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Genuine Spiritual Guru is one who declares Krishna is God .

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Hare Krishna,

Genuine Spiritual ‘Guru’ is one who declares “Krishna is God”

Today's material society was aptly described by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur as a society of the cheaters and the cheated. Although there is standard system for recognizing who is a genuine spiritual master, it is unknown to the general population. Therefore we see nowadays an abundance of charlatans posting as spiritual masters even though they are misguiding their students with incorrect information. If you are at all serious about attaining the supreme perfection, you must be careful to discern who is the proper teacher to guide you along the path and who is not. The bona fide spiritual master will not present a bogus philosophy different from the standard knowledge given in the

Bhagavad-gita. Krishna says, "I am God." Therefore the spiritual master says, "Krishna is God." He will never concoct some bogus philosophy like, "I'm God, you're God, we're all God." He teaches his disciples how to become perfect servants of God.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


How to identify a Perfect Guru?


Hare Krishna Prabhu,

First of all I am willing to clear my few doubts before I start to enter spiritual path. So kindly help this 'god surrendered' devotee. Without getting hurt, kindly answer this small child's questions.

1) How can I trust one as a real spiritual teacher? Today there are lots of fakers and very few are good.

2) Who is the creator according to you? Allah? Krishna? Shiva?

3) The past spiritual heroes are perfect. Are the modern ones also perfect? A perfect devotee never hesitates to reveal the truth. That's what I heard.

Kindly reply me urgently.



The Bonafide Spiritual Master Never Considers

Himself to be Perfect


My Dear Balaji,

Please accept my blessings. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

To know if one is bona fide or not you must first study the Bhagavad-gita As It Is by my spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. He is one of the greatest spiritual masters in history. By reading his book you will get a clear understanding of how to recognize a bona fide spiritual master.

Krishna is described in the Bhagavad-gita and the Srimad Bhagavatam as the original Supreme Personality of Godhead.

The bona fide spiritual master is genuinely humble. Therefore he never considers himself to be perfect. He considers himself to be imperfect, but he is confident that he can deliver each and every one of his dedicated disciples from the cycle of birth and death because he gives them in full the perfect knowledge contained in the Bhagavad-gita and the Srimad Bhagavatam as perfectly revealed to him by his spiritual master.

Hoping this meets you in good health and in a cheerful mood, Your eternal well-wisher,

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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