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GITA Summary, Chapter - 5 of 18 ( Karma -sannyasa Yoga)

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Hare Krishna. Pranam to all Vaishnavas,

I surrender unto the lotus feet of Bhagavan Sri Krishna, begging for His merciful blessings to, advise Gita-rahasya to His Bhaktas of this group .

GITA Summary of Chapter – 5 ( Karma-sannyasa Yoga)

(Yoga Through the Renunciation of Action)


When the sadhaka (spiritual practitioner) has attained tattva-jnana ( knowledge of the reality of things), he becomes qualified for karma-sannyasa yoga. At that time, he realizes that real sannyasa means to give up attachment to action (karma) and its fruits. True renunciation is the mental attitude, rather than avoiding "holy work" .

"But renunciation...is difficult to attain without Karma-yoga (Yoga of work). It is both proper and beneficial for one whose heart is still impure to adopt karma-yoga without being attached to the process and its fruits, rather than to completely renounce karma.

Krishna remembers:….‘ One is not doing any work …It is the servants of his soul that are working.’ The true Self neither affects nor is affected by anything in the world. The ‘servants of my soul ’ are the gunas , which constitute and cause everything that happens. Salvation is to see through the delusion and be free of the gunas.


Sloka 1arjuna uvaca :

sannyasam karmanam Krishna / punar yoganca samsasiyac chreya etayor ekam / tan me bruhi su-niscitam(Arjuna said: O Krishna, after first praising karma-sannyasa (the renunciation of action), You are again describing karma-yoga (action done as an offering to God , without desiring its result). Therefore, please tell me definitely, which of these two is auspicious for

me?)Sloka 2sri bhagavan uvaca:

sannyasah karma-yogas ca / nihsreyasa-karav ubhautayos tu karma-sannyasat / karma-yoga visisyate(Sri Bhagavan said: Both karma-sannyasa and karma-yoga are auspicious, but karma-yoga is certainly superior to karma-sannyasa. )Sloka 3jneyah sa nitya-sannyasi / yo na dvesti na kanksatinirdvandvo hi maha-baho / sukham bandhat pramucyate(O Maha-baho, he who neither hates nor desires anything is always worthy to be known as a sannyasi, because one who is free from the dualities of aversion and attachment easily becomes liberated from the bondage of this material world.)Sloka 4sankhya-yogau prthag balah / pravadanti na panditahekam apy asthitah samyag / ubhayor vindate phalam(Only the

ignorant speak of karma-yoga as being different from the karma-sannyasa yoga . Those who are actually learned say that he who applies himself well to one of these paths achieves the results of both.)Sloka 5yat sankhyaih prapyate sthanam / tad yogair api gamyateekam sankhyam ca yoganca / yah pasyati sa pasyati(The result attained by karma-sannyasa is also attained by karma-yoga. Those who are wise, and who correctly see karma-sannyasa yoga and karma-yoga as one ( so far results are concerned ) really sees.)Sloka 6sannyasas tu maha-baho / duhkham aptum ayogatahyoga-yukto munir brahma / na cirenadhigacchati(O Maha-baho, practising karma-sannyasa yoga without karma-yoga brings

distress, but one who performs karma-yoga becomes a jnani and very quickly attains the Supreme.)Sloka 7yoga-yukto visuddhatma / vijitatma jitendriyahsarva-bhutatmabhutatma / kurvann api na lipyate(One who performs karma-yoga with pure intelligence and a pure heart, and who has controlled his senses, is the object of affection for all jivas. is dear to everyone, and everyone is dear to him. Though always working, such a man is never gets entangled (tied down ).

Slokas 8-9naiva kincit karomiti / yukto manyeta tattva-vitpasyan srnvan sprsan jighrann / asnan gacchan svapan svasanpralapan visrjan grhnann / unmisan nimisann apiindriyanindriyarthese / varttanta iti dharayan(A karma-yogi situated in tattva-jnana (knowledge of the reality of things), although is engaged in seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, eating, moving about, sleeping and breathing, always knows within himself that he actually does nothing at all. Because while speaking, evacuating, receiving, or opening or closing his eyes, he always knows that only the material senses are engaged with

their objects and that he is aloof from them.)

Sloka 10brahmany adhaya karmani / sangam tyaktva karoti yahlipyate na sa papena / padma-patram ivambhasa(One who has renounced attachment to karma, and offers all the fruits of actions to God, remains untouched by sin, as the lotus leaf by water.)

Sloka 11kayena manasa buddhya / kevalair indriyair apiyoginah karma kurvanti / sangam tyaktvatma-suddhaye(The yogis, abandoning attachment, act with body, mind, intelligence and even with the senses, only for the purpose of self purification.)Sloka 12yuktah karma-phalam tyaktva / santim apnoti naisthikimayuktah kama-karena / phale sakto nibadhyate(Offering the fruits of actions to God, the Karma yogi attains ever lasting peace in the shape of God-Realization. Whereas, he who works with a selfish motive, being attached to the fruit of actions through desire, gets entangled.)Sloka 13sarva-karmani manasa / sannyasyate sukham

vasinava-dvare pure dehi / naiva kurvan na karayan(The self-controlled jiva (karma-yogi), having renounced attachment to the fruits of all karma within his mind, dwells peacefully in the city of nine gates (body having nine holes), neither performing action himself nor causing anyone to act.)Sloka 14na karttrtvam na karmani / lokasya srjati prabhuhna karma-phala-samyogam / svabhavas tu pravarttate(God has not created the tendency for individuals to act, nor even their contact with the fruit of actions. But, it is their acquired nature alone that functions).

