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Necessity of 'Bharathiya' Education System in India

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Hare Krishna , Sher Agrawal,

Let me tell you the motivation behind my article ‘Necessity of Bharathiya Education System in India’. I am a parent of two children aged (14) and (9) both studying in a leading Christian Institution, in Kerala . I was greatly upset when I had found both my children to be terribly selfish, material minded, arrogant, rebellious and with an Atheistic outlook. On a close examination, I found their education system to be truly western oriented and ignoring the rich ‘Bharathiya’ culture. This system teaches that, Lord Rama and Lord Krishna are fictitious historical characters and scriptural texts like Ramayana and Mahabharatham are mere myths.

The recommended role models are people like Jawahar Lal Nehru (who is described as the creator of India) .

I started teaching my children, Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatham and Narayaneeyam. The result was absolutely great . Their outlook toward life has been totally changed. They started enjoying the pastimes of Lord Mahavishnu by going through the above scriptures by themselves and interpreting it’s contents to others. Both my children have become, god fearing, disciplined, respectful to others, unselfish and self-confidant . I am really happy to see them chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra and Vishnu Sahasranamam.

I do agree with you that, there are some fake Astrologers, Pandits and Gurus, who are exploiting the people. This is mainly due to the negative nature of this 'age' known as 'Kaliyuga'. if a person strictly follows Krishna's 'Gita advice'

and worships the Lord, he does not need middlemen to realize Lord Krishna.

I am not a sympathizer of the political outfit , BJP or their version of 'Hindutva'. Of course, I appreciate their efforts towards promoting 'Bharathiya education' .

Bharat is not a piece of land like any other country. Bharat is God’s own country. We , Bharathiyas, can not survive for long by following the ‘beef-rich’ diet of Europeans because our genes are different . Likewise, we have those spiritual traits in our genes, which if we develop, will resolve all our problems once for all .

Vedic Astrology is an ancient science. Whatever good or bad one experiences in this life are the results of his deeds in the previous births and the same can be identified by analyzing the position of stars at the time of birth. The accuracy of vedic astrological prediction depends on the ‘sadhana’ of both the astrologer and his customer. One can overcome the negative effects by taking refuge at the lotus feet of Sri Krishna and chanting His Names.

Regarding your negative comments on temple-worship , let me explain the following :

‘Deity’ worship is an important aspect of ‘sanatana dharma’ . It is fact that Mahavishnu, Brahma , Lord Rama, Lord Krishna all had Archa vigrahas . For instance, the ‘archa vigraha’ at Guruvayoor was with Brahma, Vishnu and Krishna. Just before the sinking of Dwaraka, Krishna had asked Guru Brihaspati and Vayu deva to install this on a suitable place to enable Krishna’s devotees to worship the Lord and overcome the ill-effects of Kali-yuga. The importance of ‘deity worship’ does not need a better example.

Consecrated Archa Vigrahas are powerful replicas of God, which breathes life. Tantrics, Priests, Vedic astrologers and Cherished devotees can feel the divine power of these ‘Archa Vigrahas’. Since Lord Krishna is easily accessible to His devotee, the ‘Archa Vigraha’ we worship showers His grace on us based on our Bhakti-yoga.

Bhagavan Krishna does not entertain non-believers ( who, in fact, are asuras ) as He has clarified the following in Bhagavad Gita :

Chapter 3, Sloka 32

ye tv etad abhyasuyanto / nanutisthanti me matamsarva-jnana-vimudhams tan / viddhi nastan acetasah(But know that those envious persons who do not follow these instructions of Mine are bereft of discrimination and all true jnana, and are ruined in their endeavours for perfection.)

Chapter 7, Sloka 15

na mam duskrtino mudhah / prapayante naradhamahmayayapahrta-jnana / asuram bhavam asritah(Those miscreants and fools who are devoid of discrimination, who are the lowest

among human beings, whose knowledge has been completely stolen by maya, and who have an asuric nature, do not surrender unto Me.)

