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GITA Summary , Chapter - 13 of 18 .

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Hare Krishna. Pranam to all Vaishnavas,

I surrender unto the lotus feet of Bhagavan Sri Krishna, begging for His merciful blessings to, advise Gita-rahasya to His Bhaktas of this group .

GITA Summary of Chapter – 13 ( Ksetra – Ksetrajna Vibhaga Yoga)(Yoga of Discrimination between the Field and the Knower of the Field)


In this chapter, Krishna answers Arjuna’s questions about, Body, Atma, (Individual Soul) , Paramatma (Supersoul), Nature, Enjoyment, Reincarnation, etc .


The Impersonalists (Mayavadis) claim that , Individual Soul itself is Supersoul . Therefore , they fail to realize Krishna, the Supreme God .

The individual soul , conditioned with past desires , gets a body as the field of activity, in order to fulfill the desires . This soul which is a limited material energy of God, is the knower of the body (because the soul knows the various changes such as, childhood, boyhood, youth ,old age that is happening to his body ).

What is ‘Body’ ?

The body is a combination of the five great elements, false ego, intelligence, the unmanifested Gunas, ten senses , mind , five sense objects, desire, hatred, happiness, distress, the physical body and convictions . The body and it’s organs are produced by Prakrti (Material nature ) .

And how many ‘Souls’ are there in a body as it’s knower ?

There are two souls in each body as it’s knowers ; Individual soul and Supersoul . Individual soul though eternal, is a limited energy of God. The Supersoul is God’s plenary expansion.

Sri Krishna says in His parting message to Uddhava ( Bhagavatam 11.11.4 to 11.11.6) :

“ O Uddhava, the living entity (Jivatma ) is part and parcel of Me, but due to ignorance he has been suffering in material bondage since time immemorial. By knowledge, however, he can be liberated. In the material body, we find opposing characteristics, such as great happiness and misery. That is because both the ‘Supreme God’ , as well as the ‘Conditioned Soul’ are within the body. ”


Prakrti (Material Nature) has been created by the Supreme God . The living entity is forced to engage in activities , according to his bodily constitution (like a man or dog engages in different activities) . The body is a machine designed by the God and produced by the Prakrti , to fulfill desires .

Attachment to the material desires (due to his previous Karma), causes the birth (reincarnation) of the Individual soul , in higher or lower species .

Krishna reveals to Uddhava ( Bhagavatam 11.13.37) :

“ The material body certainly moves under the control of supreme destiny and therefore must continue to live along with the senses and vital air as long as one's 'karma' is in effect .”


The wife , children and home are natural objects of affection . All family members should involve in nama-sankirtana, accept the remnants of foodstuffs offered to Krishna, discuss about sacred texts like Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam, and engage in Krishna’s Deity worship. These four things will make the home pleasant .

Bhagavan Krishna says to Uddhava ( Bhagavatam 11.14.18 to 11.14.20) :

“ My dear Uddhava , if My devotee has not fully conquered his senses, he may be harassed by material desires, but because of his unflinching devotion for Me, he will not be defeated by sense gratification. Just as a blazing fire turns firewood into ashes, similarly, devotion unto Me completely burns to ashes sins committed by My devotees. The unalloyed devotional service rendered to Me by My devotees brings Me under their control. I cannot be thus controlled by those engaged in mystic yoga, sankhya philosophy, pious work, Vedic study, austerity or renunciation. ”


Sloka 1arjuna uvaca :

prakrtim purusancaiva / ksetram ksetrajnam eva caetad veditum icchami / jnanam jneyanca kesava( Arjuna said: O Kesava, I would like to understand Prakrti (material nature), Purusa (the enjoyer), Ksetra (the field), Ksetra-jna (the knower of the field), knowledge, and the object of knowledge).Sloka 2sri bhagavan uvaca :

idam sariram kaunteya / ksetram ity abhidhiyateetadyo vetti tam prahuh / ksetrajna iti tad-vidah(Bhagavan said: O Kaunteya, this body is known as ksetra (the field), and one who knows this body is called ksetra-jna (the knower of the field.)Sloka 3ksetrajnam capi mam viddhi / sarva-ksetresu bharataksetra-ksetrajnayor jnanam / yat taj jnanam matam mama(O Bharata, I am also, the knower in all the bodies. This knowledge of the body as ksetra , and it’s knower (both Individual Soul and Supersoul) , is true knowledge, in My opinion.)Sloka 4tat ksetram yac ca yadrik ca / yad-vikari yatas ca yatsa ca yo yat prabhavas ca / tat samasena me srnu(Hear from Me a brief description of the field of activities ( body); how it is constituted, what its changes are ; why and from where it came into existence ; who is it’s knower and what are his influences. )

Sloka 5rsibhir bahudha gitam / chandobhir vividhaih prthakbrahma-sutra-padais caiva / hetumadbhir viniscitaih( This concept of body and it’s knower has been explained in several different ways by the Sages in various Vedic literatures. It is clearly explained in the Brahma-sutra with perfect logic and definitive conclusions.)

