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GITA Summary, Chapter - 11 of 18

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Hare Krishna. Pranam to all Vaishnavas,

I surrender unto the lotus feet of Bhagavan Sri Krishna, begging for His merciful blessings to, advise Gita-rahasya to His Bhaktas of this group.

GITA Summary of Chapter – 11 (Visvarupa Darsana Yoga)

(Yoga Through Beholding Krishna’s Universal Form)


In the previous chapters Krishna said “ I am the source of everything. I am all-pervading, yet not personally present everywhere.

In this chapter, Arjuna desires to see Him actually in His universal form, to see how He is acting from within the universe, although He is apart from it.

Krishna is covered by His yoga-maya potency. So after providing divine eyes to Arjuna , Krishna reveals to him , His ‘Visva-rupa’ (Universal Form).

Arjuna sees the entire universe in the gigantic body of Krishna. If hundreds of thousands of suns were to rise at once into the sky, their radiance might resemble the effulgence of Krishna’s Universal Form.

Beholding Krishna’s Universal Form Arjuna says : “ You are indeed the God of gods. The entire manifestations gods like Brahma and Siva are entering into You. Some of them, very much afraid, are offering prayers with folded hands. Divine Sages are praying to You by chanting the Vedic hymns . O Lord, You pervade the entire space between heaven and earth in all

directions. Seeing Your marvelous and terrible form, the three worlds tremble.”

Once the divine vision is revealed, Arjuna’s attitude to Krishna changes immediately. Trembling with great fear, Arjuna is offering obeisances to Krishna with folded hands.

In His terrific Universal Form Krishna says : “ I am death, the mighty destroyer of the world. I have come here to destroy all these people in this Kurukshetra war. Even without your participation in thiswar, not even one solidier in the opposing army will survive. I have already destroyed all these warriors. You are only an instrument. Simply fight , conquer your enemies, and enjoy a prosperous kingdom, O Arjuna.”

"Just become an instrument": This word is also very significant. The whole world is moving according to the plan of Krishna, the Godhead. Foolish persons think that nature is moving without a plan and all manifestations are accidental formations. There is no question of "perhaps" and "maybe." There is a specific plan being carried out in this material world. What

is this plan? This cosmic manifestation is a chance for the conditioned souls to go back to Godhead, back to the eternal abode of Krishna.

Bhagavan Krishna has senses and a body like the ordinary man, but for Him there is no difference between His senses, body, mind and Himself. Krishna can perform all sensual activities. The best policy is to follow the principles of Krishna ; that will make one perfect.

The impersonalists are imagining that they are seeing the true form of the supreme God. But from Bhagavad-gita we understand that the impersonalists are not devotees and so they are unable to see the universal form of the supreme God, Krishna.

There are many persons who create incarnations. They falsely claim an ordinary human to be an incarnation. A devotee of Krishna cannot accept false incarnations or followers of false incarnations.

In summary, the all-inclusive universal form, as well as the four-armed form of Maha-Vishnu, have all been exhibited by Krishna. Thus Krishna is the origin of the entire divine manifestations. It is not that Krishna is a manifestation of the original visva-rupa, but, Krishna Himself is the origin of all forms.

Brahma-samhita says “ Those who are attached to the Syamasundara form of Krishna in love and devotion can see Him always within the heart ”.

“O Arjuna, neither by study of scriptures, nor by austerity, charity, or ritual, can I be seen in My human-like form. However, through single minded devotion I can be seen in this form, can be known in essence, and also can be reached. One who does his worldly duty for Me, to whom I am the supreme goal, who is my devotee, free from attachment and without enmity towards living beings, realizes Me.”

Therefore, Gita’s eleventh chapter establishes beyond doubt that, Sri Krishna Himself is the Supreme Godhead and His human like form is essential and supreme.


Sloka 1arjuna uvaca :

mad-anugrahaya paramam / guhyam adhyatma-samjnitamyat tvayoktam vacas tena / moho 'yam vigato mama(Arjuna said: Having heard the supremely confidential knowledge of spiritual wisdom, You have revealed out of compassion to me, my delusion has disappeared now).Sloka 2bhavapyayau hi bhutanam / srutau vistaraso mayatvattah kamala-patraksa / mahatmyam api cavyayam(O lotus-eyed Lord , I have heard from You in detail about the creation and dissolution of the living entities, as well as Your unlimited glories.)Sloka 3evam etad yathattha tvam / atmanam paramesvaradrastum icchami te rupam / aisvaram purusottama(O Paramesvara (Supreme God) , though I am seeing You here before me in Your actual position (as You have

described), I wish to see how You have entered into this cosmic manifestation. I want to see that divine form of Yours.)Sloka 4manyase yadi tac chakyam / maya drastum iti prabhoyogesvara tato me tvam / darsayatmanam avyayam(O Yogesvara ! If You think that it is possible for me to behold Your imperishable divine Form, then please reveal that eternal Form to me. )Sloka 5sri-bhagavan uvaca :

pasya me partha rupani / sataso 'tha sahasrasahnana-vidhani divyani / nana-varnakrtini ca(Arjuna, behold presently in hundreds and thousands My various divine forms, of different colors and shapes. )