Chapter 9, Sloka 11

avajananti mam mudha / manusim tanum asritamparam bhavam ajananto / mama bhuta-mahesvaram

( When I appear in My human-like form, foolish people with mundane intelligence disrespect Me, because they cannot comprehend My nature as the Supreme Lord of all beings. )

Chapter 9, Sloka 12

moghasa mogha-karmano / mogha-jnana vicetasahraksasim asurincaiva / prakrtim mohinim sritah

(The hopes of such foolish people for liberation, fruitful gain and the cultureof jnana all go in vain. Thus, with their minds distracted, they adopt thedeluded nature of atheists and asuras. )

Chapter 12, Sloka 2

sri bhagavan uvacamayy avesya mano ye mam / nitya-yukta upasatesraddaya parayopetas / te me yuktatama matah

(Sri Bhagavan said: Those yogis, who with transcendental faith, fix their mind on My Syamasundara form, and constantly worship Me with ananya bhakti, are the best among those who know yoga. This is My opinion.)

Chapter 12,,Sloka 5kleso' dhikataras tesam / avyaktasakta-cetasamavyakta hi gatir duhkham / dehavadbhir avapyate

(Those whose minds are attached to the nirvisesa-brahma-svarupa experience great difficulty, for it is troublesome for the embodied jivas to attain steadiness in that which is unmanifest.)

Chapter 16, Sloka 19

aneka-citta-vibhranta / moha-jala-samavrtahprasaktah kama-bhogesu / patanti narake 'sucau(Perplexed by many desires and anxieties, entangled in a net of delusion, and excessively addicted to sense enjoyment, they fall into situations that are impure and hellish.)

Chapter 18, Sloka 65

manmana bhava mad-bhakto / mad-yaji mam namaskurumam evaisyasi satyam te / pratijane priyo 'si me(Offer your mind to Me; become My bhakta by hearing and chanting, etc. about My names, forms, qualities and pastimes; worship Me and offer obeisances to Me. In

this way, you will certainly come to Me. I promise you this truthfully because you are very dear to Me.)

Chapter 18, Sloka 66

sarva-dharman parityajya / mam ekam saranam vrajaaham tvam sarva-papebhyo / moksayisyami ma sucah(Completely abandoning all bodily and mental dharma, such as varna and asrama,fully surrender to Me alone. I shall liberate you from all reactions to your sins. Do not grieve.)

Chapter 18, Sloka 67

idante natapaskaya / nabhaktaya kadacanana casusrusave vacyam / na ca mam yo 'bhyasuyati(You should never explain this essence of Gita-sastra to anyone whose senses are

uncontrolled, who is a non-devotee, who is devoid of a serving mood, or who is envious of Me.)

Chapter 18, Sloka 68

ya imam paramam guhyam / mad-bhaktesv abhidhasyatibhaktim mayi param krtva / mam evaisyaty asamsayah( He who instructs this most confidential knowledge of Gita-sastra to My bhaktas will attain para bhakti unto Me, and becoming free from all doubts, he will finally attain Me.)

Sri Krishnaya Namah!!!



Sher Agrawal <agrasen wrote:

i DON'T QUITE AGREE. WHAT YOU WANT TO BRING ASTROLOGY, SUPERSTITIONAND HOW THE STARS AFFECT OUR LIFE. and those things of the past tokeep us back:Or you want to live a better life and improve the living conditionsaccording to present circumstances. I remember my childhood and howthe Indian system worked for employees and poorer people not only bykings and their kilt, by the common bania. How Brahmans fooled thepeople and still all these guru are doing that.I am no British worshipper or follower of many modern things. But wehave to go with the time. The BJP tried to put the clock back andlook where they are. All these temples in India with thousands ofcrores of rupees in their coffers, what are they doing for the peopleexcepting a few like hugging Amman, for whom I have lots of respect,and who is indeed doing

