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Clarification: Necessity of 'Bharathiya' Education System in India

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Hare Krishna, Sher Agrawal,

I agree with your observation that, Shastras and Gita must be taught to our children. The modern education system of our country should also include the concepts of the mentioned ‘Bharathiya’ scriptural texts which are vast treasure houses of knowledge in comparison to the currently used western literature. It is unwise and impractical to keep the modern education system in India , absolutely western oriented thereby leaving the entire responsibility of teaching ‘Bharathiya culture’ to the parents.

It is a fact that, the minority fanatics as well as pro-marxist academicians have practically eliminated ‘Bharathiya ethics’ from India’s education system . Whatever , ‘distorted’ literature remains in the education system are satires of the brilliant ‘bharathiya’ scriptural texts. These selfish people, have deliberately done this in order to avoid embarrassing situations wherein their own superficial philosophies will be proved illogical by the brilliant ‘Bharathiya’ scriptural texts . Please note that, Bhagavad Gita is universally acknowledged and learnt by the international community ( including intellectuals like Albert Einstein, Mark Twain,Leo Tolstoi, etc) as ‘Song of God’, whereas it has no place whatsoever in the ‘Indian Education System’ !!!.

With all due respect to the great Nehru family , let me answer your views related to them . When the whole Indian nation was engaged in the Freedom Struggle , Jawahar Lal Nehru had sent his daughter Indira abroad for higher education . On the other hand , Gandhiji had neither sent his children abroad for trouble-free education nor did he encourage them to misuse the title ‘Gandhi’ for political gains . Let us not criticize his integrity .

Jawahar Lal Nehru, in spite of using the title ‘Pandit’ for political gains , was an atheist until he was bedridden ( Reliable sources reveal that, after becoming paralyzed, Nehru became a theist and he died with ‘Gita’ under his pillow) . Nehru taught every thing to his daughter Indira, except the basic ethics of vedic scriptures . Had he followed the virtuous example of King Rama and taught his daughter on the same, post-independent India’s destiny would have been totally different.

A person is considered to be an ‘idol’ not merely on the basis of his education or designation , but his/her unique traits and contribution to the humanity. It is due to this fact that, millions of people belonging to all generations are adoring virtuous personalities like, Lord Rama, Lord Krishna , Aadi Shankara, Chaithanya Mahaprabhu, etc.

Coming back to the topic of ‘Bharathiya Education System’ please note the following :

Leo Tolstoy urged Indians to adopt what he called : "The Law of Love," and not to give up their ancient religious culture for the materialism of the West."

Mr. Alexander Shifman Research scholar of Tolstoy Museum in Moscow wrote in his article entitled A Leo Tolstoy and the Indian Epics' published in several papers during Tolstoy centenary celebrations in 1963.

"Leo Tolstoy was deeply interested in ancient Indian literature and its great epics. The themes of the Vedas were the first to attract his attention. Appreciating the profundity of the Vedas, Tolstoy gave a particular attention to those cantos which deal with the problem of ethics, a subject in which interested him deeply."

Tolstoy not only read the Vedas, but also spread their teachings in Russia. He included many of the sayings of the Vedas and Upanishads (Vedic expositions) in his collections "Range of

Reading", "Thoughts of wise men" and others.

Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 10, Verse no.10.9 to 10.11) :

mac-citta mad-gata-prana / bodhayantah parasparamkathayantas ca mam nityam / tusyanti ca ramanti catesam satata-yuktanam / bhajatam priti-purvakamdadami buddhi-yogam tam / yena mam upayanti tetesam evanukampartham / aham ajnana-jam tamahnasayamy atma-bhava-stho / jnana-dipena bhasvata

( With their mind fixed on Me, and their lives surrendered to Me, enlightening one another about My greatness and speaking of Me, My devotees ever remain contented and take delight in Me.

On those ever united through mediation with Me and worshipping Me with love, I confer that yoga of wisdom through which they come to Me.

In order to shower My grace on them I, dwelling in their heart, dispel the darkness born out of ignorance by the shining light of wisdom.)

Sri Krishnaya Namah!!! Jayamma.Sher Agrawal <agrasen wrote:

JAY SITARAM JAY RADHAKRISHNA AND JAY HANUMAN.I would be grateful if you could find some time and send youcomments. My point of view in brief is that modern education is verynecessary to earn one's livelihood and to be able to live well. Moreover, study of our shastras and Gita and religious discipline isalso neessary and the children must be taught those by parents byfinding time to spend with the children, and by their own example ofproper behaviour and conduct.For example, Nehru sent his daughter to study in Switzerland and sheand her kids became prime ministers of India. Nehru also took thetrouble of writing one letter each day to Indira giving the gist ofthe world politics and history of mankind and trained her well. Gandhiji on the other hand for whatever reasons (including somepolitical reasons and perhaps also for his

personal advantage(?)decided not to send them to proper schools and said that he will teachthem at home, which he never find time to do, and one of them becamea moslem and others also remained mediocre.I am also of the opinion, that if one can learn all the intricateHindu mantras and such other things they can be of great help in one'sdevelopment; but short of that RAM NAM BHAJAN is the key to this andafter life. This was also stated by Sant Tulsi Dasji, Guru Nanak,Kabir and all of our saints. No doubt all Hindus and their childrenmust have the highest respect for our own religion, our Gods and ourholy books.In the light of the foregoing, please send your comments soonest. Thank you.---------- Forwarded message ----------Jayamma Jun 26, 2005 6:44 AMNecessity of 'Bharathiya' Education System in IndiaSher Agrawal Cc:

Hare Krishna , Sher Agrawal, Let me tell you the motivation behind my article 'Necessity ofBharathiya Education System in India'. I am a parent of two childrenaged (14) and (9) both studying in a leading Christian Institution, inKerala . I was greatly upset when I had found both my children to beterribly selfish, material minded, arrogant, rebellious and with an Atheistic outlook. On a close examination, I found their educationsystem to be truly western oriented and ignoring the rich 'Bharathiya'culture. This system teaches that, Lord Rama and Lord Krishna arefictitious historical characters and scriptural texts like Ramayanaand Mahabharatham are mere myths. The recommended role models arepeople like Jawahar Lal Nehru (who is described as the creator ofIndia) .I started teaching my children, Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatham andNarayaneeyam. The result was absolutely great .

Their outlook towardlife has been totally changed. They started enjoying the pastimes ofLord Mahavishnu by going through the above scriptures by themselvesand interpreting it's contents to others. Both my children havebecome, god fearing, disciplined, respectful to others, unselfish andself-confidant . I am really happy to see them chanting Hare KrishnaMahamantra and Vishnu Sahasranamam.I do agree with you that, there are some fake Astrologers, Pandits andGurus, who are exploiting the people. This is mainly due to thenegative nature of this 'age' known as 'Kaliyuga'. if a personstrictly follows Krishna's 'Gita advice' and worships the Lord, hedoes not need middlemen to realize Lord Krishna.I am not a sympathizer of the political outfit , BJP or their versionof 'Hindutva'. Of course, I appreciate their efforts towards promoting 'Bharathiya education' .Bharat is not a piece of land like any other country. Bharat

is God'sown country. We , Bharathiyas, can not survive for long by followingthe 'beef-rich' diet of Europeans because our genes are different .Likewise, we have those spiritual traits in our genes, which if wedevelop, will resolve all our problems once for all .Vedic Astrology is an ancient science. Whatever good or bad oneexperiences in this life are the results of his deeds in the previousbirths and the same can be identified by analyzing the position ofstars at the time of birth. The accuracy of vedic astrologicalprediction depends on the 'sadhana' of both the astrologer and hiscustomer. One can overcome the negative effects by taking refuge atthe lotus feet of Sri Krishna and chanting His Names.Regarding your negative comments on temple-worship , let me explainthe following :'Deity' worship is an important aspect of 'sanatana dharma' . It isfact that Mahavishnu, Brahma , Lord Rama, Lord Krishna all had

Archavigrahas . For instance, the 'archa vigraha' at Guruvayoor was withBrahma, Vishnu and Krishna. Just before the sinking of Dwaraka,Krishna had asked Guru Brihaspati and Vayu deva to install this on asuitable place to enable Krishna's devotees to worship the Lord andovercome the ill-effects of Kali-yuga. The importance of 'deityworship' does not need a better example.Consecrated Archa Vigrahas are powerful replicas of God, whichbreathes life. Tantrics, Priests, Vedic astrologers and Cherisheddevotees can feel the divine power of these 'Archa Vigrahas'. SinceLord Krishna is easily accessible to His devotee, the 'Archa Vigraha'we worship showers His grace on us based on our Bhakti-yoga.Bhagavan Krishna does not entertain non-believers ( who, in fact, areasuras ) as He has clarified the following in Bhagavad Gita :Chapter 3, Sloka 32 ye tv etad abhyasuyanto / nanutisthanti me matamsarva-jnana-vimudhams

tan / viddhi nastan acetasah(But know that those envious persons who do not follow theseinstructions of Mine are bereft of discrimination and all true jnana,and are ruined in their endeavours for perfection.)Chapter 7, Sloka 15 na mam duskrtino mudhah / prapayante naradhamahmayayapahrta-jnana / asuram bhavam asritah(Those miscreants and fools who are devoid of discrimination, who arethe lowest among human beings, whose knowledge has been completelystolen by maya, and who have an asuric nature, do not surrender untoMe.)

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