Sloka 6pasyadityan vasun rudran / asvinau marutas tathabahuny adrsta-purvani / pasyascaryani bharata(Behold in Me, Arjuna, the twelve sons of Aditi, the eight Vasus, the eleven Rudras, ( manifestations of Lord Siva ), the two Ashwanikumaras ( the twin-born physicians of gods ), and witness many more wonderful forms never seen before. )

Sloka 7ihaika-stham jagat krtsnam / pasyadya sa-caracarammama dehe gudakesa / yac canyad drastum icchasi(O Arjuna, whatever you wish to see, behold at once in this body of Mine ! This Universal Form can show you whatever you desire to see . Everything--moving and non-moving--is here completely, in one place.)Sloka 8na tu mam sakyase drastum / anenaiva sva-caksusadivyam dadami te caksuh / pasya me yogam aisvaram(But you cannot see Me with your present eyes. Therefore I give you divine eyes. Behold My mystic opulence!)Sloka 9sanjaya uvaca ;

evam uktva tato rajan / maha-yogesvaro harihdarsayamasa parthaya / paramam rupam aisvaramSanjaya said: O King, having spoken thus, Sri Krishna, the supreme mystic, forthwith revealed to Arjuna , His supremely glorious Universal Form. )

Slokas 10-11aneka-vaktra-nayanam / anekadbhuta-darsanamaneka-divyabharanam / divyanekodyatayudhamdivya-malyambara-dharam / divya-gandhanulepanamsarvascarya-mayam devam / anantam visvato-mukham(Arjuna saw in that universal form unlimited mouths, unlimited eyes, unlimited wonderful visions. The form was decorated with many celestial ornaments and bore many divine upraised weapons. He wore celestial garlands and garments, and many divine scents were smeared over His body. All was wondrous, brilliant, unlimited, all-expanding.)Sloka 12divi surya-sahasrasya / bhaved yugapad utthitayadi bhah sadrsi sa syad / bhasas tasya mahatmanah(If hundreds of thousands of suns were to rise at once into the sky, their radiance might resemble the effulgence of the

Supreme Person in that Universal Form.)

Sloka 13tatraika-stham jagat krtsnam / pravibhaktam anekadhaapasyad deva-devasya / sarire pandavas tada(At that time Arjuna could see in the Universal Form of the God of gods the unlimited expansions of the universe situated in one place although divided into many, many thousands.)Sloka 14tatah sa vismayavisto / hrsta-roma dhananjayahpranamya sirasa devam / krtanjalir abhasata(Then, bewildered and astonished, his hair standing on end, Arjuna bowed his head to offer obeisances and with folded hands began to speak the following words to the Supreme God.)

Sloka 15arjuna uvaca :

pasyami devams tava deva dehesarvams tatha bhuta-visesa-sanghanbrahmanam isam kamalasana-sthamrsims ca sarvan uragams ca divyan (Arjuna said: O Bhagavan, I see assembled in Your body all the gods and various other living entities. I see Brahma sitting on the lotus flower, as well as Lord Siva and all the sages and divine serpents.)Sloka 16aneka-bahudara-vaktra-netrampasyami tvam sarvato 'nanta-rupamnantam na madhuyam na punas tavadimpasyami visvesvara visva-rupa(O Lord of universe, I see You endowed with numerous arms, bellies, mouths and eyes and having innumerable forms extended on all sides. Moreover, I can not see in You any beginning, middle or end. )

