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SB 11th Cnto Lord Krishna to Uddhava

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SB 11.14.18badhyamano ’pi mad-bhaktovisayair ajitendriyahprayah pragalbhaya bhaktyavisayair nabhibhuyatebadhyamanah—being harassed; api—even though;mat-bhaktah—My devotee; visayaih—by the sense objects;ajita—without having conquered; indriyah—the senses;prayah—generally; pragalbhaya—effective and strong;bhaktya—by devotion; visayaih—by sense gratification;na—not; abhibhuyate—is defeated.My dear Uddhava, if My devotee has not fully conqueredhis senses, he may be harassed by material desires,but because of his unflinching devotion for Me, hewill not be defeated by sense gratification.Lord Sri Krsna


SB 11.14.19yathagnih su-samrddharcihkaroty edhamsi bhasmasattatha mad-visaya bhaktiruddhavainamsi krtsnasahyatha—just as; agnih—fire; su-samrddha—blazing;arcih—whose flames; karoti—turns; edhamsi—firewood;bhasma-sat—into ashes; tatha—similarly;mat-visaya—with Me as the object; bhaktih—devotion;uddhava—O Uddhava; enamsi—sins; krtsnasah—completely.My dear Uddhava, just as a blazing fire turns firewoodinto ashes, similarly, devotion unto Me completelyburns to ashes sins committed by My devotees.Lord Sri Krsna


SB 11.14.20na sadhayati mam yogona sankhyam dharma uddhavana svadhyayas tapas tyagoyatha bhaktir mamorjitana—not; sadhayati—brings under control; mam—Me;yogah—the yoga system; na—nor; sankhyam—the system ofSankhya philosophy; dharmah—pious activities withinthe varnasrama system; uddhava—My dear Uddhava;na—not; svadhyayah—Vedic study; tapah—austerity;tyagah—renunciation; yatha—as; bhaktih—devotionalservice; mama—unto Me; urjita—strongly developed.My dear Uddhava, the unalloyed devotional servicerendered to Me by My devotees brings Me under theircontrol. I cannot be thus controlled by those engagedin mystic yoga, Sankhya philosophy, pious work, Vedicstudy, austerity or renunciation.Lord Sri Krsna


SB 11.14.21bhaktyaham ekaya grahyahsraddhayatma priyah satambhaktih punati man-nisthasva-pakan api sambhavatbhaktya—by devotional service; aham—I;ekaya—unalloyed; grahyah—am to be obtained;sraddhaya—by faith; atma—the Supreme Personality ofGodhead; priyah—the object of love; satam—of thedevotees; bhaktih—pure devotional service;punati—purifies; mat-nistha—fixing Me as the onlygoal; sva-pakan—dog-eaters; api—even; sambhavat—fromthe contamination of low birth.Only by practicing unalloyed devotional service withfull faith in Me can one obtain Me, the SupremePersonality of Godhead. I am naturally dear to Mydevotees, who take Me as the only goal of their lovingservice. By engaging in such pure devotional service,even the dog-eaters can purify themselves from thecontaminationof their low birth.Lord Sri KrsnaPlease Chant... Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare And Be Happy!!!

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