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Krishna-bhakti is the Cure for All Anxiety

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Hare Krishna, Krishna-bhakti is the Cure for All Anxiety

Do you know anybody who is completely free from anxiety? If you think you know someone in this category, ask them if they ever experience anxiety, and see what they say.

The fact is that in this world everybody is suffering anxiety to varying degrees. In the Bhagavad-gita Krishna describes this material world as a place of suffering, duhkhalayam. Someone may argue that they are always happy here. They may be very well situated for the time being, but because in this material world everything is temporary (asasvatam) as soon as they burn off the resultant reactions of their past good karma they will find themselves in a problematic distressful situation.

There is no amount of adjustments we can make through scientific, technological advancement that can put a permanent end to the fourfold miseries of material existence: birth, death, old age, and disease. Even acting piously will only bring a temporary result. The pious also have to sooner or later face the above-mentioned four miseries.

Our karma will act no matter what kind of family or nation we are born into. No one is immune to the law of karma. As we sow, so shall we reap. If a pious person is suffering now, this is a reaction from sins committed previously, either in this lifetime or in a previous lifetime. If an impious person is enjoying, he is simply exhausting his previous good karma.

Sometimes we think that Krishna is unfair when we see bad things happening to good people or good things happening to bad people. But the real fact is that the laws of nature are completely just. Because we don’t realize the true difference between good and bad, we are sometimes bewildered. We cannot fathom why certain things should happen to ourselves or others. Actually there is no such thing as bad things happening to good people or good things happening to bad people. Every person

has a combination of good and bad karma, and is suffering and enjoying all the results precisely as deserved. Even an apparently innocent child, who is born deformed, is being punished for sinful activities committed in previous lifetimes.

On the cure for anxiety, we will now give you the solution. This not a band-aid solution. This is a solution that attacks anxiety at its very roots and destroys it at its deepest level. It is a time-tested system that has freed countless persons from the sufferings of material existence for thousands and thousands of years. It will liberate anyone who seriously adopts it. We are presenting the ancient system of bhakti yoga or Krishna-bhakti .

In a nutshell, the cure for anxiety is that we have to transcendentalize all of our thoughts, words, and deeds so that they are 100% in harmony with the will of Krishna , the Supreme God. Complete freedom from anxiety comes when we are perfectly dovetailed with Krishna at every minute, when there are no longer any selfish desires remaining in our hearts, when we have no more desire to enjoy separately from Krishna .

The fourfold miseries of material existence will always be going on, however there is something we can do. An airplane pilot cannot change the bad weather, but he can change the position of the airplane in relationship to the bad weather. He can take the airplane to a higher level beyond the bad weather. Krishna-bhakti is the science of elevating your consciousness beyond the bodily platform, situating it purely on the spiritual platform far, far beyond all the miseries of material existence.Such a perfection of consciousness takes time and training in the company of the Lord’s devotees. But such a

consciousness can in fact be developed, nurtured, and cultivated on a regular daily basis. This process is known as bhakti yoga, or Krishna-bhakti .

You must regularly chant the Holy names of Sri Krishna. This can be done according to any religious tradition, but we most highly recommend the Hare Krishna mantra because it contains within it the potency of all God's names within it :

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare HareHare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare

You must restrict yourself to a vegetarian diet and offer all of your food to Krishna or God before eating .

Your must avoid gambling, intoxication, and illicit sex because these activities bring your consciousness back down the bodily anxiety platform.

If you are ready to seriously adopt this pathway, and steadily practice the above items you will be completely free from all forms of anxiety. The choice is yours. The ball is now in your court. You can take the ball and run with it or you can leave it sitting on the ground. What will you do?Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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