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How to Concentrate to See Bhagavan Sri Krishna

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Hare Krishna. Pranam to all Vaishnavas, How to Concentrate to See Bhagavan Sri Krishna The great Sage Kapila, an avatara of Bhagavan Krishna advises in Srimad Bhagavatam 3.28 , on how to concentrate to see the Bhagavan : Text 12: One should concentrate on the tip of the nose

with half-closed eyes and see the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Text 13: The Supreme Personality of Godhead has a cheerful, lotus like countenance with ruddy eyes like the interior of a lotus and

a swarthy body like the petals of a blue lotus. He bears a conch, discus and mace in three of His hands. Text 14: His loins are covered by a shining cloth, yellowish like the filaments of a lotus. On His breast He bears the mark of S'rîvatsa, a curl of white hair. The brilliant Kaustubha gem is suspended from His neck. Text 15-16: He also wears around His neck a garland of attractive sylvan flowers, and a swarm of bees, intoxicated by its delicious fragrance, hums about the garland. He is further superbly adorned with a pearl necklace, a crown and pairs of armlets, bracelets and anklets. His loins and hips encircled by a girdle, He stands on the lotus of His devotee's heart. He is most charming to look at, and His serene aspect gladdens the eyes and souls of the devotees who behold Him. Text 17: The Lord is eternally very beautiful, and He is worshipable by all the inhabitants of every planet. He is ever youthful and always eager to bestow His blessing upon His devotees. Text 18: The glory of the Lord is always worth singing, for His glories enhance the glories of His devotees. One should therefore meditate upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead and upon His devotees. One should meditate on the eternal form of the Lord until the mind becomes fixed. Text 19: Thus always merged in devotional service, the yogî visualizes the Lord standing, moving, lying down or sitting within him, for the pastimes of the Supreme

Lord are always beautiful and attractive. Text 20: In fixing his mind on the eternal form of the Lord, the yogîs

hould not take a collective view of all His limbs, but should fix the mind on each individual limb of the Lord. Text 21:

The devotee should first concentrate his mind on the Lord's lotus feet, which are adorned with the marks of a thunderbolt, a goad, a banner and a lotus. The splendor of their beautiful ruby nails resembles the orbit of the moon and dispels the thick gloom of one's heart. Text 22: The blessed Lord S'iva becomes all the more blessed by bearing on his head the holy waters of the Ganges, which has its source in the water that washed the Lord's lotus feet. The Lord's feet act like thunderbolts hurled to shatter the mountain of sin stored in the mind of the meditating devotee. One should therefore meditate on the lotus feet of the Lord for a long time. Text 23: The yogî should fix in his heart the activities of Lakshmî, the goddess of fortune, who is worshiped by all demigods and is the mother of the supreme person, Brahmâ. She can always be found massaging the legs and thighs of the transcendental Lord,

very carefully serving Him in this way. Text 24: Next, the yogî

should fix his mind in meditation on the Personality of Godhead's thighs, the storehouse of all energy. The Lord's thighs are whitish blue, like the luster of the linseed flower, and appear most graceful when the Lord is carried on the shoulders of Garuda. Also the yogî should contemplate His rounded hips, which are encircled by a girdle that rests on the exquisite yellow silk cloth that extends down to His ankles. Text 25: The yogî should then meditate on His moonlike navel in the center of His abdomen. From His navel, which is the foundation of the entire universe, sprang the lotus stem containing all the different planetary systems. The lotus is the residence of Brahmâ, the first created being. In the same way, the yogî should concentrate his mind on the Lord's nipples, which resemble a pair of most exquisite emeralds and which appear whitish because of the rays of the milk-white pearl necklaces adorning His chest. Text 26: The yogî should then meditate on the chest of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the abode of goddess Mahâ-Lakshmî. The Lord's chest is the

source of all transcendental pleasure for the mind and full satisfaction for the eyes. The yogî should then imprint on his mind the neck of the Personality of Godhead, who is adored by the entire universe. The neck of the Lord serves to enhance the beauty of the Kaustubha gem, which hangs on His chest.

Text 27: The yogi should further meditate upon the Lord's four arms, which are the source of all the powers of the demigods who control the various functions of material nature. Then the yogî should concentrate on the polished ornaments, which were burnished by Mount Mandara as it revolved. He should also duly contemplate the Lord's discus, the Sudarshana cakra, which contains one thousand spokes and a dazzling luster, as well as the conch, which looks like a swan in His lotuslike palm. Text 28: The yogî should meditate upon His club, which is named Kaumodakî and is very dear to Him. This club smashes the demons, who are always inimical soldiers, and is smeared with their blood. One should also concentrate on the nice garland on the neck of the Lord, which is always surrounded by bumblebees, with their nice buzzing sound, and one should meditate upon the pearl necklace on the Lord's neck, which is considered to represent the pure living entities who are always engaged in His service. Text 29: The yogî should then meditate on the lotus like countenance of the Lord, who presents

His different forms in this world out of compassion for the anxious devotees. His nose is prominent, and His crystal-clear cheeks are illuminated by the oscillation of His glittering alligator-shaped earrings. Text 30: The Yogî then meditates upon the beautiful face of the Lord, which is adorned with curly hair and decorated by lotuslike eyes and dancing eyebrows. A lotus surrounded by swarming bees and a pair of swimming fish would be put to shame by its elegance. Text 31: The yogîs should contemplate with full devotion the compassionate glances frequently cast by the Lord's eyes, for they soothe the most fearful threefold agonies of His devotees. His glances, accompanied by loving smiles, are full of abundant grace. Text 32: A yogî should similarly meditate on the most benevolent smile of Lord S'rî Hari, a smile which, for all those who bow to Him, dries away the ocean of tears caused by intense grief. The yogî should also meditate on the Lord's arched eyebrows, which are manifested by His internal potency in order to charm the sex-god for the good of

the sages. Text 33 With devotion steeped in love and affection, the yogî should meditate within the core of his heart upon the laughter of Lord Vishnu. The laughter of Vishnu is so captivating that it can be easily meditated upon. When the Supreme Lord is laughing, one can see His small teeth, which resemble jasmine buds rendered rosy by the splendor of His lips. Once devoting his mind to this, the yogî should no longer desire to see anything else. OM NAMO BHAGAVATE

VASUDEVAYA!!! Sri Krishna Dasa Rajeev

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