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Lord Narayana is the Protector of Sanatana Dharma.

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Dear Akhilesh, Its very gladdening to understand your deep concern for the protection of the vedic culture. The message written by you reflects the urgency of the situation that the progressively devouring Kali yuga is posing to the spiritual culture and all individual souls right to gain access to the eternal happiness of serving Krsna directly in the spiritual world. The same urgency in the recent times was shown effectively by Srila Prabhupada (Founder Acharya of the International Soceity of Krsna Counsciousness - ISKCON) which was but a manifestation of the mood of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu gave a very heavy responsibility unto the

shoulders of all those born in India - bharat bhumite manusya janma hilo jara, janma sarthak kori kar para upkar Meaning that its the prime duty of all those who are born in the sacred land of India that firstly they should make their own lives perfect - become themselves devotees and then enlighten others. The first step in changing the face of the world is to change thyself. If we really want to protect the vedic culture, we have to start doing it on individual (micro) level then take it on the macro level. We have to ask ourself - am I giving enough time to my spiritual development, is everyone in my family a living devotee, then extend it to broader family, neighbourhood, soceity etc... The main emphasis of the other religions - namely Chritians and Islam - is on the sacred books. Do we have enought time to read Bhagavad Gita or Srimad Bhagavatam, have satsang

every day? If we cant change on individual level, change on soceity or national or international level is a far off thing. And then ofcourse, we have to follow footsteps of Lord Chaitanya and his followers, if we really want to revolutionise the world. Lord Chaitanya appeared only to save the fallen souls and thus revolutionised the whole world - more visibly through His empowered representative - Srila Prabhupada. Therefore, if we really want to be part of this revolution, we have to be actually SELFLESS. Akhilesh, world needs people like you and based on our sincerity, Krsna will empower to do miraculous things, the way Srila Prabhupad and his followers are doing around the world. Aspiring to be a servant Hare Krsna Das Mumbai. M - 98693 72452. Rajeev <rx_rajeev wrote: Hare Krishna. Dear Akhilesh Prabhu, I appreciate your sincere concern for Sanatana Dharma. On the basis of opinions raised in Vedic circles, I wish to state the following : 1. There is an organized move to undermine the relevance of Sanatana Dharma. Pseudo-secularists and Marxist Intellectuals are falsifying Indian History and ancient texts to mislead the followers of Sanatana Dharma. To them Ramayana and Mahabharatam are mere mythological texts and Rama and Krishna are fictitious characters . They are hiding and falsifying the actual archaeological evidences received from ancient sites like Ayodhya and Dwaraka . They are not allowing government controlled media such as Doordarshan to broadcast Vedic devotional programs . 2. Well Organized minority communities are trying to create divisions within the Vedic religion by promoting ‘artificial’ issues as discrimination of ‘Dalits’ . This is just to promote religious conversions.

These missionaries are conveniently hiding the fact that, those who have converted to their religion are treated as ‘low caste’ . 3. Many 'Hindutva' politicians who are claiming themselves to be

protectors of the religion are actually not following the religion in their own lives. These people are always willing to compromise own faith, for getting selfish gains. 4. There is a lot of unfortunate infighting among the followers of various faiths in Hindu religion . Mud slinging by them in public enable anti-Vedic forces to tarnish the image of Vedic Sanatana Dharma . 5. Vedas are the breath of Lord Narayana. As such, it is the duty of the Lord’s devotees to protect Vedic faith. They should be deeply devoted to the Lord without fail and apply His instructions (given in Gita) in their day to day activities, without fail . The devotee should also serve and encourage other devotees to the best of his ability to promote devotional services . If so, the Lord Himself will only be pleased to use His divine power through His each devotee to do the needful in this tricky age called 'kali-yuga' . May Lord Sri Krishna bless you !!! SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev Date:-Sun, 20 Nov 2005 05:24:14 -0800 (PST) To:- -"akhilesh padha" <akhileshpadha Subject:-Re: The War Against HinduismNamaskar!I read your mail and it is true what is mentioned inthat. The question is that how we can do better for ourhindu culture and to protect the hindu's, thehinduism, do we need to put the pressure on the govt.or what else steps should be taken . please do

