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The Divine Love of Sri Krishna

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Hare Krishna. Pranam to all Vaishnavas,

The divine love of Bhagavan Sri Krishna and the love for Him are both eternally sweet and pure, whatever the method of your accepting or attaining them. Such love is holy and inspiring. Sugar is sweet when eaten during day or during the night. For it is night or day for the person who eats, not for the sugar. Sugar behaves uniformly always.

1. We must determine our goal firmly. Sri Krishna alone is worth striving for. Everyday, we must remember and keep our goal before our eyes just as a Production Manager in a factory thinks day and night, only of the production target set for the month. ‘Krishna Bhakti’ is not a hobby.

2. We must cultivate and develop (by imagining at the outset and getting inspiration from the life stories of saints and sages) an intense, volcanic, exclusive and all-consuming, longing to reach the goal. Such an intense yearning alone will guide us and take us to the final stage of Krishna consciousness, which will end all miseries, sorrows and bestow absolute and eternal bliss.

3. We must seek frequently Satsangam, the company of holy men, saints and sages and remain in it imbibing their vibrations as long as we can.

4. We must pray to Sri Krishna fervently for His grace and love and talk to Him confiding our problems and share our daily joys and sorrows. Just as electricity can not be seen but could be felt , Sri Krishna can be realized by focusing on His ‘Syamasundara’ form holding, Sankha (Conch) , Charka (Discus), Gadaa (Mace) ,and Padma (Lotus) in His four hands.

5. Constant remembrance of Sri Krishna and chanting His name silently or loudly at all times including when we are engaged in other work and activities is a "Hot Line" to the Bhagavan.

6. We should not worry too much about the body needs, health, money, home, family etc. They will all he taken care of by Sri Krishna provided we perform our prescribed duties in a spirit of detachment as a service for the Bhagavan. We must learn to accept all circumstances and events, however tragic or calamitous they may appear. We must learn not to keep our luggage on our own head but to place it in the compartment of the train, which carries us. We should let go and surrender unconditionally to the will of Sri Krishna, which always works for our ultimate good.

7. External harmony is a must for internal harmony, peace and bliss. We must look upon all beings as Govinda Himself or as our very Self and learn to forgive the faults and transgressions of others. We should pray for the welfare and good of all those who abuse, insult or harm us and request the Bhagavan to remove all ill will towards them from our heart.

8. We should not be unduly worried about and dwell constantly on the elimination of our defects like passion, desires, anger and greed. By going on filling up our Chitta with constant remembrance of Krishna and chanting Bhagavan's name constantly, this will seep and saturate our heart in and around and by the sheer weight strangle all the Vasanas (latent tendencies) .

9. As illustrated in the Srimad Bhagavatam, running away from the world and resorting to ochre robes is not a must for Krishna-realization. The ultimate stage in spirituality can as well be reached even while remaining active in the world as a householder. One has only to take care that the passion for materialistic pleasures does not seep into the mind .

Srimad Bhagavatam says the following in , Canto 1, Chapter 7 :


In that place, Sri Vyasadeva, in his own ashram, which was surrounded by berry trees, sat down to meditate after touching water for purification.


Thus he fixed his mind, perfectly engaging it by linking it in devotional service [bhakti-yoga] without any tinge of materialism, and thus he saw the Absolute Personality of Godhead (Sri Krishna) along with His external energy, which was under full control.


Due to this external energy, the living entity, although transcendental to the three modes of material nature, thinks of himself as a material product and thus undergoes the reactions of material miseries.


The material miseries of the living entity, which are superfluous to him, can be directly mitigated by the linking process of devotional service. But the mass of people do not know this, and therefore the learned Vyasadeva compiled this Vedic literature (Bhagavatam), which is in relation to the Supreme Truth.


Simply by giving aural reception to this Vedic literature, the feeling for loving devotional service to Bhagavan Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, sprouts up at once to extinguish the fire of lamentation, illusion and fearfulness.


The great Sage Vyasadeva, after compiling the Srimad Bhagavatam and revising it, taught it to his own son, Sage Suka, who was already engaged in self-realization.


Saint Saunaka asked Sage Suka : Sage Suka was already on the path of self-realization, and thus he was pleased with his own self. So why did he take the trouble to undergo the study of such a vast literature (Bhagavatam)?


All different varieties of atmaramas [those who take pleasure in atma, or spirit self], especially those established on the path of self-realization, though freed from all kinds of material bondage, desire to render unalloyed devotional service unto the Personality of Godhead. This means that the Supreme Lord (Sri Krishna) possesses transcendental qualities and therefore can attract everyone, including liberated souls.


Sage Suka, son of Sri Vyasadeva, was not only transcendentally powerful. He was also very dear to the devotees of Bhagavan Krishna. Thus he underwent the study of this great narration [srimad-Bhagavatam].



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