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GITA Summary, Chapter 4 of 18 (Jnana Yoga )

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Hare Krishna. Pranam to all Vaishnavas,

I surrender unto the lotus feet of Bhagavan Sri Krishna, begging for His merciful blessings to, advise Gita-rahasya to His Bhaktas of this group .

GITA Summary of Chapter – 4 ( Jnana Yoga)

(Yoga Through Transcendental Knowledge)


Krishna reveals that he has taught Jnana-Yoga to the Sun God, who passed it on. Arjuna raises a doubt that Krishna is not that old. Krishna now reveals that He is the Eternal God Mahavishnu, who causes Himself to incarnate as needed to help humanity and righteousness. “He who knows my

birth as God....goes no more from death to death...” . The promise of bhaktiyoga – faith in Krishna is the means to salvation. Krishna wants everyone to be devoted to him, even if they are practicing another yoga.

Krishna says nothing good about tamas and anything bad about bhaktiyoga. Bhagavan glorifies that particular person ‘ who sees action in inaction and sees in-action in inaction ‘ . How can inaction be action? It depends on what’s doing it. It is the body that is acting, but with an attitude of mental detachment, the mind is not the doer .

The yogi “expects nothing, relies on nothing. only his body works”.


Sloka 1sri bhagavan uvaca :

imam vivasvate yogam / proktavan aham avyayamvivasvan manave praha / manur iksvakave ‘bravit(Sri Bhagava said: I instructed this imperishable science of yoga to Vivasvan (Sun-god), , who instructed it to Manu. Manu then instructed it to his son Ikshvaku.)Sloka 2evam parampara-praptam / imam rajarsayo viduhsa kaleneha mahata / yogo nastah parantapa(O Arjuna, this yoga was thus received in succession from father to son. The rajarsis (saintly kings) understood it in that way, but due to a prolonged lapse of time, this Yoaga almost lost from this earth.)Sloka 3sa evayam maya te ‘dya / yogah proktah puratanahbhakto ‘si me sakha

ceti / rahasyam hy etad uttamam(Today I am explaining to you this supremely confidential knowledge of that same ancient yoga, because you are My devotee as well as friend .)Sloka 4arjuna uvaca :

aparam bhavato janma / param janma vivasvatahkatham etad vijaniyam / tvam adau proktavan iti(Arjuna said: Your birth is recent, whereas Surya was born in ancient time. How am I to understand that You spoke this yoga to him in a previous yuga ? ( age)Sloka 5sri bhagavan uvaca :

bahuni me vyatitani / janmani tava carjunatany aham veda sarvani / na tvam vettha parantapa(Sri Bhagavan said: You and I have passed through many births. I remember all of them, whereas you do not , O Parantapa , chastiser of the enemy. )Sloka 6ajo 'pi sann avyayatma / bhutanam isvaro 'pi sanprakrtim svam adhisthaya / sambhavamy atma-mayaya(Although I am unborn imperishable and the controller of all living entities, I appear by My yoga-maya ( divine potency) keeping my nature (prakrti) under control.)Sloka 7yada yada hi dharmasya / glanir bhavati bharataabhyutthanam adharmasya / tadatmanam srjamy aham(O Bharata! Whenever there is a decline of dharma ( righteousness) and an increase in adharma (unrighteousness) , at that time I manifest My eternally perfect form in this mundane world.)Sloka 8paritranaya sadhunam / vinasaya ca duskrtamdharma-samsthapanarthaya / sambhavami yuge yuge(To protect the virtuous, annihilate the wicked and re-establish dharma, I appear in every yuga (age )Sloka 9janma karma ca me divyam / evam yo vetti tattvatahtyaktva deham punar janma / naiti mam eti so 'rjuna(O Arjuna! My birth and activities are divine. One who knows this in truth, does not take another birth after leaving his present body. He certainly comes to Me.)Sloka 10vita-raga-bhaya-krodha / man-maya mam upasritahbahavo jnana-tapasa / puta mad-bhavam agatah(Freed from attachment, fear and anger,