respondme i am serious . Akhilesh Padha -- shakti shakti <hindushakti2000 wrote: > The War Against Hinduism> > American Scholar on Indian Christian Schools - The> War Against Hinduism> > By Stephen Knapp> Organiser> > Another way that India is slowly losing its Vedic> culture is through the process of secular or English> and Christian education. Of course, in public> schools all Vedic books have been removed from the> curriculum. So there are no possibilities to study> the ancient Indian literature or art. Thus Vedic> values are no longer part of what the children are> taught. Furthermore, the Christian schools, often> staffed by Christian missionaries, can teach>

Christian values in their classes, and include a> short study of the Bible everyday, or of a Koran if> it´s an Islamic school. The so-called secular> govern-ment has even helped them with free land and> facilities. Since these schools offer English in> their education, along with good

discipline, many of> the middle classes of Indians are favouring sending> the children to these schools. Today, in the Indian> cities, many parents of today´s children are the> graduates of Christian schools, who also send their> own children to such schools. As this

trend> continues, there will be a decreasing number of> Hindus in the educated sector. Thus, children in> India, with the help of the secular government, are>

learning Christian values and perceiving their own> history and culture as something less than> honourable. They are taught that such important> books as the Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, Bhagavat> Purana and other Vedic texts are nothing more than> mythology, and not a reuslt of one of the

most> profound civilisations of the world. They are also> taught that their own God is but a demon and the> only real way to God is through Jesus.> > An example of this is that a few devotees from the> New Delhi Iskcon (Hare Krishna) temple go out and> give presentations at children´s classes in schools.> Some of the questions that are asked by the children> are, “Who is your God?” and “What can your God do> for me?” and so on. Obviously, these questions are> nothing but a direct result of the Christian and> English-oriented education that these children are> receiving. Now I ask anyone, ‘Isn´t this practically> a covert form of conversion?´ This form of education> indoctrinates the children to doubt their own> culture, and disrespect

their own history and> traditions. As a result of this form of education,> the Hindu population is slowly forgetting the unique> history and lofty culture of their homeland.> > As I travelled around, it was not unusual to see> elementary schools around India with the name> something like ‘Saint Xavier´s School´. People> should know that this Francis Xavier, who is now one> of the greatest so-called ‘saints´, feverishly> declared, “When I have finished baptising the> people, I order them to destory the huts in which> they keep their idols; and I have them break the> statues of their idols into tiny pieces, since they> are now Christians. I could never come to an end> describing to you the great consolation which fills> my soul when I see idols being destroyed by the> hands of those who had been idolaters,” (from The> Letters and Instructions of Francis Xavier, 1993, pp> 117-8). This was his goal: to destroy Indian culture> and make

India a Christian nation. So it is ironic> that now India embraces the schools that honour him> in this way. How could they not know his true> intention?> > What is often not recognised is that, up until> recently, for the last 50 years the politicians who> have been directing the destiny of India

are the> ones who have an anti-Hindu attitude. They have set> the eocnomic direction and the educational policies> that the country has been forced to follow. They> have also promised the protection of the religious> minorities with the hope of acquiring votes.

