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Beware of Atheistic Propaganda

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Hare Krishna,

I postrate unto the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna, seeking His permission to discuss His philosophy. My humble Obeisances to all Krishna-devotees !!!.

A loyal devotee of Sri Krishna is the one who has surrendered to the Lord with body, mind and heart - with a feeling "Nothing is mine, Everything is Yours. Thy will shall prevail ”.

Such a devotee , first understands Krishna’s instructions given in Bhagavad Gita and then applies them in his/her own life , wholeheratedly. Sri Krishna’s Gita, which is relevant for all ages, is the essence of all the Vedic scriptures.

BHAGAVAD GITA’s relevance

Sri Satya Saibaba says about Bhagavad Gita “ The Gita is not a text to be worshipped with flowers, nor is it a text the verses of which should be committed to memory. It is the Song of the Lord, the Word of God, so the Word should be obeyed and put into practice. The Gita is a text book on the conduct of life, what man should do to be happy and peaceful. It is a practical guide to the art and science of life in the secular world and spiritual world. Its message is for the entire



Krishna says in Gita (Chapter 16, Verse 23 – 24) - “ He who discards the rules and regulations of Vedic scriptures and acts in an arbitrary way according to his own will, attains neither perfection nor happiness nor the supreme destination. Therefore, let the vedic scriptures be your authority in determining what should be done and what should not be done. You should perform your duty following the scriptural injunctions.”

Swamy Vivekananda says about Vedas “ Perhaps all who are here will agree on the first point that we believe the Vedas to be the eternal teachings of the secrets of religion. We all believe that this holy literature is without beginning and without end, coeval with nature, which is without beginning and without end; and that all our religious differences, all our religious struggles must end when we stand in the presence of that holy book; we are all agreed that this is the last court of appeal in all our spiritual differences. We may take different points of view as to what the Vedas are. There may be one sect which regards one portion as more sacred than another, but that matters little so long

as we say that we are all brothers in the Vedas, that out of these venerable, eternal, marvellous books has come everything that we possess today, good, holy, and pure. Well, therefore, if we believe in all this, let this principle first of all be preached broadcast throughout the length and breadth of the land. If this be true, let the Vedas have that prominence which they always deserve, and which we all believe in. First, then, the Vedas.”

Varnasrama Dharma

Sri Krishna says about Varnasrama Dharma ( Gita 4.13, 17. 24, 18.41/42) “ The fourfold system of varnas (brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra) was created by Me according to divisions of guna (quality) and karma (work). Although I am the creator of this system, you should know that I am immutable and akartta (the non-doer), and that I am not the direct instigator. O Parantapa, the

prescribed duties of the brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras are divided according to the dispositions born of their respective natures. Control of the mind and senses, penance, purity, tolerance, simplicity, knowledge of the self and of bhajana and firm faith and realization in sastra, are the characteristic qualities and duties (karma) of the brahmanas born of their own natures.”

Sri Satya Saibaba says about Varnasrama dharma “ Lord Krishna says that He Himself has created the varnasrama system according to people's natural attributes and aptitudes. It is based on Guna and Karma. The four castes, the brahmana, the ksatriya, the vaishya and the sudra are like the four limbs of the human body. It is said that the brahmanas are born from the head of the Lord, the ksatriya's from the shoulders, the vaishya's from the thighs and the sudras from the feet. Just as each limb is important and has a function of its own, but interdependent, so too all these castes are equally important. Further by virtue of the Guna's they possess, they can transcend the castes."

Srila Prabhpada explains Varnsrama dharma “ The Vedic principle is to reduce attachment, not to increase it. Therefore the whole social system is called varnasrama-dharma. The Indian system calls for varna and asrama--four social orders and four spiritual orders. Brahmacarya [celibate student life], grhastha [married life], vanaprastha [retired life] and sannyasa [renounced life]--these are the spiritual orders. And the social orders consist of brahmanas [intellectuals], ksatriyas [administrators], vaisyas [merchants and farmers] and sudras [ordinary workers]. Such divisions are to keep the society in a state of peace and prosperity. The qualities mentioned herein are explained as transcendental qualities meant for making a person progress in spiritual understanding so that he can get liberated from the material world. In the varnasrama

institution the sannyasi, or the person in the renounced order of life, is considered to be the head or the spiritual master of all the social statuses and orders. A brahmana is considered to be the spiritual master of the three other sections of a society, namely, the ksatriyas, the vaisyas and the sudras, but a sannyasi, who is on the top of the institution, is considered to be the spiritual master of the brahmanas also.So under this system, the regulative principles are so nice that even if one has the tendency to enjoy material life, he is so nicely molded that at last he achieves liberation and goes back home, back to Godhead. This is the process. “