something.We have to go with the time and adapt ourselves. We have to look tothe future and not go backwards. This is a subject which can bediscussed at length. Let the Shankracharyas in India do somethinggenuine for the people and not keep exploiting and foooling them.These are strictly my views in spite of my faith in Hinduism. I wantto see it go forward and not backwards.On 6/21/05, J S Agrawal wrote:> Respected Jijaji, Namaskar. Please go through the following article and let> me know your views about it. Thanks. Love to dear children & namaskar to> dear Pushpa. Regards. Sincerely Yours, J S Agrawal.> > Jayamma wrote: > > Jayamma > Tue, 21 Jun 2005 03:47:16 -0700 (PDT)> Necessity of 'Bharathiya' Education System

in> India> > > > > Hare Krishna, > > Ncessity of 'Bharathiya' Education System in India > > The purpose of education in any country is to create masses in the nation> to create wealth in the nation, to keep making progress in research and> development in the nation, to keep nation informed of the past achievements> of the nation and to provide such type of education, which bring glory to> the nation by making new achievements for the nation. Education should be> such which raises the standard of living of most of the people of nation and> also brings pride to the nation and individual persons. Education should> impart the information of the past achievements of the nation, which create> pride in the minds of people. The present Indian education does not provide> the information of the past achievements of this great nation. The type of>

education still provided in independent India after 58 years of independence> is still same which was in taught in the British ruled India. The present> education creates mental slavery and inferiority complex amongst Indians.> Through this education system , the western culture, civilization, culture,> manners, traditions, all kinds of festivals come to India. Vulgar festival> like "Valentine's Day" also has taken root in India due to wrong kind of> education in India. In independent India, Sanskrit and other Indian> languages have been totally neglected. English education and culture are> dominating the Independent, but mentally slave nation India. > > QUOTE" It was February 1835, a time when the British were striving to take> control of the whole of India. Lord Macaulay, a historian and a politician,> made a historical speech in the British Parliament, commonly referred to as> The Minutes,

which struck a blow at the centuries old system of Indian> education. His words were to this effect :> " I have traveled across the length and breadth of India and I have not seen> one person who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I have seen in this> country, such high moral values, people of such caliber, that I do not think> we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of> this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage, and, therefore, I> propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture,> for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and> greater than their own, they will lose their self-esteem, their native> self-culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominated> nation." Unquote. > > (Macaulay, British Parliament, 1835 .) > > In case of India, Muslim and British

colonizers tried to> destroy this ancient country's, culture, civilization, values, identity as> colonizers realized that as long as India stayed on it's true heritage, it> might not be possible for them to rule India. To keep India as a colony,> British and western powers invented Aryan Invasion Theory. Due to their> ruling power, these western powers could convince lots of people for a long> time about the validity of Aryan invasion theory, but now all the> researchers say that Aryan invasion was fabricated theory, is false and must> be discarded. This discarded Aryan invasion theory is still taught in> schools and colleges of independent India. > > All countries, which were made colonies lost their culture,> religion, language, civilization and identity while India retained it's,> culture and civilization. The divine intervention of Lord Sri Krishna has> time and again appeared in

various forms to re-establish the intrinsic> strength of 'Sanatana Dharma', and this vital factor has saved the Vedic> Religion from destruction, while aggressors tried their utmost to destroy> the religion. > > Most of the English media of India has been bought by multi-national> companies and is run by pseudo-secular people. They keep downgrading the> ethics of Sanatana Dharma. > > Along with pseudo-secular people, English media persons,> Atheists, even certain educated followers of Vedic Dharma keep denigrating> Sanatana Dharma. Many educated vedic followers are mentally slave people and> see all things with eyes of mental slavery or slavery viewpoint . > > The day educated people discard their mental slavery and see> Sanatana Dharma with open eyes and views, India would dominate the world. > > As individuals go up and down in life, so nations go up and>

down. Hopefully the upward of Indian swing might start soon in near future. > > Nostradamus and many astrologers have predicted that all> religions based on one book or one person would perish which is likely to be> within the next one decade. According to them, only Sanatana Dharma and to> some extent Jew religion would survive. If we do not take into account> astrology, just take into account scientific principles ; even then mainly> Sanatana Dharma would survive. One person based religions are basically man> based. Man made things never last forever. One day they have to break down> or die one day. Only things made by nature or God last for ever. One book> based religions are dogmatic which have rigid instructions to do this or> that thing. These religions have no flexibility. > > There are no dogmatic principles in Sanatana Dharma. This religion keeps> changing with changing time