Sloka 17kiritinam gadinam cakrinancatejo-rasim sarvato diptimantampasyami tvam durniriksyam samantaddiptanalarka-dyutim aprameyamI see Your form as the supremely brilliant, all-pervading abode of splendor, adorned with crowns and bearing clubs and discs on all sides. It is very difficult to look upon You in the blazing fire of Your effulgence, which is radiating like the sun in all directions.)Sloka 18tvam aksaram paramam veditavyamtvam asya visvasya param nidhanamtvam avyayah sasvata-dharma-goptasanatanas tvam puruso mato me(You are Parabrahma , the supreme objective to be realized . You are the supreme refuge of this universe. You are imperishable, You are the protector of ‘sanatana-dharma’ and the Supreme personality. This is my opinion.)Sloka 19anadi-madhyantam ananta-viryamananta-bahum sasi-surya-netrampasyami tvam dipta-hutasa-vaktramsva-tejasa visvam idam tapantam(You are without beginning, middle or end. You possess infinite prowess, innumerable arms, the sun and the moon are your eyes. I see fire blazing from Your mouths scorching he whole universe by Your radiance.)Sloka 20dyav a-prthivyor idam antaram hivyaptam tvayaikena disas ca sarvahdrstvadbhutam rupam idam tavogramloka-trayam pravyathitam mahatman(You alone pervade the entire space between earth and the heaven , in all directions. O great one ! Seeing this marvelous and terrible form of Yours, all the inhabitants of the three worlds are trembling with fear, O Lord.)Sloka 21ami hi tvam sura-sangha visantikecid bhitah pranjalayo grnantisvastity uktva maharsi-siddha-sanghahstuvanti tvam stutibhih puskalabhih(All the hosts of gods are entering into You. Some of them, very much afraid, are offering prayers with folded hands. Hosts of great sages and perfected beings, crying "All peace!" are praying to You by singing the Vedic hymns.)Sloka 22rudraditya vasavo ye ca sadhyavisve 'svinau marutas cosmapas cagandharva-yuksasura-siddha-sanghaviksante tvam vismitas caiva sarve(All the manifestations of Lord Siva, the Adityas, the Vasus, the Sadhyas, the Visvadevas, the Asvini-kumaras, the Maruts,

Pitrs, Gandharvas, Yaksas, Asuras and the Siddhas ; all of them are gazing upon You in amazement).Sloka 23rupam mahat te bahu-vaktra-netrammaha-baho bahu-bahuru-padambahudaram bahu-damstra-karalamdrstva lokah pravyathitas tathaham(O Maha-baho, on seeing Your gigantic form with its unlimited mouths, countless eyes, innumerable arms, thighs, feet, bellies and many fearsome teeth, everyone, in this universe including me is terror-stuck)Sloka 24nabhah-sprsam diptam aneka-varnamvyattananam dipta-visala-netramdrstva hi tvam pravyathitantar-atmadhrtim na vindami samanca visno(O Vishnu! Seeing Your blazing, multi-coloured form pervade the sky with large flaming eyes and vast, wide-open mouths, my mind is overpowered by fear and I am not feeling steady

or at peace.)Sloka 25damstra-karalani ca te mukhanidrstvaiva kalanala-sannibhanidiso na jane na labhe ca sarmaprasida devesa jagan-nivasa(Seeing Your dreadful mouths, full of fearsome teeth and blazing like the fire of annihilation, I am unable to ascertain where the four directions are, or feel any kind of peace. O God of the gods ! O refuge of the universe! Kindly be merciful to me.)Slokas 26-27ami ca tvam dhrtarastrasya putrahsarve sahaivavami-pala-sanghaihbhismo dronah suta-putras tathasausahasmadiyair api yodha-mukhyaihvaktrani te tvaramana visantidamstra-karalani bhayanakanikecid vilagna dasanantaresusandrsyante curnitair uttamangaih(All the sons of Dhrtarastra along with their allied host of kings, Bhisma, Drona, Karna, as well as the leading warriors on our

side, are rushing in to You with great speed and entering Your cave-like mouths which are filled with frightful teeth. Some are also trapped there, with their heads crushed between those teeth.)Sloka 28yatha nadinam bahavo' mbu-vegahsamudram evabhimukha dravantitatha tavami nara-loka-viravisanti vaktrany abhivijvalanti(All these great heroes are entering Your blazing mouths, just as the waves of a river rush impetuously towards the ocean.)

Sloka 29yatha pradiptam jvalanam patangavisanti nasaya samrddha-vegah(As moths rush into a blazing fire and perish, so too are these warriors entering Your mouths with great speed, only to die.) Sloka 30lelihyase grasamanah samantallokan samagran vadanair jvaladbhihtejobhir apurya jagat samagrambhasas tavograh pratapanti visno(You are licking up all the worlds with Your flaming mouths, swallowing them from all sides. Your powerful radiance is burning the entire universe, and filling it with splendor, O Krishna.)Sloka 31akhyahi me ko bhavan ugra-ruponamo 'stu te deva-vara prasidavijnatum icchami bhavantam adyamna hi prajanami tava pravrttim(Tell me who You are with a form so terrible ? My obeisance to You, O God of Gods ; be kind to me, I wish to know You, the Supreme Being, because I do not know about Your mission.)