Sage Chadrasekhara Saraswati (former Sankaracharya of Kanchi Mutt)

Paramacharya Sri Chandrasekhara Saraswati is one of the greatest sages of modern times. Such ‘sattvic’ personalities like Chembai Vaidyanatha Bhagavathar and M.S.Subbulakshmi have openly admitted that they have greatly benefited from the spiritual guidance and grace of this great Sage . The Paracmacharya, as Spiritual Master, has strictly followed the rules and regulations of vedic-sastra , due to the reason given below :

Vedic Sastra is without the four principal defects that are visible in the conditioned soul : imperfect senses, the propensity for cheating, certainty of committing mistakes, and certainty of being illusioned. These four principal defects in conditioned life disqualify one from putting forth rules and regulations. Therefore, the rules and regulations as described in the vedic sastra--being above these defects--are accepted without alteration by all great saints, acharyas and great souls.

Having observed the sharp deterioration in the standard of vedic faith and related rituals, the Paracmacharya thought about it’s root causes and took corrective measures , accordingly.

For performing vedic rituals with a high fidelity to scriptural injection and tradition, and with deep devotion , earnestness and application, ‘satwic’ persons with vast knowledge and deep devotion are required. The Vedic scriptures have entrusted Brahmanas, with this duty. However in this treacherous age (Kali-yuga), materialistic attitude of the Brahmanas as well as widespread disrespect of Brahamanas by other communities , have resulted in a situation wherein, most of

the vedic rituals are performed by fake ‘Tantics’ . Such demonic Tantrics are ignorant of the necessity to acquire pure vedic knowledge and to lead a ‘sattvic’ life according to the principles of the Vedas . Having been well equipped with the divine grace of the Supreme God, Paramacharya established institutions to provide systematic ‘Vedic education’ to eligible brahmanas and to encourage them to take up their prescribed duty ( priestly functions and spiritual training) . He also through his spiritual teachings have succeeded in creating a

widespread ‘Vedic awareness’ among other communities, as well .

Unlike the so called ‘liberal modern Gurus’, Paramcharya has not falsified the framework of the ‘Vedic scriptures’ to make it more attractive, to the material minded people. He was absolutely ‘Sattvic’ in His spiritual approach , and functioned as the ‘ instrument ‘ of the Supreme God, to redeem Vedic faith .

The theory that there is no need to follow the regulative principles, and that one can go on speculating and everything will be nice, is recommended neither in the Vedic literature nor in Bhagavad-gita. Such theories are manufactured by show-bottle spiritualists who are trying to gather more followers. If there are restrictions, rules and regulations, people will not become easily attracted. Therefore those who want fame and followers in the name of religion, just to have a show only, don't restrict the lives of their students, nor their own lives. But

that method is not approved by the Vedas and therefore one should not expect true sages like Sri Chandrasekhara Saraswati to adopt such a method.

As such it is inappropriate to criticize a great sage like Paramacharya, merely on the basis of a particular part of His teaching. One should understand His philosophy and the true intention behind His statement, prior to reaching a conclusion about Him. In this respect, it is not wise to disbelieve the words of such great souls like Chembai Vaidyanatha Bhagavathar and M.S.Subbulakshmi . Also, relevant are the numerous mystic deeds , performed by Paramcharya ( For instance , he had once successfully cured the incurable stomach ailment of a

rich devotee , by making him distribute free of cost several copies of scriptural texts like Bhagavatham and Ramayanam to poor devotees. )


In this sinful age (kali-yuga) , aversion to the principles of understanding the instructions of Sri Krishna, is the root cause of all falldowns. Those in the modes of Rajas (passion) and (Tamas) (ignorance) deride the vedic scriptures, like Srimad Bhagavatham, Bhagavad Gita and Vishnu Sahasranamam by calling them obsolete. They deride the Saints , and deride the proper understanding of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. They do not care for the regulations of the Vedic scriptures including the law of Karma and re-incarnation . In spite of hearing the all-purifying glories of Sri Krishna, they are not convinced about His relevance for all ages . Thus they manufacture their own , unfounded philosophies .

