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GITA Summary, Chapter - 16 of 18 .

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Hare Krishna. Pranam to all Vaishnavas,

I surrender unto the lotus feet of Bhagavan Sri Krishna, begging for His merciful blessings to, advise Gita-rahasya to His Bhaktas of this group .

GITA Summary of Chapter - 16 ( Daivaasura Sampad Vibhaag Yoga)

( The Yoga of division between the Divine and Demonic Natures )


This chapter explains the daivic (divine) and asuric (demonic) natures. The embodied Individual soul under the influence of the ¡¥Maya¡¦ (Material energy of Bhagavan Krishna) adopts either divine or demonic nature, depending upon the deeds in his previous birth. The placing of a particular individual soul in a particular body is the prerogative of the Supreme God.

When one takes divine nature, he becomes devoted to Krishna. Those who adopt the demonic or atheistic nature, become envious of Krishna and as a result go to hell. Those of demonic nature preach atheism, mayavada, etc. One can escape from

demonic tendency by surrendering unto the lotus feet of Krishna and worshiping Him with total faith .

The Supreme God (Krishna or Maha-Vishnu), in His localized aspect as Paramatma (Supersoul) is sitting as witness in everyone¡¦s heart. He always knows what one intends to do. One must thus have firm conviction that Krishna as ¡¦Paramatma¡¦ will take care of a soul surrendered to Him . One should firmly believe "I shall never be alone. Even if I live in the darkest regions of a forest I shall be accompanied by

Krishna, and He will give me all protection."



The divine qualities are ; Fearlessness, purity of mind, cultivation of spiritual knowledge, charity, self control, sacrifice, study of vedic scriptures, austerity, simplicity , nonviolence, truthfulness, absence of anger, renunciation, equanimity, abstaining from malicious talk, compassion for all living beings, freedom from greed, gentleness, modesty, steady determination, forgiveness, fortitude, cleanliness, vigor , absence of jealousy and absence of pride.



The characteristics of those born in demonic or atheistic nature are : Hypocrisy, arrogance, pride, anger, harshness, and ignorance. These demonic qualities cause bondage.

These demonic qualities are adopted by them from the beginning of their bodies in the wombs of his mothers, and as they grow all these inauspicious qualities manifest in them.

Accepting nonpermanent things, the demonic people create their own God, create their own hymns and chant accordingly. The result is that they become addicted to wine, women and gambling ; those are their unclean habits. Induced by pride and false prestige, they create fake religions which are totally against the Vedic injunctions. Although such demonic people are most abominable in the world, still, by artificial means the world creates a false honor for them , until their true nature is revealed .

The Atheists have no knowledge of Vedic scripture, nor they have any faith ; therefore they always feel free to do anything for sense enjoyment, regardless of the consequences.

A demonic person believes in the strength of his personal work, not in the law of karma. According to the law of karma, a man takes his birth in a high family, or becomes rich, or very well educated, or very beautiful because of good work in the past. The demonic think that all these things are accidental and due to the strength of his personal ability. He does not sense any arrangement behind all the varieties of people, beauty, and education. Anyone who comes into competition with such a demonic man is his enemy. There are many demonic people, and each is enemy to the


Sometimes such demons take up the role of preacher, mislead the people, and become known as religious reformers or as incarnations of God. They make a show of performing yajnas (sacrifices) , or they worship the demigods, or manufacture their own God. Ignorant men advertise them as God and worship them, and by the foolish they are considered advanced in the principles of religion, or in the principles of spiritual knowledge. They take the dress of the renounced order of life and engage in all nonsense in that dress.

The demonic and atheistic persons, have no faith in Krishna, the Supreme God . Such men perform all kinds of sinful activities simply for sense gratification. They do not know that the Supersoul is sitting within their heart itself as witness. Being envious of both Krishna and the scriptures , such ill-fated men put forward false arguments against the existence of God and refutes the scriptural authority. They think themselves independent and powerful in every action. They act according to their own whims, but their next birth will depend entirely upon the decision of God.