This> has been one of the reasons why the secularists in> the Congress Party have treated everything that is> Hindu with disdain.> > Another aspect of the loss of Vedic culture in India> is that the younger Indian generation, especially in> ages from 15 to 25, are readily giving up Vedic> customs to follow the more decadent so-called> freedom of the West. They see the western movies,> they read what the celebrities say in the papers,> and they admire them and want to adopt their form of> dress and lifestyles. Thus, in big cities like> Mumbai, you have Indian couples living together> without marriage, which is something you never would> have seen before, a few years back. Now the Vedic> principles are looked upon as something obsolete,> something that restrict the style that those who> look to the West want to adopt. Thus, they are> leaving Indian traditions behind and losing respect> for anything Vedic. In this

way, they adopt foreign> standards, or lose so much respect for Indian and> Vedic values that they become embarrased to admit> their Hindu background and heritage. Furthermore,> Sanskrit scholars at the temples are also> slowly dying out, and the modern

Indians view the> Ramayana and Mahabharata as merely myths or gaudy> television shows.> > Although India has been invaded by outsiders so many> times and has always survived, what we are talking> about is more than mere property or geography. What> is actually being threatened is the basis of Indian> culture itself. As younger generations give up their> Vedic heritage, even if they return to it later when> they are older and looking for more philosophical> support, with whatever percentage of loss that> occurs with each generation, time has shown that it> is never fully recovered. A portion of it is lost> forever.>

> Another way of looking at this is that India> presently enjoys an 85 per cent Hindu majority in> its population. This may sound quite significant,> but in actuality this includes 15 per

cent> Buddhists, Sikhs, and Jains. So it is really only a> 70 per cent majority. How many more generations will> go by before we see a big drop in this percentage> due to the process of secular (meaning Christian or> English, or even Islamic) education, or with the> present rate of conversions by tactless Christians?> This percentage could easily drop well below 50 per> cent in only several more generations at the present> rate of change.> > How many more

generations will it take before the> Hindu majority is no longer a majority, but a> minority in its own country? As Hinduism declines,> you will see that the demands on the government and> those voted into politics will also change, and the> laws will also alter more in favour of

the> increasing minority religions at the expense of> declining Hinduism. Then, as the years go by, there> will appear only small clusters of Hindu or Vedic> communities, most likely centred around prominent> holy places, until the more aggressive religions act> in ways to diminish these as well, in the same way> that they are presently doing in other countries.> > The point of all this information is that it is time> for all Hindus and followers of the Vedic culture,> Sanatana dharma, to realise what is actually> happening and give up their timidness or nonchalance> and speak out while such freedom still exists. We> must become more pro-active for defending this> culture. The point is that if you do not take it> seriously, I can assure you

that there are others> who can take this inaction and tolerance extremely> seriously to promote their own goals and religions> in India. It is because of this that India may not> always remain the homeland of an active and thriving> Vedic culture as it is now. We need to protect> whatever is left of it and maintain the present> liberties that Hindus still have in India. Then we> all can continue to engage in Vedic traditions> without hindrance, and with full freedom. For this,> we need to unite ourselves in a concerted effort to> make this happen. And it most certainly is possible.> > Recently, as told to me by Professor Subhash Kak, it> was noted in a reputable publication that now one> per cent of the Russian population claim that they> are Hindu. The article stated that this was> primarily due to the

preaching efforts of Iskcon.> This shows a major social impact. This shows what is> possible if we can work together in a concerted> effort. This is why I am convinced that if we all> work in a pro-active way under the banner of a> united family of Vedic followers, we can keep

and> even expand the present freedom that we now have to> practise Vedic traditions, and keep India as the> homeland of Vedic culture—the most ancient roots of>

humanity.> > India must be protected and kept as the homeland of> the Vedic heritage, Sanatana dharma, Hinduism.> Without it, what is its value, in spite of whatever> else it accomplishes? The value of Hinduism and> India are clearly expressed in the words of the> famous English theosophist, Dr Annie Besant. She put> great emphasis on the value of India, its history,> the Vedic culture, and its importance to the world.> As written in the cover notes from the book, Hindus,> Life-Line of India, by G.M.

Jagtiani, she says:> “After a study of some 40 years and more of the> great religions of the world, I find none so> perfect, none so scientific, none so philosophic,> and === message truncated === Akhilesh Padha 09868323695 Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new Security Centre.Best Regards,Hemant S. Thakur

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