with their concentration fixed on Me, being completely surrendered, and purified by the cultivation of transcendental knowledge (jnana) and tapasya (penance), many persons have become one with Me, even in the past.)Sloka 11ye yatha mam prapadyante / tams tathaiva bhajamy ahammama vartmanuvarttante / manusyah partha sarvasah(O Partha! As all surrender to Me and worship , I reciprocate accordingly. Everyone follows My path in all respects.)Sloka 12kanksantah karmanam siddhim / yajanta iha devatahksipram hi manuse loke / siddhir bhavati karmaja(Those who desire the fruits of their activities in this world worship the devatas . Thus the results of their fruitive work are quickly achieved.)Sloka 13catur-varnyam maya srstam / guna-karma-vibhagasahtasya karttaram api mam / viddhy akarttaram avayayam(The fourfold system of varnas (brahmana, kshatriya, vaisya and sudra) was created by Me classifying them according to the mode of Prakriti predominant in each and apportioning corresponding duties to them; though the author of this creation, know Me, the immortal Lord, to be a non-doer.)Sloka 14na mam karmani limpanti / na me karma-phale sprhaiti mam yo 'bhijanati / karmabhir na sa badhyate(Karma (action) can never bind Me, because I have no desire for its fruits. Those who know this truth about Me are also never bound by their activities.)Sloka 15evam jnatva krtam karma / purvair api mumksubhihkuru karmaiva tasmat tvam / purvaih purvataram krtam(Having known thus, action was performed even by the ancient seekers for liberation; therefore, you also do perform such actions as have been

performed by the ancients from the beginning of the time)Sloka 16kim karma kim akarmeti / kavayo 'py atra mohitahtat te karma pravaksyami / yaj jnatva moksyase 'subhat(What is action and what is inaction ? Even men of intelligence are puzzled over this question. Therefore I shall expound to you the truth about action, knowing which you will be freed from its bondage ( binding nature )Sloka 17karmano hy api boddhavyam / boddhavyanca vikarmanahakarmanas ca boddhavyam / gahana karmano gatih(The truth about the action must be known and the truth of inaction also must be known; even so the truth about prohibited action must be known. For mysterious are the ways of action.)Sloka 18karmany akarma yah pasyed / akarmani ca karma yahsa buddhiman manusyesu / sa yuktah krtsna-karma-krt(One who

sees action in non-action and non-action in action is truly wise among men and he is he is yogi, who has performed all actions.)Sloka 19yasya sarve samarambhah / kama-sankalpa-varjitahjnanagni-dagdha-karmanam / tam ahuh panditam budhah(Even the wise call him a sage, whose undertakings are all free from desire and thoughts of the world, and whose action are burnt up by the fire of wisdom..)Sloka 20tyaktva karma-phalasangam / nitya-trpto nirasrayahkarmany abhipravrtto 'pi / naiva kincit karoti sah(He who, having totally given up attachment to actions and their fruits, no longer depends on the world, and is ever satisfied, does nothing at all, though fully engaged in action.)Sloka 21nirasir yata-cittatma / tyakta-sarva-parigrahahsariram kevalam karma / kurvan napnoti kilbisam(Having

controlled his mind and body, and given up all objects of enjoyment, and free from craving, he who performs sheer bodily action does not incur sin.)Sloka 22yadrccha-labha-santusto / dvandvatito vimatsarahsamah siddhav asiddhau ca / krtvapi na nibadhyate(He who is satisfied with objects that come of their own accord, and who tolerates dualities such as heat and cold or happiness and distress, is free from envy and remains equally poised in success and failure. He is not bound by his action.)

Sloka 23gata-sangasya muktasya / jnanavasthita-cetasahyajnayacaratah karma / samagram praviliyate(One who is devoid of material attachments, and whose mind is situated in true jnana, is liberated. All the fruitive action of such a person who performs his every action for the worship of God, is completely dissolved.)Sloka 24brahmarpanam brahma havir / brahmagnau brahmana hutambrahmaiva tena gantavyam / brahma-karma-samadhina(Brahma can be attained by one who performs yajna in which the sacrificial instruments, the ghee, the fire, the offerings and the priest (agent) are all brahma. Such a person is qualified to attain brahma because he is fully absorbed in

action which is the same nature as brahma.)Sloka 25daivam evapare yajnam / yoginah paryupasatebrahmagnav apare yajnam / yajnenaivopajuhvati(Other yogis duly offer sacrifice only in the shape of worship to gods. Other pours into the fire of Brahma the very sacrifice in the shape of the Self through the sacrifice known as the perception of identity. )Sloka 26srotradinindriyany anye / samyamagnisu juhvatisabdadin visayan anya / indriyagnisu juhvati(Some other Yogis offer their hearing and other senses into the fire of the controlled mind, while certain yogis offer sense objects, such as sound, into the fire of the senses.)

