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Avoid Obstacles in Bhakti-yoga

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Hare Krishna,

Avoid Obstacles in Bhakti-yoga

Bhakti-yoga (devotional services to Krishna) is very important for Spiritual development . To avoid being pulled into negativity, the devotee should be careful about the obstacles discussed here :



Bad Association with undesirable persons.


Negative entertainments.


False Ego .


Excessive talking , Arguments & Self justification.

Jealousy, Fault finding and Gossiping.

Adoration of Atheistic Leaders.

Material desires.

Fear and Undue-worries.

Avoidance of Scriptures and ‘Pure’ devotees .

Harming other living beings

Worship of other Deities.



Bad Association with undesirable persons

In this age (kali-yuga), the people are addicted to all types of sinful activities such as hypocrisy, flattery, untruth, double-dealing , cheating and selfishness . People who lie and steal, or are greedy or indulge in backbiting and pass the time with idle gossiping are detrimental to Bhakti-yoga . The best approach is to avoid them. One should trust only his inner-voice and fix the mind on Krishna .


Negative Entertainments.

Anything that gives rise to negative thoughts or vibrations comes under this category. The mind should not be distracted by Songs, Articles, T V programs, Movies, etc, promoting violence and material enjoyments. They lead the mind astray and fill it with desires that distract the mind outward rather than focus inward. They virtually destroy the spiritual interest .


False Ego .

The ‘False ego’ places a devotee in bondage and awards him exactly the opposite of what he really desires. Therefore , an intelligent person should give up his constant anxiety to enjoy material life and take refuge in Krishna.


Excessive talking , Unnecessary arguments & Self Justification .

Diarrhea of the tongue wastes much energy that could be utilised for personal development. Too much talking makes a person restless and unfit for the practice of bhakti-yoga . The wise speak only few words, and that too only when necessary, for by their very economy they will carry the most force. To help calm, center, and discipline the mind, Mouna (silence ) can be observed at those time when there is the most opportunity to talk.

People of intellectual nature are often prone to unnecessary discussions and controversies. A person who is unable to remain quiet easily becomes involved in heated debates, which lead to enemity , hostility, and energy drain. Krishna advises in Bhagavatam “ A devotee should never speak like a mere logician or skeptic or take any side whatsoever in useless arguments.”

Self-justification is another behavioral weakness to be overcome along with its characteristics-self assertion, rigidity, bluffing etc . Once these weaknesses get established in the personality it is very difficult to eliminate them, for the ego never admits to its own faults. One lie covers another in an endless succession of vain attempts at self justification. Improvements however comes quickly and rapidly when one learns to admit his faults, mistakes and weaknesses .


Jealousy, Fault finding and Gossiping.

Petty mindedness is closely associated with jealousy, back-biting and gossiping All these are caused due to the ‘tamo-guna’ (ignorance). One should not look at the merits and demerits of others. Every minute that is spent for gossiping and judging others must be used instead to chant the powerful names of Krishna .


Adoration of Atheistic Leaders

Those all-time great leaders of society like Prahlada, Bali, and later on Madhvacarya, Ramanujacarya, Sri Caitanya and many others--who are faithful philosophers, politicians, educators, scientists, etc.--surrender to the lotus feet of the Supreme God, the all-powerful authority.

On the other hand, the Atheist ‘leaders’ do not accept the plan or path of the Supreme Lord. They have no idea of God ; they simply manufacture their own worldly plans and consequently complicate the problems of people in their vain attempts to solve them. Since, maya-sakti (illusionary energy) is so powerful, it can resist the unauthorized plans of the atheists and baffle the limited knowledge of ‘ planning commissions’ . Therefore, just as an attempt to raise crops becomes fruitless if there are many problems like crop disease, insect plague or drought, similarly, the attempts of Atheist leaders to serve the people, are always

fruitless because of innumerable obstacles.


Material Desires.

A devotee may live in various material bodies while in this world, experiencing their various qualities and functions . But he should never entangled , just as the wind which carries various aromas does not actually mix with them.


Fear and Undue worries.

A devotee should remain peaceful and free of fear and worries because he is always under the protection of Krishna , the Supreme God. The devotee should never be disturbed, and thus in all respects like the tranquil waters of the unfathomable and unsurpassable ocean.


Avoidance of Scriptures and ‘Pure’ devotees .

Srila Rupa Gosvami writes in his Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (1.2.101):"Devotional service of the Lord that ignores the authorized scriptures is simply an unnecessary disturbance in society."

Krishna advises His great devotee Udhava “Just as the honeybee takes nectar from all flowers, big and small, an intelligent devotee should take the essence from the religious scriptures. A ‘pure’ devotee is just like water because he is free from all contamination, gentle by nature, and by speaking creates a beautiful vibration like that of flowing water. Just by seeing, touching or hearing such a person, the living entity is purified, just as one is cleansed by contact with pure water. Thus a ‘pure’ devotee, just like a holy place, purifies all those who contact him because he always chants the glories of the


Krishna also declares in Bhagavatam ” Just as a ship rescues those who have fallen into the ocean, similarly, I very quickly rescue from all calamities those persons who uplift brahmanas and devotees suffering in a poverty-stricken condition.”


Harming other living beings .

A devotee, even when harassed by other living beings, should understand that his aggressors are acting helplessly under the control of Krishna’s maya-sakti , and thus should forgive and protect them . Krishna advises Udhava “One may worship Me within the individual living entity by offering food and other enjoyable substances, and one may worship Me within all living entities by seeing the Supersoul within all of them, thus maintaining equal vision.”


Worship of other Deities.

Krishna has given independence to everyone; therefore, if a person desires to have material enjoyment and wants to have it quickly from ‘ Devatas’, then the Supersoul dwelling in everyone's heart, does not interfere with his independence, but gives all facilities to accomplish his desires. But the practice of worshiping many ‘deities’ will only get the devotee’s mind disturbed and the spiritual energy dissipated . The pure devotee understands this fact as well as the eternal truth “ The Supreme

Lord Sri Krishna is unlimited ; His favor is unlimited ; His mercy is unlimited. Therefore the mercy of the Supreme Lord upon His loyal devotee is both unlimited and eternal.”

In the Srimad-Bhagavatam , Bhagavan Krishna says to Udhava :


My dear Uddhava, narrations of My pastimes and qualities are all-auspicious and purify the entire universe.

My devotees may or may not know exactly what I am, who I am and how I exist, but if they worship Me with unalloyed love, then I consider them to be the best of devotees.

One should meditate on My peaceful, transcendental form with four arms holding a Conchshell, Sudarsana disc, Club and Lotus flower. In this way, one should worship Me with fixed attention.

The devotees are always in My heart, and I am always in the hearts of the devotees. The devotee does not know anything beyond Me, and I also cannot forget the devotee. There is a very intimate relationship between Me and the pure devotees. Pure devotees in full knowledge are never out of spiritual touch, and therefore they are very much dear to Me.

The self can be cleansed by bathing, charity, austerity, age, personal strength, purifying rituals, prescribed duties and, above all, by remembrance of Me.

Sri Krishnaya Namah!!!


Your humble servant



NB – The above is based on the articles of Srila Prabhupada and G.Raman.




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