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Always Depending on Lord Sri Krishna.

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Hare Krishna, Always Depending on Lord Krishna Lord Sri Krishna is the Supreme Controller of the entire universe. Not a blade of grass moves without His will. Sometimes, we may feel that things are not going

like they are supposed to be going, but the only thing that is not going right is us. We are not in tune with Krishna’s will. We are trying to act of our own without any connection to Him. This doe not work. It creates a chaotic situation for us and for everyone else. Those who take the time and trouble to learn and master the process of Krishna-bhakti , reap the supreme benefit of spiritual perfection. Such persons have nothing to worry, because Krishna Himslef takes care of them. Such persons are extremely compassionate upon those who are still entrapped in the miseries. They feel genuine concern for the predicament of those who are in ignorance and do everything possible to save

them by bringing them close to Krishna. In this connection, Srila Prabhupada explains in Chapter 2 of the Nectar of Devotion : "If the whole society performs its respective duties and remains in Krishna consciousness, there is no doubt that all of its members will live very peacefully and happily. Without wanting the necessities of life, the whole world will be turned into Vaikuntha, a spiritual abode. Even without being transferred to the kingdom of God, by following the injunctions of Srimad-Bhagavatam and prosecuting the duties of Krishna consciousness all human society will be happy in all respects." The devotees of Sri Krishna are trying to spread Krishna-bhakti , so that the ever-increasingly problematic world situation can be transformed as soon as possible into a bliss spiritual atmosphere of perfect peace, harmony, and love for the Supreme God Sri Krishna and for all His

children from every species of life. There is no greater welfare work than spreading of Krishna-bhakti. The merciful Lord Krishna wants to see that everyone is well fed, well clothed, well housed, and healthy. For achieving this , the people need to follow the Lord’s instructions given in the Vedic literatures, especially the Bhagavad-gita and the Srimad Bhagavatam which will eternally deliver them from all

varieties of suffering conditions. As guided by the Lord, His devotees are trying to teach Krishna-bhakti to all . A devotee could sit in one place and speak to a few people about Krishna, but this knowledge is vitally needed by many people, not just in one place. It is the duty of the faithful devotee to see that the process of Krishna-bhakti is being taught to as many people as possible. Krishna-bhakti is not merely philosophy. It is knowledge in action . This is actual, factual spiritual realization. It is not a process of armchair speculation. It is applied philosophy.

Krishna-bhakti means to become very active for the pleasure of the Supreme Personality of Godhead with your every thought, word, and deed in all times, places, and circumstances. This is Krishna’s injunction (Srimad Bhagavatam (11.29.20 -22) : "My dear Uddhava, because I have personally established it, this process of devotional service unto Me is transcendental and free from any material motivation. Certainly a devotee never suffers even the slightest loss by adopting this process.O Uddhava, in a dangerous situation an ordinary person cries, becomes fearful and laments, although such useless emotions do not change the situation. But activities offered to Me without personal motivation, even if they are externally useless, amount to the actual process of religion.This process is the supreme intelligence of the intelligent and the cleverness of the most clever, for by following it one can in this

very life make use of the temporary and unreal to achieve Me, the eternal reality." My humble request to you is that you should fully surrender yourself unto Lord Krishna. Don’t cheat yourself a minute longer. Dedicate yourself fully now to the Lord. You will instantly achieve the Supreme Enlightenment . Sankarshan Das Adhikari --------------------- QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (Answers According to the Vedic Version) Question -1 Who is the Holy Person ? Gurudev, I have a question or two. Is this the Hindu religion, a denomination of it, or is it not a religion at all, but a philosophy, a way of life?. Who is the "holy" person in the history of this religion ?. Many thanks, Bill Krishna-bhakti Makes You the Holy Person My Dear Bill, Please accept my blessings. Some may call India’s eternal Vedic tradition as Hinduism but technically speaking the word "Hindu" is not a word coming from the great spiritual tradition of India,

the Vedic tradition. It is a word coined by the Muslims. One who accepts the Vedas (summarized in Bhagavad Gita) as the scriptural authority, and lives the life in accordance with the scriptural injunctions of Vedas, is a true follower of Vedic tradition . Lord Sri Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. All other Gods and Goddesses are His manifestations . The original Vedic tradition was imparted by Lord Krishna to Lord Brahma at the very beginning of this universe 155 trillion years ago. In this original spiritual culture there is no difference between philosophy and religion because as the saying goes, "To know Him is to love Him." Knowing God is philosophy and loving Him is religion. You can't know Him unless you love Him and you can't love Him unless you know Him. This is the eternal religion. Krishna-bhakti is practical application of the eternal religion that went on in this universe for millions of years. It is only in the past few thousand years when materialism has begun running rampant that the concept of different religions has emerged. Within the heart of every human

being, there are two entities namely Atma (Soul) and Paramatma (Supersoul) . Atma is a fragmental part of God whereas Paramatma is a form of Krishna, the God Himself. Atma is the enjoyer of a person’s deeds ; and Paramatma is a mere witness . For a person who has attained steadiness in Krishna-bhakti, Parmatma is the friend and well-wisher. Such a devotee is considered to be a holy person. Krishna-bhakti teaches you , how you can also become a holy person. Your eternal well-wisher , Sankarshan Das Adhikari --------------------- Question - 2 Office Work and Devotion to Krishna Dear Guru, How to concentrate upon office work while constantly devoted to Lord Krishna’s service ? Of course this is asked by my friends at office. A devotee. Krishna’s Infinite Power , Acts Through His

Devotee Dear Devotee , A faithful devotee , is an instrument of Lord Sri Krishna ; and it is the Lord’s divine power that is acting through him/her. Human’s power is limited whereas that of Krishna is infinite. Therefore, a true devotee is expert at everything both material and spiritual. So you should do your duties at work as an ideal employee , offering the fruit of your work to Sri Krishna. If you charge your spiritual batteries very nicely with Krishna-bhakti in the morning by chanting at least 16 rounds of ‘Hare Krishna maha-mantra’ on your japa beads, you will keep your spiritual energy all day long at your work. Work translates into money, so if you are willing to act as Krishna’s instrument, you will be purely connected with Krishna . Please Chant : Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare And Be Happy. Your eternal well-wisher , Sankarshan Das Adhikari

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