Sloka 27

sarvanindriya-karmani prana-karmani capareatma-samyama-yogagnau juhvati jnana-dipite

(Others sacrifice all the functions of their senses and the functions of vital airs into the fire of yoga in the shape of self control, kindled by wisdom. )


Sloka 28dravya-yajnas tapo-yajna / yoga-yajnas tathaparesvadhyaya-jnana-yajnas ca / yatayah samsita-vratah(Some perform sacrifice with material possessions; some offer sacrifice in the shape of austerities ; others sacrifice through the practice of yoga of eightfold mysticism; while some striving souls, observing austere vows, perform sacrifice in the shape of wisdom through the study of Vedas.)

Sloka 29apane juhvati pranam / prane 'panam tathaparepranapana-gati ruddhva / pranayama-parayanahapare niyataharah / pranan pranesu juhvati(Others, who are devoted to pranayama (controlling the life force), offer prana (the outgoing breath) into apana (the incoming breath) and vice versa. By gradually stopping both prana and apana they become fixed in pranayama. Others, while checking the eating process, offer their prana into the fire of prana (life) itself.)Sloka 30sarve 'py ete yajna-vido / yajna-ksapita-kalmasahyajna-sistarmrta-bhujo / yanti brahma sanatanam(All those who know the principle of yajna become free from sin by performing that yajna. Having tasted the sacred remnants of yajna, they eventually

attain the eternal brahma.)Sloka 31

yagya-shishtaamrit-bhujo yaanti brahma sanaatanam

nayam loko 'sty ayajnasya / kuto 'nyah kuru-sattama(O best of the Kurus! A person who does not perform yajna cannot even attain this earthly planet with its meagre happiness. How, then, can he attain the planets of the devas and others?)Sloka 32evam bahu-vidha yajna / vitata brahmano mukhekarma-jan viddhi tan sarvan / evam jnatva vimoksyase(The various types of yajna are elaborately explained in the Vedas. Knowing all of them to be born of karma you will attain moksha (liberation.)Sloka 33sreyan dravyamayad yajnaj / jnana-yajnah parantapasarvam karmakhilam partha / jnane parisamapyate(O Parantapa, jnana-yajna is superior to the renunciation of material possessions because, O Partha, the performance of all

prescribed actions culminates in transcendental knowledge.)Sloka 34tad viddhi pranipatena / pariprasnena sevayaupadeksyanti te jnanam / jnaninas tattva-darsinah(Understand the true nature of that knowledge by approaching Acharyas (Spiritual teachers). If you prostrate at their feet, render them service , and question them with an open and guileless heart, those wise seers of Truth will instruct you in that knowledge.

Sloka 35yaj jnatva na punar moham / evam yasyasi pandavayena bhutany asesani / draksyasy atmany atho mayi(O Pandava, after acquiring such jnana you will never again be deluded. By that knowledge you will see all living beings as jivatmas, and you will see them in Me, (Paramatma.)Sloka 36api ced asi papebhyah / sarvebhyah papa-krttamahsarvam jnana-plaveniava / vrjinam santarisyasi(Even if you are the most sinful of sinners, you will be able to completely cross over the ocean of all sins by taking shelter of this boat of transcendental jnana.)Sloka 37yathaidhamsi samiddho 'gnir / bhasmasat kurute 'rjunajnanagnih sarva-karmani / bhasmasat kurute tatha(O Arjuna, just as a blazing fire burns

firewood to ashes, in the same way, the fire of transcendental knowledge burns all karmic reactions to ashes.)Sloka 38na hi jnanena sadrsam / pavitram iha vidyatetat svayam yoga-samsiddhah / kalenatmani vindati( In this world, there is nothing more purifying than transcendental knowledge ; he who has attained purity of heart through a prolonged practice of nishkama-karma (dedicating the fruits of all actions to God) automatically sees the light of truth naturally within his heart, in due course of time.)