Sloka 32sri-bhagavan uvaca :

kalo 'smi loka-ksaya-krt pravrddha lokan samhartum iha pravrttahrte 'pi tvam na bhavisyanti sarveye 'vasthitah pratyanikesu yodhah(I am inflamed ' Kala' ( the eternal Time-spirit ), the mighty destroyer of the worlds. I am out to engage all these people. Even without you , not even one soldier arrayed in the enemy's camp will survive. )Sloka 33tasmat tvam uttistha yaso labhasvajitva satrun bhunksva rajyam samrddhammayaivaite nihatah purvam evanimitta-matram bhava savya-sacin(Rise up, therefore, to do battle and achieve glory by conquering your enemies, and thereby enjoy an unrivalled kingdom. All these warriors are already slain by Me alone. O Savyasacin, just become

My instrument. )Sloka 34dronanca bhismanca jayadrathancakarnam tathanyan api yodha-viranmaya hatams tvam jahi ma vyathisthayudhyasva jetasi rane sapatnan(Drona, Bhisma, Jayadratha, Karna and many other great heroes have already been destroyed by Me, so simply fight and you will conquer the enemies.)Sloka 35sanjaya uvaca :

etac chrutva vacanam kesavasyakrtanjalir vepamanah kiritinamaskrtva bhuya evaha krsnamsa-gadgadam bhita-bhitah pranamya(Sanjaya said to Dhrtarastra: Upon hearing these words of Sri Keshava , Arjuna, trembling, offered repeated obeisances with folded hands and, being extremely frightened, began speaking to Krsna in a faltering voice as follows.)Sloka 36arjuna uvaca :

sthane hrsikesa tava prakirtyajagat prahrsyaty anurajyate caraksamsi bhitani diso dravantisarve namasyanti ca siddha-sanghah(Arjuna said: O Hrsikesa, the world becomes joyful upon hearing Your name, and thus everyone becomes attached to You. Although the perfected beings offer You their respectful homage, the demons are afraid, and they flee here and there. All this is indeed most appropriate.)Sloka 37kasmac ca te na nameran mahatmangariyase brahmano 'py adi-kartreananta devesa jagan-nivasatvam aksaram sad-asat tat param yat(O Lord of the Devatas! You stand above even Brahma as You are the original creator . Why should they not offer their homage up to You, O limitless

one? O refuge of the universe, You are the invincible source, the cause of all causes and the imperishable reality.)Sloka 38tvam adi-devah purusah puranastvam asya visvasya param nidhanamvettasi vedyanca paranca dhamatvaya tatam visvam ananta-rupa(You are the primal God of all gods, the most ancient Person. You are the ultimate refuge of the entire universe. You are the knower, the object of knowledge, and the Supreme Abode. You, O Lord of the infinite form, You alone pervade the entire universe.)

Sloka 39vayur yamo 'gnir varunah sasankahprajapatis tvam prapitamahas canamo namas te 'stu sahasra-krtvahpunas ca bhuyo 'pi namo namas te(You are air, fire, water, and You are the moon! You are the supreme controller and the grandfather. Thus I offer my respectful obeisances unto You a thousand times, and again and yet again!)Sloka 40namah purastad atha prsthatas tenamo 'stu te sarvata eva sarvaananta-viryamita-vikramas tvamsarvam samapnosi tato 'si sarvah(O Lord of infinite prowess, my salutions to You from front and from behind. O Soul of all, my obeisance to You from all sides indeed. You, who possess infinite valor and boundless might, You pervade all; therefore , You are everywhere and in everything.)

Sloka 41-42sakheti matva prasabham yad uktamhe krsna he yadava he sakhetiajanata mahimanam tavedammaya pramadat pranayena vapiyac cavahasartham asat-krto 'sivihara-sayyasana-bhojanesueko 'tha vapy acyuta tat-smaksamtat ksamaye tvam aham aprameyam(I have in the past addressed You as "O Krsna,O Yadava,O my friend," without knowing Your glories. Please forgive whatever I may have done in madness or in love. I have dishonored You many times while relaxing or while lying on the same bed or eating together, sometimes alone and sometimes in front of many friends. Please excuse me for all my offenses.)