Sloka 6-7maha-bhutany-ahankaro / buddhir avyaktam eva caindriyani dasaikanca / panca cendriya-gocarahiccha dvesah sukham duhkham / sanghatas cetana dhrtihetat ksetram samasena / sa-vikaram udahrtam(The five great elements, false ego, intelligence, the unmanifested ( of the 3 Gunas ; Sattwa, Rajo and Tamo) ; The ten senses ( Five basic senses for acquiring knowledge; eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin. Then five working senses; voice, legs, hands, anus and genitals) and the mind ( which is the sense within) ; The five sense objects ( sound, touch, colour, taste and smell) ; desire, hatred, happiness, distress, the physical body and convictions--all these together, constitute a brief description of Ksetra (body) and its

interactions.)Sloka 8-12amanitvam adambhitvam / ahimsa ksantir arjavamacaryopasanam saucam / sthairyam atma-vinigrahahindriyarthesu vairagyam / anahankara eva cajanma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi- / duhkha-dosanudarsanamasaktir anabhisvangah / putra-dara-grhadisunityanca sama-cittatvam / istanistopapattisumayi cananya-yogena / bhaktir avyabhicarinivivikta-desa-sevitvam / aratir jana-samsadiadhyatma-jnana-nityatvam / tattva-jnanartha-darsanametaj jnanam iti proktam / ajnanam yad ato'nyatha(Humility; pridelessness ; nonviolence; tolerance; simplicity; service to Guru ; cleanliness; steadfastness; self-control; renunciation of the objects of sense gratification; absence of false ego; realization of pain and suffering inherent in birth birth, old age disease and death ; detachment; freedom from entanglement with materialistic minded wife,children, home and the rest; even-mindedness amid pleasant and unpleasant events; constant and unalloyed devotion to Me by exclusive attachment; taste for solitude; non-association with materialistic people; accepting the importance of self-realization; and philosophical search for the Absolute Truth--all these I declare to be knowledge,. Besides this, whatever there may be is ignorance.)Sloka 13jneyam yat tat pravaksyami / yaj jnatva 'mrtam asnuteanadimat param brahma / na sat tan nasad ucyate(Now I shall explain to you what is the knowable or object of knowledge (by understanding which you will attain immortality. Brahman (as Individual soul); who is without beginning and dependent on Me ; lies beyond the cause and effect of this material world.)Sloka 14 - 18sarvatah pani-padam tat / sarvato 'ksi-siro-mukhamsarvatah srutimal

loke / sarvam avrtya tisthatisarvendriya-gunabhasam / sarvendriya-vivarjitamasaktam sarva-bhrc-caiva / nirgunam guna-bhoktr cabahir antas ca bhutanam / acaram caram eva casuksmatvat tad avijneyam / dura-stham cantike ca tatavibhaktanca bhutesu / vibhaktam iva ca sthitambhuta-bharttr ca taj jneyam / grasisnu prabhavisnu cajyotisam api taj jyotis / tamasah param ucyatejnanam jneyam jnana-gamyam / hrdi sarvasya dhisthitam

(The Supersoul (Parabrahman) has His hands , legs eyes, head mouth and ears, everywhere. In this way the Supersoul exists as all-pervading.

The Supersoul is the original source of all senses, yet He is devoid of senses. He is unattached, although He is the maintainer of all living beings. He is devoid of the Gunas (Sattva, Rajo & Tamo), but He is the enjoyer of the Gunas.

He exists outside and inside of all living beings, the moving and the nonmoving. Because He is subtle, He is beyond the power of the material senses to see or to know. Although far, far away, He is also near to all.

Although the Supersoul appears to be divided among all beings, He is never divided. He is situated as one. Although He is the maintainer of every living entity, it is to be understood that He devours and develops all.

Supersoul is the source of light in all luminaries. He is beyond the darkness of matter and is unmanifested. He is knowledge, He is the object of knowledge, and He is the goal of knowledge. He is situated in everyone's heart ( together with the Individual Soul).

Sloka 19iti ksetram tatha jnanam / jneyancoktam samasatahmad-bhakta etad vijnaya / mad-bhavayopapadyate(Thus the field (body), knowledge and the knowable, have been briefly described by Me in brief. By understanding these, My devotee becomes qualified to attain Me.)Sloka 20prakrtim purusancaiva / viddhyanadi ubhav apivikarams ca gunams caiva / viddhi prakrti-sambhavan(Know that, both Prakrti (material nature) and living being are without beginning . Their transformations and Gunas (Sattva, Rajo & Tamo) are the products of Prakrti).Sloka 21karya-karana-karttrtve / hetuh prakrtir ucyatepurusah sukha-duhkhanam / bhoktrtve hetur ucyate(Prakrti is said to be the cause for the production of

physical body and its organs (for perception and action). Whereas, the living entity [conditioned soul] is the cause for experiencing pleasures and pains.)