Sloka 39sraddhavan labhate jnanam / tat-parah samyatendriyahjnanam labdhva param santim / acirenadhigacchati(A person who is faithful, who has conquered his senses and who is devoted to the practice of nishkama-karma attains transcendental knowledge. After this, he quickly attains the supreme peace (relief from bondage to the material world.)Sloka 40ajnas casraddadhanas ca / samsayatma vinasyatinayam loko 'sti na paro / na sukham samsayatmanah(Those who are ignorant, faithless and of a doubting nature are ruined. For the doubting person, there is

happiness neither in this world nor in the next.)Sloka 41yoga-sannyasta-karmanam / jnana-sanchinna-samsayamatma-vantam na karmani / nibadhnanti dhananjaya(O Dhananjaya, conqueror of riches! Actions do not bind him who has dedicated all his actions to Me according to the spirit of karma-yoga, whose doubts have been torn to shreds by wisdom, and who is self possessed.)Sloka 42tasmad ajnana-sambhutam / hrt-stham jnanasinatmanahchittvainam samsayam yogam / atisthottistha bharata(Therefore, O Bharata, slash with the sword of jnana this doubt in your heart which is born of ignorance; take shelter of nishkama-karma-yoga, and prepare for battle.)Thus ends the Fourth Chapter of Srimad Bhagavad-Gita, which

gives pleasure to the bhaktas and is accepted by all saintly persons.

Ohm Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya!!!

SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

(To Continue in next part ..)

NB - : The above is saved in the Folder, ‘Gita’ in ’s FILES. The chapter-wise summary of remaining (14) chapters of Bhagavad Gita , will be posted in (14) parts, in the coming days.




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Dear vaishnavas,

Pls accept my most humble respects

All glories to Sri Guru and Lord Sri Krishna


There is something very interesting happening to me,

here. Let me share it, as it has just happened again.

Once, last month, while I was flipping thru the Gita,

I got stuck at a particular sloka. Again, today, while

flipping down fast thru this mail I again got stuck at

the very same sloka " 4.36 " .... Is this just an

accident or is the most merciful mother Gita trying to

convey something, to this fallen soul...I am not

qualified enough to understand.. but it makes me feel

I should dig deeper at this sloka...It should be for

my benefit...



Sloka 36


api ced asi papebhyah / sarvebhyah papa-krttamah

sarvam jnana-plaveniava / vrjinam santarisyasi


(Even if you are the most sinful of sinners, you will

be able to completely cross over the ocean of all sins

by taking shelter of this boat of transcendental





When I look at the word meanings, there is one string

which stands out: " papebhyah sarvebhyah

papa-krttamah " . " Papi " is a sinner and " papebhyah

sarvebhyah " means " of all sinners " - it indicates that

there is a big fraternity of sinners; a gang a big

gang - crores and crores of them. This is true in our

current world context. Who is not a sinner? There are

small pickpockets and there are great underworld dons,

there are heads of state and there is the innocent

looking boy across the street. All of them belong to

this one great family of sinners. Its truly an

international society!!


Then there is this wonderful qualifier at the end -

" papa krtthamah " . This means the most outstanding

among the huge big society of " papis " . Papa krttamah

is the topmost of all papis. He is the king of the

papi dynasty... haha.. I just couldn't help

laughing... no wonder this sloka is directed at me -

such a fallen sinful rascal that I am... The first

time the sloka glared at me, I thought it was not

really meant for me. I thougt I am not so bad...But

now, I am convinced about my position...


Now, what is the way out....?


" Even if you are the most sinful of sinners,

you will be able

to completely cross over

the ocean of all sins

by taking shelter

of this boat

of transcendental jnana "


" sarvam vrjinam jnana-plavena eva santarishyasi "


Vrijinam is an ocean - the ocean of sins and miseries,

an ocean most difficult to overcome, especialy for a

naturaly sinful person. Even if one may be an expert

swimmer, he will be lost in this vast ocean. All this

pains and miserable conditions can be easily overcome

by getting aboard that wonderful boat of

transcendental knowledge. By learning ones

constitutional position in relationship to Krishna.

Perfect knowledge, received from the Supreme

Personality of Godhead, is the path of liberation.


Thankyou, Srila Prabhupad, for giving me, a

papa-krttamah, a chance... May your ISKCON live long,

as the boat that extends and extends like a bridge,

all the way to the spiritual world.


What can be more merciful? A society which converts an

international society of crooks & sinners into an

international society of vaishnavas, by delivering the

transcendental knowledge of Gita. Again, Srila

Prabhupad proves to the dull mind that the Lord's

words are infallible....


humble servant





--- Rajeev <rx_rajeev wrote:





> Hare Krishna. Pranam to all Vaishnavas,


> I surrender unto the lotus feet of Bhagavan Sri

> Krishna, begging for His merciful blessings to,

> advise Gita-rahasya to His Bhaktas of this group .


