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The Faithful Devotee is Always Satisfied .

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Hare Krishna, The Faithful Devotee is Always Satisfied. Krishna means “all-attractive.” This is term is especially appropriate for referring to God because God is a reservoir of attractive qualities. He possesses all power, all beauty, all renunciation, all knowledge, all wealth, and all fame. Some people object to the name Krishna saying that God is not known by that name to the general world population and that therefore we should not use that name. But God is a person and God has names. Just because most people don’t know God well enough to know His names does not mean that we have to keep them in ignorance. The more we can know God, the more we can love Him. And love of God is the goal of human existence. It is the perfection of the self-realization process. Therefore Vedic scriptures are giving education on all aspects of Lord Krishna, the God : His names, His address, and

directions how to get to his transcendental abode. There is a very nice verse in the Sri Caitanya-Caritamrita (Madhya 22.31) : krishna -- surya-sama; maya haya

andhakara yahan krishna, tahan nahi mayara adhikara ( "Krishna is compared to sunshine, and maya is compared to darkness. Wherever there is sunshine, there cannot be darkness. As soon as one takes to Krishna consciousness, the darkness of illusion, the influence of the external energy, will immediately vanish." ) When one becomes highly advanced in his devotion to Krishna, he cannot be disturbed by the presence of maya or illusion. Such a devotee is able to see maya as it is, the external energy of Lord Krishna. Just as light and shadow stand side by side, Krishna-bhakti and forgetfulness of Krishna stand side by side. When there is a light and a shadow adjacent to each other, one can stand either in the light or in the shadow according to his own choice. By taking the self-realization process very seriously one masters the art of always remaining in the light completely untouched by the darkness. Lord Sri Krishna states in the Bhagavad-gita (4.22) : yadrccha-labha-santusto dvandvatito vimatsarah samah siddhav asiddhau

ca krtvapi na nibadhyate ("He who is satisfied with gain which comes of its own accord, who is free from duality and does not envy, who is steady in both success and failure, is never entangled, although performing actions." Bhagavad-gita.) In this connection we can understand that when one becomes faithful to Lord Krishna he is satisfied with whatever Krishna provides. Therefore he is naturally non-envious. He accepts whatever Krishna gives him as his quota and utilize that fully in Krishna's service. He understands that is it only Lord Krishna who is the actual provider of all of his necessities. Therefore his only feeling of dependence is upon Krishna, not upon others. Since such a person's happiness is based solely on pleasing Krishna, and since Krishna is pleased simply by sincere devotion, that person, fully surrendered unto Krishna, is always completely happy in all varieties of so-called favorable and unfavorable circumstances. We say "so-called" because there is actually nothing unfavorable for such a personality. Sankarshan Das Adhikari --------------------- QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Question -1 I Want to Remove My Confusion Dear Gurudeva, I am Ajay and I love Krishna. He has helped me in so many ways through out my life that I cannot explain it. Whenever it was impossible He made it possible by His Grace and bailed me out of difficult situations.

Whenever I am in trouble I read Srimad Bhagavad-gita and find the solution to my problem. The only problem is complete surrender and how to develop undwindling faith, which should not be disturbed by the duality of material world. Gurudeva, please help me out in reinforcing the faith and show me the way so that I am devoid of these dualities achieve and maintain my equipoise in the adverse situations. Regards Ajay ---------------------- Surrender to Krishna My Dear Ajay, Please accept my blessings. You have understood rightly that the only problem is complete surrender. The depth of your sincerity is apparent . As always in the case of faithful devotees, Krishna is guiding you from within and blessing you with the understanding that you must fully surrender yourself unto Him. You can fully surrender to Krishna by following carefully the instructions given in the Bhagavad-gita. There are the basic items of ‘sadhana bhakti’ to be executed by all those who are serious about being a devotee of Lord Krishna.) 1. No illicit sex . 2. No beef eating. 3. No intoxication . 4. No gambling. 5. Chant Hare Krishna mantra every day on chanting beads. 6. Eat Krishna prasadam (food which has been first offered to Lord Krishna). 7. Regularly study authorized scriptures such as Bhagavad-gita and Srimad Bhagavatam. 8. Associate with Lord Krishna’s devotees to spread Krishna-bhakti . If you would like to seriously adopt this pathway of complete surrender unto Lord Krishna, the Lord will gladly accept you as His servant. Your eternal well-wisher, Sankarshan Das Adhikari Question -2 Why We Suffer ? Hare Krishna, Prabhuji, I would like to ask you four questions : 1. Do we human beings suffer in this life because of our past and current sins ? 2. If a person becomes faithful to Lord Krishna, are all his sins are wiped out ? 3. By doing so does he becomes a true intellectual ? 4.

Does the Lord then take him in the right manner ? Krishna Muscat We Suffer Due to Our Sins, But Krishna Can Save Us. My Dear Krishna, Please accept my blessings. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I have noted your questions. In reply I can answer : 1. We are suffering in this lifetime from sins committed in this lifetime and in previous lifetimes. 2. Krishna kindly agrees to free us from all sinful reactions if we will fully surrender ourselves to Him. 3. Becoming a true intellectual means we must be intelligent enough to realize that there is no alternative for becoming happy outside of Krishna's service. 4. There is no question of the Lord not taking us in the right manner. He is perfect. All we have to do is fully surrender ourselves to Him. If you would like to know how to do this, I will happy to guide you. Your eternal well-wisher, Sankarshan Das Adhikari

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