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The Process of Krishna-bhakti , Should Be Accepted By All Living Entities

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Hare Krishna,

The Process of Krishna-bhakti , Should Be Accepted by All Living Entities

Even though the sweet sound of the Hare Krishna mantra is equally advantageous for all, it is especially appreciated by those who are liberated. It is described in the Srimad bhagavatam, Eighth Canto, Third Chapter, Verse Twenty :ekantino yasya na kancanarthamvanchanti ye vai bhagavat-prapannahaty-adbhutam tac-caritam sumangalamgayanta ananda-samudra-magnah( "Unalloyed devotees, who have no desire other than to serve the Lord, worship Him in full surrender and always hear and chant about His activities, which are most wonderful and auspicious. Thus they always merge in an ocean of transcendental bliss. Such devotees never ask the Lord for any benediction. ")In this connection His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada states :"According to this verse, devotees like Narada and other residents of Svetadvipa are seen always engaged in chanting the holy name of the Lord because by such chanting they are always externally and internally blissful. The mumuksus, persons desiring to be liberated, do not depend on the pleasures of the senses; instead, they concentrate fully on becoming liberated by chanting the holy name of the Lord. Karmis (materialists) like to create something pleasing to their ears and hearts, and although they sometimes like to chant or hear the glories of the Lord, they do not do it openly. Devotees, however, always spontaneously hear, chant about and remember the activities of the Lord, and by this process they are fully satisfied, even though these may seem like topics of sense gratification. Simply by hearing the transcendental

narrations of the Lord's activities, Pariksit Maharaja was liberated. He was therefore srotramano-'bhirama; that is, he glorified the process of hearing. This process should be accepted by all living entities."If we will faithfully follow in the footsteps of Narada Muni and Pariksit Maharaja , we will taste the sweetest bliss at every minute.Sankarshan Das Adhikari



Question – 1

External & Internal Spiritual Teacher

Dear Sir ,

How can an external Spiritual Teacher help if the Inner Teacher is not awake?

Such disciples will only bring down the whole edifice by misinterpreting and manipulating the true Spiritual teachings. Moreover, the teacher cannot be always with the disciple to guide him / her. Some stance has to be taken by the aspirant and that really is my question. I understand that the basic teaching is to be able to serve Krishna but how does one nurture and develop that ability to serve Krishna rather than serving lesser and illusory powers?

Thanks and regards,

Shrinidhi Sharma


By the Mercy of Lord Krishna

My Dear Shrinidhi,

Please accept my blessings. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Lord Krishna as Supersoul, the inner teacher is always awake within our heart . But because we are covered by Maya, we cannot hear Him. Therefore He mercifully arranges for His pure devotee to teach us.

The Pure devotee follows Krishna’s instructions and carefully teaches the aspiring devotees to make sure that their understanding and practical application of the science of bhakti is correct . Even though Krishna is not physically seen with the teacher or disciple , He as Supersoul within the heart is accurately discerning the disciple's spiritual progress.

The sincere disciple can connect with Lord Krishna at every second because the Lord is always present within the heart and also in the form of His literary incarnations like Bhagavatam and Gita . If the disciple always meditates upon and faithfully executes the orders received though various symptoms from Krishna , he is not separated from the Lord, even for a second. The disciple-devotee develops the ability to serve Krishna by the mercy of the

Lord. That mercy is obtained by always pleasing Lord Krishna by completely dedicating every thought, word, and deed in the Lord’s service in all times, places, and circumstances.

Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 10, Verse no.10.9 to 10.11) :

( With their mind fixed on Me, and their lives surrendered to Me, enlightening one another about My greatness and speaking of Me, My devotees ever remain contented and take delight in Me. On those ever united through mediation with Me and worshipping Me with love, I confer that yoga of wisdom through which they come to Me. In order to shower My grace on them I, dwelling in their heart, dispel the darkness born out of ignorance by the shining light of wisdom.)

Your eternal well-wisher,

Sankarshan Das Adhikari



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