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On the Ecstatic Road for Sri Krishna

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Hare Krishna,

On the Ecstatic Road for Sri Krishna

There is truly nothing sweeter and more ecstatic than being on the road for Krishna. Lord Krishna is very much desirous that His sleeping sons and daughters throughout the world may be awakened from their deep slumber of illusion and misery. Anyone who takes up the work of spreading Krishna consciousness all over the world becomes especially favored by the Lord.

Such a person is unlimitedly and inconceivably blessed. Even though I have absolutely no qualification whatsoever to be engaged in this most glorious of all activities I am making my tiny humble attempt because I have been ordered to so do by my beloved Guru Maharaja, His Divine Grace Om Vishnupada Paramahamsa Parivrajakacharya Astottara Sata Sri Srimad A.C. Bhaktivedanta Tridandi Goswami Prabhupada.

na ca tasman manusyesu

kascin me priya-krttamah

bhavita na ca me tasmad

anyah priyataro bhuvi

("There is no servant in this world more dear to Me than he who spreads this knowledge of the Bhagavad-gita, nor will there ever be one more dear." Bhagavad-gita 18.69)

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


How to Conquer the Offenses Against the Holy Names? <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

Dear Srila Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I noticed that I am indeed often inattentive while chanting the names of Krishna. Is it true that if I continue committing offenses and not endeavor to become rid of them I will not make any advancement despite of doing my practice very nicely? Will I enthuse Krishna by putting all of my efforts to conquer offenses? How will I know that I am really conquering them?

Your servant,



May You Become a Pure Chanter <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

My Dear Maija,

Please accept my blessings. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Yes, you must constantly endeavor to free yourself from all offenses against the holy names if you want to make advancement. There is no question of doing your practice nicely if you are offending the holy names. Sri Krishna will be most enthused by your service if you focus on becoming free from all offenses. You will know that you are conquering the offenses when you develop more and more of a taste for performing devotional service.

The Ten Offenses Against Purely Chanting the Holy Names of the Lord are as follows:

(1) To blaspheme the devotees who have dedicated their lives for propagating the holy name of Lord Sri Krishna.

(2) To consider the names of other devatas to be equal to, or independent of, the name of Lord Vishnu. (Sometimes the atheistic class of men take it that any devata is as good as , the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vishnu. But one who is a devotee knows that no devata, however great he may be, is independently as good as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore, if someone thinks that he can chant other devatas’ names and it is the same as Hare Krishna, that is a big offence.)

(3) To disobey the orders of the spiritual master. (This means you must be fully surrendered to the spiritual master.)

(4) To blaspheme the Vedic literature or literature in pursuance of the Vedic version.

(5) To consider the glories of chanting Hare Krishna to be imagination.

(6) To give some interpretation on the holy name of the Lord.

(7) To commit sinful activities on the strength of the holy name of the Lord. (It should not be taken that because by chanting the holy name of the Lord one can be freed from all kinds of sinful reaction, one may continue to act sinfully and after that chant Hare Krishna to neutralize his sins. Such a dangerous mentality is very offensive and should be avoided.)

(8) To consider the chanting of Hare Krishna one of the auspicious ritualistic activities offered in the Vedas as fruitive activities (karma-kanda).

(9) To instruct a faithless person about the glories of the holy name. (Anyone can take part in chanting the holy name of the Lord, but in the beginning one should not be instructed about the transcendental potency of the Lord. Those who are too sinful cannot appreciate the transcendental glories of the Lord, and therefore it is better not to instruct them in this matter.)

(10) To not have complete faith in the chanting of the holy names and to maintain material attachments, even after understanding so many instructions on this matter. It's also offensive to be inattentive while chanting. (Anyone who claims to be a devotee of the Lord must carefully guard against the above offenses in order to quickly achieve the supreme success, pure love of Krishna, Krishna prema.)

You have Krishna’s blessings that you may become a pure chanter of the Lord's holy names.

Hoping this meets you in good health and in a cheerful mood, Your eternal well-wisher,

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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