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Lord Sri Krishna is Your Best Choice

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Hare Krishna,

Lord Sri Krishna is Your Best Choice

Are you fully convinced that this material world is losing proposition, that the only position of genuine and lasting happiness is to awaken to your original identity as the eternal servant of Sri Krishna , the Supreme Personality of Godhead ? There are two ways to fully realize this. One is the school of hard knocks, getting beaten around by the material nature until you can't take it any more and you are down on your knees begging for relief. The second one is to surrender at the lotus feet of Sri Krishna, learn and implement the revealed scriptures (Gita, Bhagavatam) and seek the company of Saints and pure devotees. Take your choice. Because

we've already been trying option one for millions of lifetimes, I would humbly request you make the experiment of choice number two. After selecting this choice (Sri Krishna) for at least six months, you can then objectively analyze which of the two methods (materialistic pleasures , Sri Krishna ) is more desirable.Sankarshan Das Adhikari


Pulkit Claims that the Self is Krishna

Dear Sir,

How can one be an eternal servant of Lord Krishna since Advaita teaches that our very Self/soul is Krishna Himself? Thinking one to be an eternal servant of God brings in the concept of I and You. We can be temporary servants until we have realized that we are God Himself (until the ego has been destroyed).Pulkit


The Self is the Eternal Servant of Krishna

My Dear Pulkit,Please accept my blessings

You are wondering how the self can be considered the eternal servant of Lord Sri Krishna when according to Advaita philosophy the self is in fact Krishna Himself. If we blindly accept any philosophy, we are putting ourselves at risk. We are not concerned with labels of schools of philosophy. We are concerned with philosophical content. In other words, as lovers of Truth, we want to know what makes the most sense philosophically. We do not blindly accept or reject any philosophy simply because it goes under a certain name.

Let us examine then the concept that the self is Lord Sri Krishna. Krishna is the perfect knower of past, present, and future. Are we the perfect knowers of past, present, and future? The answer is clearly, "No." We are not the perfect knowers of past, present, and future. Therefore the

self cannot be Krishna.

Of course qualitatively we are Krishna. Krishna is eternal, full of knowledge, and full of bliss, and we are also eternal, full of knowledge, and full of bliss. In this sense of qualitative oneness Advaita philosophy (the philosophy of Oneness) is correct.

But quantitatively we are quite different from Krishna. Krishna is maintaining all living entities and we are being maintained by Him. In this sense there is a gulf of difference between us and the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Sri Krishna.

Dvaita philosophy (the philosophy of Twoness) states that the Lord and the living beings are not one, they are two.

The actual fact is that both philosophies, Advaita and Dvaita, are in one sense correct and in another sense incorrect. Therefore the perfection of philosophy is acintya-bhedabheda-tattva, that the Absolute Truth is simultaneously, inconceivably one and different.

"I and You" is real. Without "I and You" love cannot exist. Love means two, Krishna and you. Why do you want to kill love? Do you think a world without love is a very nice thing? In that the problem that we have in the modern day society? How will killing the ability to give love and receive love

by wiping individuality solve anyone's problems? Your proposal will simply create more problems.

You are thinking we can imagine ourselves to be servants of God as a temporary meditational device until we realize that we are God. But this concept, "I am God," is what got us into this material world in the first place. Destroying the ego means destroying the false conception, "I am God," and reviving the original pure identity of the self, "I am the eternal servant of God." Ego or identity is not bad. It is the

false ego, "I am God" or "I am the Lord of all that I survey," which is the real problem, the iron chain that binds us into this suffering situation within the cycle of birth and death.

So I am now inviting you to come completely out of the egoistic mentality to the purely enlightened platform of Krishna consciousness. The highest conception of Oneness is to be in perfect harmony with the Lord as His fully surrendered servant. Trying to occupy his position is not Oneness. It is envy, disharmony.

What is more beautiful: One instrument playing alone or an entire symphony orchestra playing together in perfect co-ordination?

Please Chant :

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

And Be Happy.

Hoping this meets you in good health,Always your well-wisher,Sankarshan Das Adhikari

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