Sloka 43pitasi lokasya caracarasyatvam asya pujyas ca gurur gariyanna tvat-samo 'sty abhyadhikah kuto 'myoloka-traye 'py apratima-prabhava(You are the father of this complete cosmic manifestation and the worshipable Guru. No one is equal to You ; how can there be any one greater than You?. Within the three worlds, O being of incomparable power.)Sloka 44tasmat pranamya pranidhaya kayamprasadaye tvam aham isam idyampiteva putrasya sakheva sakhyuhpriyah priyayarhasi deva sodhum(You are the Supreme Lord, to be worshiped by every living being. Thus I fall down to offer You my obeisences and beg Your mercy. Please tolerate my offenses and bear with me as a

father forgives his son, or a friend tolerates his friend, or a lover excuses his beloved.)Sloka 45adrsta-purvam hrsito 'smi drstvabhayena ca pravyathitam mano metad eva me darsaya deva rupamprasida devesa jagan-nivasa(I am delighted by watching this universal form which I have never seen before, and yet my mind is tormented with fear. Therefore please have mercy on me and show me that divine four-armed form. O God of gods, the refuge of the universe!)

Sloka 46kiritinam gadinam cakra-hastamicchami tvam drastum aham tathaivatenaiva rupena catur-bhujenasahasra-baho bhava visva-murtteO universal Lord, I wish to see You in Your four-armed form, with a crown holding conch , discus, mace and , and lotus flower in Your hands. O Lord with thousand arms and Universal Form, please appear in the four-armed form.)

Sloka 47sri-bhagavan uvaca :

maya prasannena tavarjunedamrupam param darsitam atma-yogattejo-mayam visvam anantam adyamyan me tvad anyena na drsta-purvam(Bhagavan said: O Arjuna, being pleased with you I have shown you, through My own yogic powers, this supreme, shining, universal, infinite, and primal form of Mine that has never been seen before by anyone other than you.)Sloka 48na veda-yujnadhyayanair na danairna ca kriyabhir na tapobhir ugraihevam-rupah sakya aham nr-lokedrastum tvad anyena kuru-pravira(O Arjuna, neither by study of the Vedas, nor by sacrifice, nor by charity, nor by rituals, nor by severe austerities, can I be seen in this universal form by any one other than you in this material world. )

Sloka 49ma te vyatha ma ca vimudha-bhavodrtva rupam ghoram idrn mamedamvyapeta-bhih prita-manah punas tvamtad eva me rupam idam prapasya(Do not be afraid or deluded by seeing this terrible form of Mine. Become fearless and with a cheerful mind behold once again My beautiful four-armed form to your complete satisfaction.)Sloka 50sanjaya uvaca :

ity arjunam vasudevas tathoktvasvakam rupam darsayamasa bhuyahasvasayamasa ca bhitam enambhutva punah saumya-vapur mahatma(Sanjaya said: Having spoken thus, the supremely compassionate son of Vasudeva again revealed His beautiful four-armed form, and then Sri Krishna ,the great one further consoled the frightened Arjuna by assuming His gentle two-armed form.)Sloka 51arjuna uvaca :

drstvedam manusam rupam / tava saumyam janardanaidanim asmi samvrttah / sa-cetah prakrtim gatah(Arjuna said: O Janardana, now my heart feels delight upon seeing this captivating human-like form of Yours, and I have returned to my normal condition.)Sloka 52sri-bhagavan uvaca :

su-durdarsam idam rupam / drstavan asi yan mamadeva apy asya rupasya / nityam darsana-kanksinah(Bhagavan said: My dear Arjuna, the form which you are now seeing is very difficult to behold. Even the Devatas are always seeking the opportunity to see this form which is so dear.)Sloka 53naham vedair na tapasa / nadanena na cejyayasakya evam-vidho drastum / drstavam asi mam yatha(The form which you are seeing with your eyes cannot be seen simply by studying the Vedas, nor by undergoing serious penances, nor giving in charity, nor by worship. It is not by these means that one can see Me as I am.)Sloka 54bhaktya tv ananyaya sakya / aham evam-vidho 'rjunajnatum drastunca tattvena / pravestunca parantapa(However,

through single-minded devotion alone, I can be seen in this form, can be known in essence, and also can be reached, O Arjuna.)

Sloka 55mat-karma-krn mat-paramo / mad-bhaktah sanga-varjitahnirvairah sarva-bhutesu / yah sa mam eti pandava(The one who does all works for Me, and to whom I am the supreme goal, who is my devotee, who has no material attachment, and is free from enmity towards any being certainly comes to Me, O Arjuna.)


Thus ends Srimad Bhagavad-Gita – Chapter Eleven – Visvarupa Darsana Yoga, which gives pleasure to the bhaktas and is accepted by all saintly persons .


Ohm Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya!!!

SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

(To Continue in next part ..)

NB - : The chapters 1 to 11 are saved in the Folder, ‘Gita’ in ’s FILES. The chapter-wise summary of remaining (7) chapters of Bhagavad Gita , will be posted in (7) parts, in the coming days.


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