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Hare Krishna , Pranam to all Vaishnavas, Sanyasa These procedures are for those accepting regular Sanyasa . It may not apply to those Swamis who are guiding us in Bhakti-yoga and spreading the message of Bhagavan Sri Krishna because these Swami's

are the instruments of the Bhagavan for His dealings with His devotees. The Principle of Sanyasa-- no desire for worldly affairs and pleasures, selfless, staying at different places each day, eating out of the Bhiksha (Alms) from Gruhasthas and living with the noble thought of ‘ Aham Brahmasmi ‘ .Ashrama is of four categories: Brahmacharya, Gruhastha, Vanaprastha and Sanyasa. .Out of this Sanyasashrama is superior to other three ashrama . By accepting Sanyasaashrama one is relieved of Santhana dosha and karma dosha, purifies himself, and saves 100 generations earlier to himself and 100 generations subsequent and attains Brahmastana and Mokshastana .Hence a Sanyasin or a Yati

is considered to be ‘Hari Swaroopa’ . Maharishis have divided our life span into four stages as mentioned above. · Brahmacharya : For Vedic studies and control of senses. · Gruhasthasrama : To perform Deva , Rishi , Pithru aradhana and Atiti satkara . · Vanaprasthashrama : To meditate on the God . · Sanyasashrama

: To get detached from worldly life and to meditate on God to attain Brahma-jnana . Determination and detachment are the two basic qualities for Sanyasa. Though it is said that one has to pass through the three earlier stages to accept Sanyasa, a Brahmachari with Vairagya (renunciation) can directly accept Sanyasasrama.A Sanyasin is known as Parivrajaka which means the one who is able to see the Paripoorna Brahma , attained paripoorna pala ,moves around without staying at a place and determined to attain Moksha.’Athura Sanyasa’ ( Incomplete Sanaya)

also commonly referred to as ‘Aabath Sanyasa’ is accepted in an emergency/danger. In such a situation the rituals connected with the normal Sanyasa is not gone through and he can accept regular Sanyasa after he is out of the emergent or dangerous situation under which he became an ‘Athura Sanyasi’.Sanyasins are of (4) types: 1 ) Kuteechakan. 2) Bahoodakan. 3) Hamsar 4) Paramahamsar.I will detail only Paramahamsar - the superior most here : One Danda , no shika and no Yagnopaveetha. The following six ‘karmas’ are to be done without fail every day :Taking ‘bhiksha’ (alms) every day, Pranava Japa , Atma swaroopa dhyana , snana , systematic cleaning of the body, Vishnu Or Siva aradhana .For accepting Sanyasa, Guru has to be identified first. On the day of Sweekara (acceptance of Sanyasa) the individual has to have his head shaven fully leaving (7) hairs and these have to be plucked individually. He should have his bath in a river. Yagnopaveetam should be cut and put in the river. As he comes over to the bank of the river he should throw away his clothes, katisoothra (Black thread worn around waist ) and reach his Guru fully naked .Guru will handover the saffron clothes, Koupeena (loin-cloth) and a new Katisoothra. After wearing these the Guru will give him a danda of normal human height and kamandala and he should prostrate before the Guru. Guru will perform Sanka pooja (Conch ) and perform abhisheka with Sanka water on the Shishya. Then there are certain rituals which the Guru has to complete after which the Guru will name the new Sanyasin with a Yoga pattam (title) . Your servant , SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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