to cling on to the pet dogmas and beliefs. Again I have no problems. Your belief or faith is your baby. BUT, Please do not tell me that only through Jesus, I would find salvation. That philosophy does not hold any value for me,

because I would like to experience God for myself and not through a third party. In case that God is not prepared to allow me to experience Him one to one without the mediation or help of others, I would not consider that God UNIVERSASL. That God would be a very narrow-minded, shy of becoming all visible, exclusive to some section of the humanity, etc. In short, That God is not acceptable to me who cannot give me a one to one meeting and not only to me but to everyone, because I consider every human being my equal. NOTHING LESS NOTHING MORE……. The problem is that I took birth


AND YOU WANT TO KNOW SOMETHING MORE ???? MANY STORIES IN THE BIBLE ARE REPRODUCTIONS WITH DIFFERENT STORY DEVELOPMENTS/BACKGROUNDS WITH DIFFERENT CHARACTER NAMES, FROM THAT OF THE VEDAS, UPANISHADS, ITHIHAASAAS, PURANAS AND UPAPURANAS, etc. (To quote a couple of them, There is a story of a Rishi trying to sacrifice his sone Rishi, Sunasepa on the Altar of Yajna – similar story of Abraham trying to sacrifice Issac appears in Bible. Noah’s arc is another reproduction from the Matsya Puran in which Lord Vishnu Asks a Maharishi to collect all the living bodies into a big boat to save them from the Pralaya (Flood) which

was about to dissolve the creation of that particular time cycle. Like this, I can quote dozens of stories that are in Hindu Books which have appeared in Bible). And this is one reason that the lie called ARYAN INVASION THEORY as a historical fact was advanced by Europeans and Britishers in the Indian’s mind, so that they would never find out that most of the Biblical Stories are reproductions from Hindu scriptures. Many stories and story concepts from Greek Mythologies also have appeared in Bible. Buddhist influence in the Bible and Jesus’s teachings is already mentioned by

Mr. Russel in his essay. SO, THE BIBLICAL GOD, INITIALLY WAS A LOCAL DEITY AND THUS IS THE INVENTION OF CRAFTY HUMAN MINDS JOINED TOGETHER AS PRIEST CLASS, AMALMAGATING DIFFERENT CULTURAL ETHICS SUPPORTED BY THEIR BACKGROUND STORIES TO WEILD POWER AND WEALTH OVER NAÏVE AND IGNORANT POPULATION. IN THIS AGE OF MASS COMMUNICATION, MANY HISTORICAL FACTS FROM DIFFERENT COUNTRIES AND SOURCES ARE PIECED TOGETHER AND MORE AND MORE PEOPLE ARE COMING TO KNOW THESE FACTS. THAT IS WHY SANATANA DHARMA SAYS “SATYAMEVA JAYATE” (TRUTH ONLY PREVAILS)……… AND THERE IS ONLY ONE TRUTH……… IN THIS UNIVERSE……… The origin of present generation of RG VEDA, which is the first VEDA, has been dated to be about 10,500 years old, by back calculations done on certain planetary movements and constellation described in the same, done by Switzerland Indologists (not Indians). And in RG VEDA first nine Mantras, the Rishis mention that they are seeing/experiencing the same phenomenon that their forefathers as Maharishis have seen and experienced, which means RG VEDA predates pre-historical times. In your own letter, I have questions to ask on a number of your declarations and if you permit me, I would ask. I would be happy to get some satisfying answers from you. Now, I have not started asking the real questions from the Bible – Genesis onwards. If you think that we can continue some constructive discussions openly without any ill feeling towards each other, let us continue. Otherwise, please forget about this letter and let us be friends as we are. I am sorry if I have dragged you into unnecessary discussions, please forgive me. With best regards and prayers, IM vinu ram <vinoosram wrote:

Dear Sir,I did not have time to read what you wrote, but I amsure you were very much against Christianity. Wellhistory does record that Christ did live 2000 yrs ago.The very fact His disciples some uneducated fishermenwent throughout the world without caring much fortheir lives prove that they had experienced somethingwhich others did not.Christianity springs out from an open tomb. Historyrecords that while Christ lay buried in the tombeveryone went on their own. Then in the Bible it isrecorded that He appeared to more than 500 people.I will give you a little insight into who and why didChrist come into this world. In the beginning we seeGod created man we believe and then they committed asin, this fall was because of the devil he lied to theman and woman. And the fall was too much that theyresembled the

devil more than God their creator anddeath came upon them. God is love and He loves whatever he creates. And sohe did not want them to die. Greek History points outthat when Adam was dying his son Seth went in searchof medicine and he reached the gate of the Garden ofEden from where the Adam and Eve were expelled. Anangel who guarded the gate when approached by Sethwith the problem went into the Garden and broke a stemfrom the tree which caused Adam and Eve to sin byeating it's fruit. The angel gave this branch and toldhim when this branch bears fruit your father won'tdie. Seth returned with the branch but Adam hadalready died. On Adam's tomb the branch was planted. Years went by and then one day Queen Sheeba againsomeone in the Bible came to know about this tree thaton it will hang one for whose death the Jews willperish. She told this to King Solomon, he ordered thetree to be cut and then buried it,

where the probaticpool was made John 5:2. When the time came forChrist's death the wood floated up, as though toforetell Christ, from then on the water began to bemoved by a descent of an angel. When the Jews werelooking for a wood to nail Jesus they found this andthus the the tree brought fruit. Adam was healed anddid not die.Jesus was the salvation plan for the whole of mankind.The Jews the people who heard God and did not breakHis commandments and to them was promised a Messiah.The Jews taught that by following the commandmentsthey could please God but all the way God wanted themto be merciful and that is why they could not acceptJesus as their God because he was showing compassionto the Gentiles (those who stopped obeying God).Jesus still continues to speak to many and still therecontinues to be miracles performed even after 2000years of His death and resurrection. I believe becausenot because I

am born into a Christian family butbecause I have experienced God. And for everyone whowants to find out whether Jesus or God does exist hereis a promise Jesus our Lord gave us, "Seek and Youshall find."At the end I need to tell you also that Jesus came tobring salvation upon mankind and then once more Hewill come we believe to judge the whole of mankind.And we Christians know it is quite near. The nextPope's time will be full of sufferings for the Church.And then the city will be destroyed and then will comethe dreadful Judge. As a sign Jesus told to a St Faustina of the DivineMercy "Before My coming of that day of justice, therewill be a sign of the heavens. All light will beextinguished in Heaven and on earth. There will appearin the sky, the sign of the Cross from each of thewounds in My hands and feet will shine forth a lightthat will for a brief time brighten the earth. Thiswill be for a short

time, before the last day."And then we will be with our Creator. St Augustineonce said "I will be restless only when I am with myCreator I will find rest."My religion does not not exist because of Me but Iexist because of My religion.--- vavamenon wrote: > A GREAT ARTICLE, TO BE READ AGAIN AND AGAIN BY> HINDUS............ AND THE CHRISTIANS (WHO WANT TO> THINK FREELY...........)> > viji123 wrote:Why I Am Not A> Christian by Bertrand Russell> http://www.users.drew.edu/~jlenz/whynot.html> > Introductory note: Russell delivered this lecture on> March 6, 1927 to > the National Secular Society, South London Branch,> at Battersea Town > Hall. Published in pamphlet form in that same year,> the essay > subsequently achieved new fame with Paul Edwards'> edition of > Russell's book, Why I Am

Not a Christian and Other> Essays ... (1957). >----> ----------> > As your Chairman has told you, the subject about> which I am going to > speak to you tonight is "Why I Am Not a Christian."> Perhaps it would > be as well, first of all, to try to make out what> one means by the > word Christian. It is used these days in a very> loose sense by a > great many people. Some people mean no more by it> than a person who > attempts to live a good life. In that sense I> suppose there would be > Christians in all sects and creeds; but I do not> think that that is > the proper sense of the word, if only because it> would imply that all > the people who are not Christians -- all the> Buddhists, Confucians, > Mohammedans, and so on -- are not trying to live a>

good life. I do > not mean by a Christian any person who tries to live> decently > according to his lights. I think that you must have> a certain amount > of definite belief before you have a right to call> yourself a > Christian. The word does not have quite such a> full-blooded meaning > now as it had in the times of St. Augustine and St.> Thomas Aquinas. > In those days, if a man said that he was a Christian> it was known > what he meant. You accepted a whole collection of> creeds which were > set out with great precision, and every single> syllable of those > creeds you believed with the whole strength of your> convictions. > > > What Is a Christian?> Nowadays it is not quite that. We have to be a> little more vague in > our meaning of Christianity. I think, however, that> there are two > different