Sloka 22purusah prakrti-stho hi / bhunkte prakrti-jan gunankaranam guna-sango'sya / sad-asad-yoni-janmasu(The living entity, seated in the Prakrti follows the ways of life, sensing the objects of three Gunas evolved from Prakriti. Attachment to the material desires (caused by his previous Karma) is the cause of the birth of Individual soul in higher or lower species.)

Sloka 23upadrastanumanta ca / bhartta bhokta mahesvarahparamatmeti capy ukto / dehe' smin purusah parah(Yet , in this body, there exists a superior Soul, the transcendental enjoyer. He is Paramatma (Supersoul); He exists as the Overseer and Permitter.)Sloka 24ya evam vetti purusam / prakrtinca gunaih sahasarvatha varttamano' pi / na sa bhuyo' bhijayate(One who understands this philosophy concerning Prakrti, the living entity and the interaction of the (3) Gunas ) of nature is sure to attain liberation. He will not take birth again, regardless of his way of life.)Sloka 25dhyanenatmani pasyanti / kecid atmanam atmanaanye

sankhyena yogena / karma-yogena capare(Some realize God in the heart by the intellect through meditation; others by the yoga of knowledge; and others by the yoga of work (working without fruitive desires).

Sloka 26anye tv evam ajnanantah / srutvanyebhya upasatete 'pi catitaranty eva / mrtyum sruti-parayanah(Others, however, do not know the yogas of meditation, knowledge or work; but they perform My deity worship with faith, as mentioned in the scriptures by the sages. They also transcend the path of birth and death by virtue of their firm faith. )Sloka 27yavat samjayate kincit / sattvam sthavara-jangamamksetra-ksetrajna-samyogat / tad viddhi bharatarsabha(O Arjuna, know that whatever you see in existence, both the moving and the nonmoving, is only a combination of Ksetra and Ksetra-jna {body and it’s knower (Individual soul and Super soul. )Sloka 28samam sarvesu bhutesu / tisthantam paramesvaramvinasyatsv avinasyantam / yah pasyati sa pasyati(Only one who sees the Supersoul accompanying the individual soul in all bodies, and who understands that neither the Individual soul nor the Supersoul is ever destroyed within the destructible body , actually sees things in reality.)Sloka 29samam pasyan hi sarvatra / samavasthitam isvaramna hinasty atmanatmanam / tato yati param gatim(One who sees the Supersoul dwelling equally everywhere, in every living being, does not degrade himself by his mind. Thus he attains the supreme

destination.)Sloka 30prakrtyaiva ca karmani / kriyamanani sarvasahyah pasyati tathatmanam / akarttaram sa pasyati(One who understands that all activities are only performed by Prakrti and that the Atma (individual soul) is the non-doer, actually sees.)Sloka 31yada bhuta-prthag-bhavam / eka-stham anupasyatitata eva ca vistaram / brahma sampadyate tada(When one realizes diverse variety of living beings to be residing in One and coming out from That alone, then one attains the Brahman.)

Sloka 32anaditvam nirgunatvat / paramatmayam avyayahsarira-stho 'pi kaunteya / na karoti na lipyate(O Kaunteya, those with the vision of eternity can see that the imperishable soul is transcendental, eternal, and beyond the 3 Gunas . Despite dwelling in the material body, the Atma (Individual soul) neither does anything nor gets contaminated.)

Sloka 33yatha sarva-gatam sauksmyad / akasam nopalipyatesarvatravasthito dehe / tathatma nopalipyate(The sky, due to its subtle nature, does not mix with anything, although it is all-pervading. Similarly, the Individual soul which has realized Brahman does not mix with the body, though situated in that body.) Sloka 34yatha prakasayaty ekah / krtsnam lokam imam ravihksetram ksetri tatha krtsnam / prakasayati bharata(O Bharata, One sun illuminates the whole universe. In the same way, the Supersoul illuminates (gives life to ) all bodies of the living beings.)

Sloka 35ksetra-ksetrajnayor evam / antaram jnana-caksusabhuta-prakrti-moksanca / ye vidur yanti te param

(In this way, one who with the eyes of spiritual knowledge, sees the difference between ksetra (body) and ksetra-jna (knower of body ; Individual Soul and Super Soul) and the Individual soul’s means of deliverance from the bondage of Prakrti (material nature), attains the supreme abode.) Thus ends the Thirteenth Chapter of Srimad Bhagavad-Gita ; in the Discrimination between the Field and Knower of the Field ; which gives pleasure to the bhaktas and is accepted by all saintly persons.

Ohm Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya!!!

SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

(To Continue in next part ..)

NB - : GITA , Chapters 1 to 13 are saved in the Folder, ‘Gita’ in ’s FILES. The chapter-wise summary of remaining (5) chapters of Bhagavad Gita , will be posted in (5)

parts, in the coming days.


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