> GITA Summary of Chapter – 4 ( Jnana Yoga)


> (Yoga Through Transcendental Knowledge)


> Preface


> Krishna reveals that he has taught Jnana-Yoga to the

> Sun God, who passed it on. Arjuna raises a doubt

> that Krishna is not that old. Krishna now reveals

> that He is the Eternal God Mahavishnu, who causes

> Himself to incarnate as needed to help humanity and

> righteousness. “He who knows my birth as God....goes

> no more from death to death...” . The promise of

> bhaktiyoga – faith in Krishna is the means to

> salvation. Krishna wants everyone to be devoted to

> him, even if they are practicing another yoga.


> Krishna says nothing good about tamas and anything

> bad about bhaktiyoga. Bhagavan glorifies that

> particular person ‘ who sees action in inaction and

> sees in-action in inaction ‘ . How can inaction be

> action? It depends on what’s doing it. It is the

> body that is acting, but with an attitude of mental

> detachment, the mind is not the doer .


> The yogi “expects nothing, relies on nothing. only

> his body works”.




> Summary




> Sloka 1


> sri bhagavan uvaca :


> imam vivasvate yogam / proktavan aham avyayam

> vivasvan manave praha / manur iksvakave ‘bravit


> (Sri Bhagava said: I instructed this imperishable

> science of yoga to Vivasvan (Sun-god), , who

> instructed it to Manu. Manu then instructed it to

> his son Ikshvaku.)


> Sloka 2


> evam parampara-praptam / imam rajarsayo viduh

> sa kaleneha mahata / yogo nastah parantapa


> (O Arjuna, this yoga was thus received in succession

> from father to son. The rajarsis (saintly kings)

> understood it in that way, but due to a prolonged

> lapse of time, this Yoaga almost lost from this

> earth.)


> Sloka 3


> sa evayam maya te ‘dya / yogah proktah puratanah

> bhakto ‘si me sakha ceti / rahasyam hy etad uttamam


> (Today I am explaining to you this supremely

> confidential knowledge of that same ancient yoga,

> because you are My devotee as well as friend .)


> Sloka 4


> arjuna uvaca :


> aparam bhavato janma / param janma vivasvatah

> katham etad vijaniyam / tvam adau proktavan iti


> (Arjuna said: Your birth is recent, whereas Surya

> was born in ancient time. How am I to understand

> that You spoke this yoga to him in a previous yuga ?

> ( age)


> Sloka 5


> sri bhagavan uvaca :


> bahuni me vyatitani / janmani tava carjuna

> tany aham veda sarvani / na tvam vettha parantapa


> (Sri Bhagavan said: You and I have passed through

> many births. I remember all of them, whereas you do

> not , O Parantapa , chastiser of the enemy. )


> Sloka 6


> ajo 'pi sann avyayatma / bhutanam isvaro 'pi san

> prakrtim svam adhisthaya / sambhavamy atma-mayaya


> (Although I am unborn imperishable and the

> controller of all living entities, I appear by My

> yoga-maya ( divine potency) keeping my nature

> (prakrti) under control.)


> Sloka 7


> yada yada hi dharmasya / glanir bhavati bharata

> abhyutthanam adharmasya / tadatmanam srjamy aham


> (O Bharata! Whenever there is a decline of dharma (

> righteousness) and an increase in adharma

> (unrighteousness) , at that time I manifest My

> eternally perfect form in this mundane world.)


> Sloka 8


> paritranaya sadhunam / vinasaya ca duskrtam

> dharma-samsthapanarthaya / sambhavami yuge yuge


> (To protect the virtuous, annihilate the wicked and

> re-establish dharma, I appear in every yuga (age )


> Sloka 9


> janma karma ca me divyam / evam yo vetti tattvatah

> tyaktva deham punar janma / naiti mam eti so 'rjuna


> (O Arjuna! My birth and activities are divine. One

> who knows this in truth, does not take another birth

> after leaving his present body. He certainly comes

> to Me.)


> Sloka 10


> vita-raga-bhaya-krodha / man-maya mam upasritah

> bahavo jnana-tapasa / puta mad-bhavam agatah


> (Freed from attachment, fear and anger, with their

> concentration fixed on Me, being completely

> surrendered, and purified by the cultivation of

> transcendental knowledge (jnana) and tapasya

> (penance), many persons have become one with Me,

> even in the past.)