and changing circumstances, as it is a dynamic> religion. Whenever it becomes moribund, then some event takes place or some> person comes who revives the vedic religion. > > India was incredibly unlucky in the leadership she received in the> immediate aftermath of independence. Jawahar Lal Nehru was a man with little> experience of administration even at the purely municipal level, a rich> man's only son who had never been confronted with the need to earn a living> leave alone to provide for a family. In fact, the root of many – some would> say most - of the problems India face today, are due to decisions made by> our first Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru. Forty two years after his death,> it is hard to think of a handful of policies inaugurated by Jawahar Lal> Nehru that would meet with acclaim today. > > Rulers like Nehru were learned men of course, but they learned in the>

Western style and McCauley education system, which has done a thorough job> on him. McCauley had wanted, " We must at present do our best to form a> class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern; a> class of persons, Indians in blood and colour, but English in taste, in> opinions, in morals and in intellect. > > It is disgraceful that more than 58 years after the British left, the best> schools and colleges in India are still those that teach Western culture. At> present situation is such that the average Indian school child still knows a> lot about Western culture and values but nothing notable about the rich> Indian culture. The result is that the average Indian child grows up> slightly ashamed of his own culture and more than slightly in awe of> anything that comes from the West. > > Indian government should examine school and college curricula with the

idea> of introducing a national element. It is farcical that Indian children study> comparative literatures of the world without being able to read decent> translations of modern writing in Indian languages. Farcical that they> should discover Yoga only when it comes back via America and really shameful> that it is almost impossible these days to find anyone who can read and> write Sanskrit. The situation is so bad that to understand our own precious> ancient texts we might eventually need to import scholars from American> universities!!!. > > Let the learned people of India come with the basic details> and finalize the path to follow so the coming generation may come up with> better understanding of our ancient values and achievements and their> relation to present conditions. The Indianization of education system of> independent India is long overdue. > >

(excerpts)> > " While it is correct that Sanatana Dharma studies have been colonized and> distorted by many who are not practitioners and therefore unable to> understand the meaning and depth of the Vedic tradition(s), it is> regressive to posit that this can only be corrected by "indigenizing" Vedic> Studies by returning them to India . > > The reason that Buddhism has fared so much better than Vedic traditions in> the contemporary Western Academy and mainstream media internationally is> that Buddha dharma has had to continually reinvent itself and in the process> continually refine its presentation of conceptual underpinnings. This> ability to co-opt non-Asians to dharmic perspectives has proved at least> more helpful than the Vedic position of fortress building on the basis of an> ethnic identity and conflation with a specific geographic and cultural> sphere. > >

What this does is send the message that Vedic traditions have nothing> significant to say to the rest of humanity because the ultimate conceptual> foundation of Indian thought and practice is so tied in with place and> culture that to separate it from its geographic and social roots is to loose> its essence. > > This is how living cultures and living ways of thought become stultified and> arid--it is the way of death, not the way to revivification. > > It is disgusting to hear time and again that Sanatana Dharma is a way of> life--so is transvestitism! It is far more significant than that---it is a> way of thought; a way of apprehending the nature of reality. It cannot be a> way of understanding all of reality if it is inevitably mired in a framework> that begins and ends with India. > > Vedic followers would not have to engage in these sorts of discussions .> However, the

distortion of Vedic terms and the misrepresentation of Santana> Dharma's concepts were shared by many outside of India. The question is can> Sanatana Dharma redefine its relevance and refine its tools in ways that> persons regardless of ethnicity could adopt with allegience--that is to say,> do Vedic followers understand their prescribed duties to protect Sanatana> dharma ?> > > > Sri Krishnaya Namah!!! > > > > Jayamma > > ------------------> > > > Note - The above is excerpts of an article. > > ________________________________> > Read only the mail you want - Mail SpamGuard. > ________________________________>

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