These are some of the defects of human society in this tricky age, which lead to the suffering. If, however, one is able to be guided by Krishna’s instructions in Gita , which can lead one to the spiritual , then one's life becomes successful.

Om Namo Narayanaya !!!

A humble servant of Sri Krishna



"krishnanujan" <krishnanujan Tue Sep 6, 2005 8:14 am Re: Hindu Dharma..


Yor are quite right and I respect your opinions. There is no need toapologise to anyone. The passages we have been discussing, have beentakken from a book written by a HIndu Guru, nevertheless, it does not conform to the actual Hindu ideals and norms. What is contained in these modern books and for that matter the socalled puranas that is available to us are not the puranas that was written by the ancient sages such as Veda Vyasa and so on. I mean these are not in the original format. Since in the olden days Sanscrit wasknown only to a selected few advantaged class of persons, they had re-written these sacred books changing the contents and adding whereever necessary, items to suit their own selfish interests and to misguide the readers. So being a Guru, he should have researched his facts before putting them in print. Again, it is not true that what was relevant

hundred or findred years ago is not relevant today.The fact remains that these were NOT relevant at that time or at present nor was it relevant at any time at all.I stated my views here because someone, who it seems is not wellversed in Hinduism had copied from some Tamil literature andpresented it in this forum.I do not feel such material

has any place in this forum.You are right, GR, these articles have originated from an ignorantmind, whether Guru or no Guru,or a follower of a Guru.Jai Sree Krishna

GANAPATHY RAMAN <agraman62 Tue Sep 6, 2005 3:06 am Hindu Dharma..

I hv given what I felt in reply to Krishnanujans mail.Of course I hv mentioned that the article must hv stemmed from an ignorant mind.That may create some confusion.I understand the articles hv been taken from the speeches of late Paramacharya of Kanchi.He was a venerable person even accepted by great persons of other religions,great personalities of Indian and Foreign origins,Heads of States etc. for his erudition and spirtual development.Still the fact remains that instead of uniting people of various castes preference shuld not be given on the basis of Varnasrama dharmam,I feel.Even in Vishnu

Sahasranamam in the bhalasruthy this differenciation of castes is mentioned and the benefits accrue to the different castes by reciting the VS.So this division of casteism is in vogue for thousands of years.But what was relevant in those times need not be relevant in todays world.Just like the Teachings of Krishna in Gita.The same must hv some effect in those days.But that shuld not be construed as the law that shuld be followed for all the yugas.Times are always subject to change and the thoughts of humanity also shuld adopt to the conditions prevalent at a particular point of time.By saying that the Seer's

speeches must hv come out of ignorant mind, I only mean that even the Great Gurus shld adopt to changing conditions instead of harping on the old theories.After say 50 years the position of the mental set up of the people may not be the same and accordingly the Gurus also shuld adopt to the condiions prevalent at that time and simply relying on old scriptures won't lead anybody anywhere and will invite only criticism.What advises Lord Krishna gave to Arjuna must hv been relevant at that particular situation but that may not be relevant all the time.So even learned and revered Gurus shuld guide the people according to the changing times and never depend on the old dogmas.

When the world has become so small with the development of communications and technology depending simply on the out dated formulas will do more harm than good. So one has to adopt himself to the changed conditions and people shuld try to get themselves united by forgetting the old theorems and do service to all as it is said 'manava seva is Madhava seva'.Unless such an attitude comes there will be only chaos and confusion and the castes and creeds will remain like that and adding speeches which don't hv relevance of this aspect can't be appreciated even if the same is made by venerable persons.After all when God created human beings there were no such things and this shuld be understood if humanity is to progress.

As I always say this is only my opinion and no intention to wound anybody's feelings.In my view that is Hindu Dharma treating all equally irrespective of the origin of fellow men and women.

Hare Krishna.


