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Caitanya Bhagavata Adi-Khanda Chapter One Texts 1-10

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Text One


I offer my respectful obeisances unto Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri

Nityananda Prabhu, whose arms extend down to Their knees, who have

golden yellow complexions, and who inaugurated the congregational

chanting of the Holy Names of the Lord. Their eyes resemble the

petals of a lotus flower; They are the maintainers of the living

entities, the best of the brahmanas, the protectors of religious

principles for this age, the benefactors of the universe, and the

most merciful of all incarnations.



Text Two


Oh my Lord! You are eternally existing—in the past, present, and

future—yet You are the son of Sri Jagannatha Misra. I offer my

repeated obeisances unto You along with Your associates (Your devotee

servants), Your sons (Your Gosvami disciples or the processes of

devotional service, such as the congregational chanting of the Holy

Name), and Your consorts (who, according to regulative principles,

refer to Visnupriya, who is Bhu-sakti, Laksmipriya, who is Sri Sakti,

and Navadvipa, which is Nila, Lila, or Durga, and according to

devotional principles, refer to the two Gadadharas, Narahari,

Ramananda, Jagadananda, and others).


Text Three


I worship the two brothers, Sri Krishna Caitanya and Sri Nityananda,

who have descended in this world as the supreme controllers. They

have appeared in covered forms as the embodiments of mercy.


Text Four


All glories to Sri Gaurasundara, whose powerful activities are

supremely pure, whose bodily complexion is like molten gold, whose

eyes are like lotus petals, whose six beautiful arms extend to His

knees, and whose heart is inundated by loving devotional sentiments

as He enjoys dancing in various ways during kirtana.


Text Five


All glories to Sri Krsna Caitanyacandra, who is the fully independent

Supreme Personality of Godhead and the abode of transcendental

pastimes! All glories to His eternal pure activities! Sri

Gaurasundara is the controller of all other controllers, the Lord of

the universe, and the embodiment of transcendental knowledge. All

glories to His devotees, and all glories to the dancing of His

beloved associates!


Text Six


In the beginning I offer unlimited obeisances to the feet of the

loving, confidential devotees of Lord Sri Caitanya.


Text Seven


I then offer my obeisances to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri

Krsna Caitanya. He incarnated in Navadvipa, and He is known as



Text Eight


That same Supreme Personality of Godhead has declared in the Vedas

and Srimad Bhagavatam, Worship of My devotees is superior to worship

of Me " .


Text Nine


" Worshiping My devotees is better than directly worshiping Me " .


Text Ten


I have therefore offered my prayers first to the devotees, as this is

the secret for attaining perfection.

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