The placing of a particular individual soul in a specific body is the prerogative of the supreme God. .The individual soul, is put into the womb of a mother where he gets a particular type of body under God¡¦s supervision , on the basis his deeds in his previous birth . Therefore in the material existence we find so many species of life-- animals, insects, men, and so on. All are arranged by the Supreme God. They are not accidental. As for the demonic atheists, they are perpetually put into the wombs of demons, and thus they continue to be

envious, the lowest of mankind. Such demonic species of life are held to be always full of lust, always violent and hateful and always unclean .

Krishna is all-merciful, but He is never merciful to the demons. It is clearly stated that the demonic people, life after life, are put into the wombs of similar demons, and, not achieving the mercy of the Supreme God, they go down and down, so that at last they achieve bodies like those of cats, dogs and hogs. Such cursed souls have practically no chance of receiving the mercy of God at any stage of later life.



Lust, anger, and greed are the three gates of hell leading to the downfall of the individual. The demoniac and atheists begin their ill-fated journey by entering these gates first.



The human life is especially meant for purifying one's existence, by following the rules and regulations of vedic scriptures ( that are meant for knowing Krishna) . Bhagavad Gita is the essence of all entire vedic scriptures . If one understands Krishna from Bhagavad-gita, and applies Krishna¡¦s instructions in his own life, engaging

himself in Krishna¡¦s worship ; he has reached the highest perfection offered by the Vedas.


Slokas 1 - 3Sri bhagavan uvaca :

abhayam sattva-samsuddhir / jnana-yoga-vyavasthitihdanam damas ca yajnas ca / svadhyayas tapa arjavamahimsa satyam akrodhas / tyagah santir apaisunamdaya bhutesv aloluptvam / mardavam hrir acapalamtejah ksama dhrtih saucam / adroho nati-manitabhavanti sampadam daivim / abhijatasya bharata(Sri Bhagavan said : Fearlessness, purity of mind, cultivation of spiritual knowledge, charity, self control, sacrifice, study of vedic scriptures, austerity, simplicity , nonviolence, truthfulness, absence of anger, renunciation, equanimity, abstaining from malicious talk, compassion for all living beings, freedom from greed, gentleness, modesty, steady determination, forgiveness, fortitude, cleanliness, vigor , absence of jealousy and absence of pride -- these are some of the qualities of the one who is born of divine nature, O


Sloka 4dambho darpo' bhimanas ca / krodhah parusyam eva caajnanam cabhijatasya / partha sampadam asurim(O Arjuna, the marks of those who are born with demonic qualities are: Hypocrisy, arrogance, pride, anger, harshness, and ignorance.)Sloka 5daivi sampad vimoksaya / nibandhayasuri matama sucah sampadam daivim / abhijato' si pandava(Divine qualities lead to salvation, whereas the demonic qualities cause bondage. Do not worry , O

Arjuna, you are born with divine qualities.)

Sloka 6dvau bhuta-sargau loke' smin / daiva asura eva cadaivo vistarasah prokta / asuram partha me srnu(O Arjuna , in this world there are two kinds of created beings.One is called the divine and the other demoniac. I have alreadyexplained to you at length the divine qualities. Now hear from Me ofthe demoniac.)Sloka 7pravrttinca nivrttinca / jana na vidur asurahna saucam napi cacaro / na satyam tesu vidyate(Persons of demonic nature do not know what is to be done and what is not to be done. They neither have external or internal purity nor good conduct nor truthfulness.)

Sloka 8asatyam apratistham te / jagad ahur anisvaramaparaspara-sambhutam / kim anyat kama-hetukam(The demoniacs say ¡§ The world is unreal, without any foundation, without a God, and without an order. Sexual union of man and woman alone and nothing else causes the world ¡¨.)

Sloka 9etam drstim avastabhya / nastatmano' lpa-buddhayahprabhavanty ugra-karmanah / ksayaya jagato' hitah(Adhering to this wrong atheist view, these degraded souls ¡X with small intellect and cruel deeds „o are born as enemies of the mankind . They engage in unbeneficial horrible works meant to destroy the world. )

Sloka 10kamam asritya duspuram / dambha-mana-madanvitahmohad grhitva 'sad-grahan / pravarttante 'suci-vratah(The demoniac, taking shelter of insatiable lust, pride and false prestige, and being thus illusioned hold wrong views . They are always sworn to unclean work, attracted by the impermanent.)Slokas 11-12cintam aparimeyanca / pralayantam upasritahkamopabhoga-parama / etavad iti niscitaasa-pasa-satair baddhah / kama-krodha-parayanahihante kama-bhogartham / anyayenartha-sancayan(The Demoniacs believe that, enjoyment of sensual pleasures unto the end of life is the prime necessity of human civilization. Thus there is no end to their anxiety. Being bound by hundreds and thousands of desires, by lust and anger, they secure money by illegal means

for the fulfillment of sensual pleasures.)