GANAPATHY RAMAN <agraman62 Tue Sep 6, 2005 1:30 am Re: Weekly page from Hindu Dharma: Divided by Work but still of One Heart -

I agree with you Krishnanujan.Nowhere in the world people are divided on jati and caste basis as in India.There may be recial factors in US and other countries and even in other religions the division is only minimal.But in Hindu India we hv a cluster of castes and creeds.Even for applying to schools the children hv to mention the religion,community,caste to which they belong.If Kerala has got Nairs,Ezhavas,Nambudhiris etc with their own sub sects,in Tamilnadu we hv Gownders,Nadars,Chettiars,Thevars etc and if we go to all states the same is no way different though they call themselves as Hindus and Hinduism is following a way of life and in such a case why there are 101 castes and jatis of the same Hindus.They hv been made as vote banks by the politicians and people prefer the persons standing from their own caste.The same is the

case with Christianity and Muslims.Actually conversions hv started to other religions from the time of Moghul Invasion and the arrival of Christian missioneries who by giving inducements in plenty were able to convert the hapless Hindus to join them and what we see today the people of those religions were Hindus hundreds of years back.People who hv studied Indian history know this fact.

However the present generation is not giving much importance to these things but the ruling class won't allow them to improve their vision which if allowed may throw them out of power. So merit has no meaning and the rulers which ever party or a conglomeration of parties hv their own philosophy and that rules the roost. It may take several decades before all these differences to get vanished and all come under one common umbrella.

In fact you shuld hv addressed this to the sender of the article instead of posting in our Group which abhorrs all these things and we hv only common interest in euologising the Lord and His attributes and in such a forum there is no inferior or superior person based on the so called jatis which is left to the politicians and other interested parties to divide people on the basis of castes for their own benefits.We praise the Lord and His leelas and be satisfied with that.So I do feel unnecessary importance need not be given to such articles which must hv stemmed from an ignorant mind and let us concentrate our activities by remebering the Lord who is our solace for all the ills that are afflicting the society in the name of castes and creeds.Any objection?

Hare Krishna.

--------------------------------krishnanujan <krishnanujan wrote:

-This article(page) makes interesting reading.'Divided by work but still of one heart.' Who is of one heart? Those who made the rules or those who were victimised under this rule? The puranas do not mention about division of people into different jatis and classifying them as Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Visyas and sudras; and again the so-called sudras into numerous categories , more than three- fourth of them falling under the untouchsble group. Not only were they considered as the menial class,forced to do menial work that noone else was prepared to do, they were treated as slaves and made to do slave work, with no payment of any sort in return.They were denied all rights and previlages that human being are entitled to. They wwere even denied temple worship because they were barred from going near the temple. That means religion and even God were reserved for the previlaged

; again based on jati?Then the author talks about America where advantaged and disadvantaged people fight against each other because of selfishness.Selfishness is inherent in human nature whether western or eastern. Hindus are no different. I think the author has no real knowledge about American system and life style. America is a free country and a land of opportunity. Advantages and disadvantages depend on one's capability ,they make 100million dollars or hundred thousand dollars depending on their intelligence and drive for hard work and not based on class and jati.These classes of labor were created by people of the two upper class jatis for their very own advantage and convenience. The same way western countries then, and the Gulf countries today, kept slaves." our religion survived as living force because of these divisions" Not at all. More than half of the Hindu population were vonverted to other religions because of this same division. Dont let's fool ourselves.The other reason for its BARE survival is because Hinduism is not a religion as it is but it is a Phylosophy of Life and individuals do not have to pay strict adherence to religioua rites.It is only in Hindu India that we have this disgusting jati system; not in America, Europe, Russia, Africa or Australia. I know because I lived and worked in most of those places.Jai Sree Krishna!> > Namaskar> > > This week's page from Hindu Dharma is "Divided by Work but still of One Heart" from "The Vedic Religion And Varna Dharma" at http://www.kamakoti.org/hindudharma/part3/chap4.htm , which is attached with this email.> Here are the first few lines from this page:> I spoke about the different jatis, the work allotted to each of them and the rites and customs prescribed for each. What I said was not entirely correct. The vocation is not for jati; it is jati for the vocation. On what basis did the Vedic religion divide the fuelsticks[that is the jatis] into small bundles? It fixed one jati for one vocation. In the West economists talk of division of labour but they are unable to translate their... (see attachment for more)> > Next week we will send you the page "Why only in this Country" from "The Vedic Religion And Varna Dharma".> > Note:> Hindu Dharma is a translation of two volumes of the well known Tamil Book "Deivatthin Kural", which, in turn, is a book of 6 volumes that contains talks of His Holiness Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Mahaswamiji of Kanchipuram. The entire book is available online at http://www.kamakoti.org/ .

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