items which are quite essential to anybody> calling himself > a Christian. The first is one of a dogmatic nature> -- namely, that > you must believe in God and immortality. If you do> not believe in > those two things, I do not think that you can> properly call yourself > a Christian. Then, further than that, as the name> implies, you must > have some kind of belief about Christ. The> Mohammedans, for instance, > also believe in God and in immortality, and yet they> would not call > themselves Christians. I think you must have at the> very lowest the > belief that Christ was, if not divine, at least the> best and wisest > of men. If you are not going to believe that much> about Christ, I do > not think you have any right to call yourself a> Christian. Of course, > there is another sense, which you find in Whitaker's>

Almanack and in > geography books, where the population of the world> is said to be > divided into Christians, Mohammedans, Buddhists,> fetish worshipers, > and so on; and in that sense we are all Christians.> The geography > books count us all in, but that is a purely> geographical sense, which > I suppose we can ignore.Therefore I take it that> when I tell you why > I am not a Christian I have to tell you two> different things: first, > why I do not believe in God and in immortality; and,> secondly, why I > do not think that Christ was the best and wisest of> men, although I > grant him a very high degree of moral goodness. > But for the successful efforts of unbelievers in the> past, I could > not take so elastic a definition of Christianity as> that. As I said > before, in olden days it had a much more> full-blooded

sense. For > instance, it included he belief in hell. Belief in> eternal hell-fire > was an essential item of Christian belief until> pretty recent times. > In this country, as you know, it ceased to be an> essential item > because of a decision of the Privy Council, and from> that decision > the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Archbishop of> York dissented; > but in this country our religion is settled by Act> of Parliament, and > therefore the Privy Council was able to override> their Graces and > hell was no longer necessary to a Christian.> Consequently I shall not > insist that a Christian must believe in hell. > > > The Existence of God> To come to this question of the existence of God: it> is a large and > serious question, and if I were to attempt to deal> with it in any > adequate manner I should have

to keep you here until> Kingdom Come, so > that you will have to excuse me if I deal with it in> a somewhat > summary fashion. You know, of course, that the> Catholic Church has > laid it down as a dogma that the existence of God> can be proved by > the unaided reason. That is a somewhat curious> dogma, but it is one > of their dogmas. They had to introduce it because at> one time the > freethinkers adopted the habit of saying that there> were such and > such arguments which mere reason might urge against> the existence of > God, but of course they knew as a matter of faith> that God did exist. > The arguments and the reasons were set out at great> length, and the > Catholic Church felt that they must stop it.> Therefore they laid it > down that the existence of God can be proved by the> unaided reason > and they had

to set up what they considered were> arguments to prove > it. There are, of course, a number of them, but I> shall take only a > few. > > The First-cause Argument> Perhaps the simplest and easiest to understand is> the argument of the > First Cause. (It is maintained that everything we> see in this world > has a cause, and as you go back in the chain of> causes further and > further you must come to a First Cause, and to that> First Cause you > give the name of God.) That argument, I suppose,> does not carry very > much weight nowadays, because, in the first place,> cause is not quite > what it used to be. The philosophers and the men of> science have got > going on cause, and it has not anything like the> vitality it used to > have; but, apart from that, you can see that the> argument that there > must be a

First Cause is one that cannot have any> validity. I may say > that when I was a young man and was debating these> questions very > seriously in my mind, I for a long time accepted the> argument of the > First Cause, until one day, at the age of eighteen,> I read John > Stuart Mill's Autobiography, and I there found this> sentence: "My > father taught me that the question 'Who made me?'> cannot be answered, > since it immediately suggests the further question> `Who made god?'" > That very simple sentence showed me, as I still> think, === message truncated === ______________________ India Matrimony: Find your life partner onlineGo to: http://.shaadi.com/india-matrimonyGOD pervades all Creation and hence we are all a part of GOD. WE ARE ALL ONE, when we are SILENT, as in

that silent state, the division between "YOU" and "I" does not take place. Our sole duty in this life is to realise by our experiences that GOD is within us and everyone and everything in existence.

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