Sloka 13 - 15idam adya maya labdham / idam prapsye manorathamidam astidam api me / bhavisyati punar dhanam

asau maya hatah satrur / hanisye caparan apiisvaro 'ham aham bhogi / siddho 'ham balavan sukhi

adhyo 'bhijanavam asmi / ko' nyo 'sti sadrso mayayaksye dasyami modisya / ity ajnana-vimohitah(The demoniac person thinks: "So much wealth do I have today, and I will gain more according to my schemes. So much is mine now, and it will increase in the future, more and more. He is my enemy, and I have killed him; and my other enemy will also be killed. I am the lord of everything. I am the enjoyer. I am perfect, powerful and happy. I am the richest man, surrounded by aristocratic relatives. There is none so powerful and happy as I am. I shall perform sacrifices, I shall give some charity, and thus I shall rejoice." In this way, such persons are deluded by ignorance.)

Sloka 16aneka-citta-vibhranta / moha-jala-samavrtahprasaktah kama-bhogesu / patanti narake 'sucau(Bewildered by many fancies and anxieties ; entangled in the net of delusion; addicted to the enjoyment of sensual pleasures; they fall down into hell. )Sloka 17atma-sambhavitah stabdha / dhana-mana-madanvitahyajante nama-yajnais te / dambhenavidhi-purvakam(Self-complacent and always impudent, filled with false prestige and intoxication of wealth, they sometimes perform yajnas (sacrifices) in name for show only without following any rules or regulations of the scriptures.)Sloka 18ahankaram balam darpam / kamam krodhanca samsritahmam atma-para-dehesu / pradvisanto

'bhyasuyakah(These demoniac people cling to egoism, brute force, arrogance, lust, and anger; and hate Me who dwells in their own bodies and those of others.)

Sloka 19tan aham dvisatah kruran / samsaresu naradhamanksipamy ajasram asubhan / asuriv eva yonisu( I hurl these envious, cruel, sinful, and mischievous people who are the lowest among men, into the cycles of rebirth in the womb of demons again and again .)Sloka 20asurim yonim apanna / mudha janmani janmanimam aprapyaiva kaunteya / tato yanty adhamam gatim(O Arjuna, entering the wombs of demons birth after birth, these foolish demoniac souls sink to the lowest hell without ever attaining Me (until their minds change for the better to take refuge of Me.)

Sloka 21tri-vidham narkasyedam / dvaram nasanam atmanahkamah krodhas tatha lobhas / tasmad etat trayam tyajet( Lust, anger, and greed are the three gates of hell leading to the downfall of the individual. Therefore, one must learn to give up these three. )

Sloka 22etair vimuktah kaunteya / tamo-dvarais tribhir narahacaraty atmanah sreyas / tato yati param gatim(,O Arjuna, one who is liberated from these three gates of hell does what is best for him , and consequently attains the Supreme destination.)Sloka 23yah sastra-vidhim utsrjya / varttate kama karatahna sa siddhim avapnoti / na sukham na param gatim(He who discards the rules and regulations of vedic scriptures and acts in an arbitrary way according to his own will, attains neither perfection nor happiness nor the supreme destination.)Sloka 24tasmac chastram pramanam te / karyakarya-vyavasthitaujnatva sastra-vidhanoktam / karma karttum iharhasi(Therefore, let the vedic scripture be your

authority in determining what should be done and what should not be done. You should perform your duty following the scriptural injunction.)


Thus ends the Sixteenth Chapter Daivaasura Sampad Vibhaag Yoga of Srimad Bhagavad-Gita, which gives pleasure to the bhaktas and is accepted by all saintly persons.

Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya!!!


SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

(To Continue in next part ..)


NB - : GITA chapters 1 to 16 are saved in the Folder, ¡¥Gita¡¦ in ¡¦s FILES. The remaining (2) chapters will be posted in (2) parts , shortly.


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