> Sloka 11


> ye yatha mam prapadyante / tams tathaiva bhajamy

> aham

> mama vartmanuvarttante / manusyah partha sarvasah


> (O Partha! As all surrender to Me and worship , I

> reciprocate accordingly. Everyone follows My path in

> all respects.)


> Sloka 12


> kanksantah karmanam siddhim / yajanta iha devatah

> ksipram hi manuse loke / siddhir bhavati karmaja


> (Those who desire the fruits of their activities in

> this world worship the devatas . Thus the results of

> their fruitive work are quickly achieved.)


> Sloka 13


> catur-varnyam maya srstam / guna-karma-vibhagasah

> tasya karttaram api mam / viddhy akarttaram avayayam


> (The fourfold system of varnas (brahmana, kshatriya,

> vaisya and sudra) was created by Me classifying

> them according to the mode of Prakriti predominant

> in each and apportioning corresponding duties to

> them; though the author of this creation, know Me,

> the immortal Lord, to be a non-doer.)


> Sloka 14


> na mam karmani limpanti / na me karma-phale sprha

> iti mam yo 'bhijanati / karmabhir na sa badhyate


> (Karma (action) can never bind Me, because I have no

> desire for its fruits. Those who know this truth

> about Me are also never bound by their activities.)


> Sloka 15


> evam jnatva krtam karma / purvair api mumksubhih

> kuru karmaiva tasmat tvam / purvaih purvataram krtam


> (Having known thus, action was performed even by the

> ancient seekers for liberation; therefore, you also

> do perform such actions as have been performed by

> the ancients from the beginning of the time)


> Sloka 16


> kim karma kim akarmeti / kavayo 'py atra mohitah


=== message truncated ===






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Respected devotees.Please accept my humble obeisances.

Indeed Srila Prabhupada has shown us the way again, the glorious path of Bhakti, which had been devoured by the many new philosophies and religious practices that cropped up in and around the asian subcontinent. No matter how sinful a man is, if he takes shelter of a devotee of Krishna he will eventually be freed from the miseries of repeated birth and death.

Bhakti is higher than any form of spiritual practice, because it is directly approved by the Lord himself.

Although there are other paths, the slow andpainful progress and that too without any assurances of success causes many failures on such paths. Bhakti on the other hand stands out in its simplicity, direct approach,fast results and all encompassing mercy of the Supreme Lord.

The philosophical conclusion that is arrived after the deepest philosophical enquiry into the knowledge of the "SELF" is that LORD KRISHNA is the SUPREME PERSONALITY of GODHEAD and we individual sparks are HIS ETERNAL SERVANTS.

Like pearls on a string we souls are arranged around the Lotus Feet of the Lord, with the LORD as the SUPREME PERSONALITY of GODHEAD with all His Plenary expansions in the midst.

Many philosophers, speculators and concocters refuse to surrender to Sri Krishna. This is stated in the Gita itself:-

ahankaram balam darpam kamam krodham ca samsritah mam atma-para-dehesu pradvisanto 'bhyasuyakah (18th verse, Chapter 16)

Bewildered by false ego, strength, pride, lust and anger, the demon becomes envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is situated in his own body and in the bodies of others, and blasphemes against the real religion.

asurim yonim apanna mudha janmani janmani mam aprapyaiva kaunteya tato yanty adhamam gatim (20th verse, Chapter 16)

Attaining repeated birth amongst the species of demoniac life, such persons can never approach Me. Gradually they sink down to the most abominable type of existence.

tri-vidham narakasyedam dvaram nasanam atmanah kamah krodhas tatha lobhas tasmad etat trayam tyajet(21st verse, Chapter 16)

There are three gates leading to this hell--lust, anger and greed. Every sane man should give these up, for they lead to the degradation of the soul.

So even if you got an opportunity just once in a lifetime to open the Srimad Bhagavad Gita and read even one sloka from it sincerely, you are entering the right path that will lead you on ever so swiftly towards the true goal of life. For the availability of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita you have to thank the thousands of devotees who humbly devote their life to book distribution, translation work (Gita is available in all languages of this world) and preaching work, having no personal interest in material advancement, they simply serve Lord Krishna alone. You must also thank Srila Prabhupada for having started all this!

My millions of humble obeisances unto the Lotus Feet of all these great devotees who serve the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna so dearly.





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