Sloka 15nadatte kasyacit papam / na caiva sukrtam vibhuhajnanenavrtam jnanam / tena muhyanti jantavah(God does not accept anyone's sinful reaction or their pious reaction. The ignorance, however, which covers the inherent true knowledge of the jivas, bewilders them.)Sloka 16jnanena tu tad ajnanam / yesam nasitam atmanahtesam adityavaj jnanam / prakasyati tat param(In the case, however, of those whose said ignorance has been set aside by true Knowledge of God, that wisdom shining like the sun reveals the

God.)Sloka 17tad-buddhayas tad-atmanas / tan-nisthas tat-parayanahgacchanty apunar-avrttim / jnana-nirdhuta-kalmasah(Those whose intelligence is fixed in God, whose minds are absorbed only in meditation on Him, who are exclusively devoted to Him, who are engaged in hearing and chanting about Him, and whose ignorance and sins have been fully cleansed through complete knowledge , thus proceeds straight on the path of liberation.)Sloka 18vidya-vinaya-sampanne / brahmane gavi hastinisuni caiva svapake ca / panditah sama-darsinah(The wise look with equal vision upon a gentle and learned brahmana, a cow, an elephant, a dog and a Chandala [dog-eater].Sloka 19ihaiva tair jitah sargo / yesam samye sthitam manahnirdosam hi samam brahma /

tasmad brahmani te sthita(Those whose minds are fixed in equanimity conquer the whole universe in this very life. They possess the flawless qualities of the Supreme, and are therefore situated in the Supreme.)Sloka 20na prahrsyet priyam prapya / nodvijet prapya capriyamsthira-buddhir asammudho / brahma-vid brahmani sthitah(One who knows the Supreme, and who is firmly situated in the Supreme, has steady intelligence and is not deluded. He neither rejoices upon obtaining something pleasant, nor despairs upon receiving something unpleasant. )Sloka 21bahya-sparsesv asaktatma / vindaty-atmani yat sukhamsa brahma-yoga-yuktatma / sukham-aksayam asnute(He who is not attached to sense-pleasure finds happiness within the self. Being united with Supreme through yoga, he attains unending happiness.)Sloka

22ye hi samsparsaja bhoga / duhkha-yonaya eva teady-antavantah kaunteya / na tesu ramate budhah(O Kaunteya, pleasures born of sense-contacts are certainly the cause of suffering. Since they have a beginning and an end, a wise man does not become attached to them.)Sloka 23saknotihaiva yah sodhum / prak sarira-vimoksanatkama-krodhodbhavam vegan / sa yuktah sa sukhi narah(Before giving up the body, he, who in this very life can tolerate the urges born of lust and anger, is a yogi, and is certainly happily situated.)Sloka 24yo'ntah-sukho'ntararamas / tathantar-jyotir eva yahsa yogi brahma-nirvanam / brahma-bhuto'dhigacchati(A yogi who is happy within himself, enjoys within the self the delight of the soul, and even so is illumined by the inner light ( light of the soul )is actually the perfect mystic. He

is liberated in the Supreme, and ultimately he attains the Supreme.)

Sloka 25

labhante brahma-nirvanam / rsayah ksina-kalmasahchinna-dvaidha yatatmanah / sarva-bhuta-hite-ratah(Those sages who are free from sin and doubt, who have control over their minds, and who are engaged in the eternal welfare of all living entities, achieve liberation in the Supreme.)Sloka 26kama-krodha-vimuktanam / yatinam yata-cetasamabhito brahma-nirvanam / varttate viditatmanam(Those who are free from lust and anger, who have control over their minds, and who are well versed in atma-tattva (spiritual knowledge), are assured of liberation in the Supreme in the very near future).

Sloka 27-28sparsan krtva bahir bahyams / caksus caivantare bhruvohpranapanau samau krtva / nasabhyantara-carinau(Shutting out all external enjoyments, keeping the eyes and vision concentrated between the two eyebrows, suspending the inward and outward breaths within the nostrils, and thus controlling the mind, senses and intelligence, the transcendentalist aiming at liberation becomes free from desire, fear and anger is certainly liberated )Sloka 29bhoktaram yajna-tapasam / sarva-loka-mahesvaramsuhrdam sarva-bhutanam / jnatva mam santim rcchati(He who knows Me to be the enjoyer of all sacrifices and austerities, the

Supreme Controller of all planets and the well-wisher of all jivas, attains liberation.)Thus ends the Fifth Chapter of Srimad Bhagavad-Gita, which gives pleasure to the bhaktas and is accepted by all saintly persons.

Ohm Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya!!!

SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

(To Continue in next part ..)

NB - : The above is saved in the Folder, ‘Gita’ in ’s FILES. The chapter-wise summary of remaining (13) chapters of Bhagavad Gita , will be posted in (13) parts, in the coming days.

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