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Krishna is Supreme Controller

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SB 6.3.3:

When the order carriers of Yamarāja were baffled and defeated by the

order carriers of Visnu, they approached their master, to tell him of

this incident.


6.3.4: The Yamadūtas said: Our dear lord, how many controllers

or rulers are there in this material world? How many causes are

responsible for manifesting the various results of activities performed

under the three modes of material nature?


6.3.5: If in this universe there are many rulers and justices

who disagree about punishment and reward, their contradictory actions

will neutralize each other, and no one will be punished or rewarded.

Otherwise, if their contradictory acts fail to neutralize each other,

everyone will have to be both punished and rewarded.


6.3.6: The Yamadūtas continued: Since there are many different

karmīs, or workers, there may be different judges or rulers to give them

justice, but just as one central emperor controls different departmental

rulers, there must be one supreme controller to guide all the judges.


6.3.7: The supreme judge must be one, not many. It was our

understanding that you are that supreme judge and that you have

jurisdiction even over the demigods. Our impression was that you are the

master of all living entities, the supreme authority who discriminates

between the pious and impious activities of all human beings.


6.3.8: But now we see that the punishment ordained under your

authority is no longer effective, since your order has been transgressed

by four wonderful and perfect persons.


6.3.9: We were bringing the most sinful Ajamila toward the

hellish planets, following your order, when those beautiful persons from

Siddhaloka forcibly cut the knots of the ropes with which we were

arresting him.


6.3.10: As soon as the sinful Ajamila uttered the name

Narayana, these four beautiful men immediately arrived and reassured

him, saying, "Do not fear. Do not fear." We wish to know about them

from Your Lordship. If you think we are able to understand them, kindly

describe who they are.


6.3.11: Thus having been questioned, Lord Yamarāja, the supreme

controller of the living entities, was very pleased with his order

carriers because of hearing from them the holy name of Narayana. He

remembered the lotus feet of the Lord and began to reply.


6.3.12: Yamarāja said: My dear servants, you have accepted me

as the Supreme, but factually I am not. Above me, and above all the

other demigods, including Indra and Candra, is the one supreme master

and controller. The partial manifestations of His personality are

Brahma, Visnu and Siva, who are in charge of the creation, maintenance

and annihilation of this universe. He is like the two threads that form

the length and breadth of a woven cloth. The entire world is controlled

by Him just as a bull is controlled by a rope in its nose.


6.3.13: Just as the driver of a bullock cart ties ropes through

the nostrils of his bulls to control them, the Supreme Personality of

Godhead binds all men through the ropes of His words in the Vedas, which

set forth the names and activities of the distinct orders of human

society [brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra]. In fear, the members of

these orders all worship the Supreme Lord by offering Him presentations

according to their respective activities.

SB 6.3.14-15:

I, Yamarāja; Indra, the King of heaven; Nirrti; Varuna; Candra, the

moon-god; Agni; Lord Siva; Pavana; Lord Bramha; Surya, the sun-god;

Viśvāsu; the eight Vasus; the Sādhyas; the Maruts; the Rudras; the

Siddhas; and Marici and the other great ṛṣis engaged in maintaining

the departmental affairs of the universe, as well as the best of the

demigods headed by Brahspati, and the great sages headed by Bhragu are

all certainly freed from the influence of the two base material modes of

nature, namely passion and ignorance. Nevertheless, although we are in

the mode of goodness, we cannot understand the activities of the

Supreme Personality of Godhead. What, then, is to be said of others,

who, under illusion, merely speculate to know God?


6.3.16: As the different limbs of the body cannot see the eyes,

the living entities cannot see the Supreme Lord, who is situated as the

Supersoul in everyone's heart. Not by the senses, by the mind, by the

life air, by thoughts within the heart, or by the vibration of words can

the living entities ascertain the real situation of the Supreme Lord.


6.3.17: The Supreme Personality of Godhead is self-sufficient

and fully independent. He is the master of everyone and everything,

including the illusory energy. He has His form, qualities and features;

and similarly His order carriers, the Vaiṣṇavas, who are very

beautiful, possess bodily features, transcendental qualities and a

transcendental nature almost like His. They always wander within this

world with full independence.

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