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Bhagavan Krishna Removes The Sins of His Devotee.

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Hare Krisha. Pranam to all Vaishnavas, Bhagavan Krishna Removes The Sins of His Devotee . The spiritual process of Krishna-bhakti enables a person to connect with Bhagavan Krishna. This happens in three stages. First is the devotee’s insight that the Bhagavan dwells in the form of Supersoul within the hearts of all living beings. The second is the devotee’s ability to understand through symptoms , Krishna’s power that is acting through him . Thirdly, the devotee comes in terms with the opposites - joy- sorrow, health-disease and so on, knowing them all to be Krishna’s creation . As far as the inevitabilities of life are concerned the devotee does not have a choice. He should gracefully accept Krishna’s law

and order with the understanding that he is merely an instrument of Krishna. The foundation of one's bhakti will be shaky when he is not in tune with Krishna’s divine will. If there is no true bhakti, a person becomes frustrated and doubts the Bhagavan's compassion when he is troubled with setbacks in life which are merely results of his ‘karma’. When human beings face many situations in life courageously even when they do not know what the outcome will be. The joys and sorrows one undergoes in his life are due to his Karma. So no one can be blamed for it because one is reaping what we had sown. The way to escape from the ill-effects of past ‘karma’ is to depend more on Krishna. It is not possible for human beings to desist from action and hence he must know how to act rightly. Bridging the gap between ``what I am'' and ``What I should be'' is the Gita way of life - how life must be lived. One has to live for oneself and hence has to learn to exercise the right choice. This is why Arjuna surrendered to Bhagavan Krishna and asked Him to teach him the right path. Bhagavan taught Arjuna to ‘do his duty for its sake’. Arjuna had laid down his arms to avoid the destruction of his relatives. Krishna clarified that Arjuna’s duty as a warrior is ‘ to fight for establishing Dharma’ . So it becomes apparent that result must not be the motive for engaging

in action and one must learn to act with the intention of discharging one's duty. An individual could choose what he wanted to do with his life but he did not have a choice regarding the result. For instance, a person can provide all the opportunities and a conducive atmosphere for his child but he does not have control over how his child will shape up eventually. This unknown factor which controls man's destiny is Krishna’s role in his life. hence a devotee must understand that the results he receives are what Krishna gives him and not what he desires. So the only thing he can do is to cling on to the lotus feet of Krishna who never lets down His devotee . Bhagavan Krishna advised Arjuna to fight because that was Arjuna’s duty as a warrior and not because he wanted to kill his cousins out of vengeance. The Bhagavan cited His own case as example. Why should the Bhagavan who is omnipotent and has nothing to gain, manifest in the world and engage in action? In the Gita He says, ``For the protection of the good, for the destruction of the evil and for the establishment of Dharma, I am born from age to age.'' The truth of this statement can be learnt from nature. The Sun, water and the Earth are not partial. The Sun shines equally on both the herb and the weed. But, to ensure that the herbal plant grows well, the weed has to be destroyed. Unless Dharma prevails there will not be cohesiveness and harmony in society and to maintain order evil has to be destroyed. Srimad Bhagavatam confirms the following ( in -55) : The lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are

sought even by the greatest of Devatas, such as Brahma and Siva who have all accepted the Supreme Personality of Godhead as their life and soul. A pure devotee of the Lord can never forget those lotus feet in any circumstance. He will not give up his shelter at the lotus feet of the Lord for a single moment — indeed, not for half a moment — even in exchange for the benediction of ruling and enjoying the opulence of the entire universe. Such a devotee of the Lord is to be considered the best of the Vaisòhnòavas. How can the fire of material suffering continue to burn the hearts of those who worship the Supreme Lord? The Lord's lotus feet have performed innumerable heroic

deeds, and the beautiful nails on His toes resemble valuable jewels. The effulgence emanating from those nails resembles cooling moonshine, for it instantly relieves the suffering within the heart of the pure devotee, just as the appearance of the moon's cooling light relieves the burning heat of the sun. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is so kind to the conditioned souls that if they call upon Him by speaking His holy name, even unintentionally or unwillingly, the Lord is inclined to destroy innumerable sinful reactions in their hearts. Therefore, when a devotee who has taken shelter of the Lord's lotus feet chants the holy name of Krishna with genuine love, the Supreme Personality of Godhead can never give up the heart of such a devotee. One who has thus captured the Supreme Lord within his heart is to be known as the most exalted devotee of the Lord. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya!!! SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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