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Service for Lord Sri Krishna

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Hare Krishna,


Anything material which can be used in the service of Lord Sri

Krishna can be accepted. Actually all energy comes from Sri Krishna

and is therefore originally spiritual. It only becomes material when

we use it for sense gratification. When we use it in Krishna's

service it regains its original spiritual nature. Of course, this

does not mean that we can engage in sinful activities claiming that

everything is spiritual. We should engage our every thought, word,

and deed in the service of Lord Krishna.


Srila Prabhupada explains in his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam 1.6.26 :


" The life of a sincere devotee of the Lord is thus explained in a

nutshell by Narada Muni by his personal example. Such a devotee,

after his initiation by the Lord or His bona fide representative,

takes very seriously chanting of the glories of the Lord and

traveling all over the world so that others may also hear the glories

of the Lord. Such devotees have no desire for material gain. They are

conducted by one single desire: to go back to Godhead. This awaits

them in due course on quitting the material body. Because they have

the highest aim of life, going back to Godhead, they are never

envious of anyone, nor are they proud of being eligible to go back to

Godhead. Their only business is to chant and remember the holy name,

fame and pastimes of the Lord and, according to personal capacity, to

distribute the message for others' welfare without motive of material

gain. "


Sankarshan das Adhikari






Dear Gurudeva,


I have a few questions. How can one develop steadiness in all times,

places and circumstances? How can one develop strong conviction?

Sometimes japa time is so sweet. But most of the time is seems like a

task, a duty. Like , " ugh...I have to chant my rounds because that's

my eternal vow. " Either way, I feel strongly that, under all

conditions I must stick to this chanting through thick and thin,

knowing it is my life preserver, without chanting, I know I'd be

right back to all the nonsense I was doing not so long ago. How can I

always taste the sweet nectar of the Holy Names?


How can one learn how to practically apply the philosophy to every

action, thought word and deed?


How can we remain blissful in every time, place and circumstance?


How do we remain fixed, focused and become fully surrendered unto the

lotus feet of Guru and Krishna in all times, places and circumstances?


Is it a correct understanding that once we reach a certain level of

purity in Krishna-bhakti, we can be completely ecstatic in any time,

place and circumstance, so in that way we transcend our desire for



How do we develop a genuine taste for chanting free from all selfish



How do we deal with non-devotees, and not become entangled with them?

In other words, how do we not waste hours and hours of time, talking

about nonsense or nothing, while still maintaining friendly relations

and offering them help/support in the form of trying to give them



(Name withheld)



Answers According to the Sublime Philosophy of Krishna Consciousness


Question: How can one develop steadiness in all times, places and



Answer: Srila Prabhupada says, " By execution of devotional service

under the guidance of the spiritual master, one becomes free from all

material attachment, attains steadiness in self-realization, and

acquires a taste for hearing about the Absolute Personality of

Godhead, Sri Krishna. " (purport to BG 4.10)


Question: How can one develop strong conviction?


Answer: Srila Prabhupada says, " This process is summarized by Rupa

Gosvami in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (1.4.15-16): The first requirement

is faith; it is due to faith that one associates with pure devotees,

and, by such association, develops devotional service. As devotional

service develops, one's misgivings diminish. Then one is situated in

firm conviction. "

(Teachings of Lord Caitanya, Chapter 13)


Question: Sometimes japa time is so sweet. But most of the time is

seems like a task, a duty. Like, " ugh...I have to chant my rounds

because that's my eternal vow. " Either way, I feel strongly that,

under all conditions I must stick to this chanting through thick and

thin, knowing it is my life preserver, without chanting, I know I'd

be right back to all the nonsense I was doing not so long ago.


Answer: It takes some time for the natural sweetness of the name to

manifest. Right now you are covered by lust and greed. You have to

patiently take the medicine and gradually that incredibly sweet taste

of the name with flood your heart with divine intoxication. This is

confirmed in the Nectar of Instruction verse 7:


syat krsna-nama-caritadi-sitapy avidya-

pittopatapta-rasanasya na rocika nu

kintv adarad anudinam khalu saiva justa

svadvi kramad bhavati tad-gada-mula-hantri


" The holy name, character, pastimes and activities of Krishna are all

transcendentally sweet like sugar candy. Although the tongue of one

afflicted by the jaundice of avidya [ignorance] cannot taste anything

sweet, it is wonderful that simply by carefully chanting these sweet

names every day, a natural relish awakens within his tongue, and his

disease is gradually destroyed at the root. "


Question: How can one learn how to practically apply the philosophy

to every action, thought word and deed?


Answer: Learn the philosophy well by studying it as much as possible.

Always try to apply it as sincerely as possible at all times. Through

this process your knowledge and realization with steadily grow. The

good news is that as you gradually advance your rate of advancement

becomes increased. You eventually reach a point where you are

constantly in a state of awe, that how amazing is Krishna and the

process of Krishna consciousness.


Question: How can we remain blissful in every time, place and



Answer: Always remember Krishna and never forget Him for a second.


Question: How do we remain fixed, focused and become fully

surrendered unto the lotus feet of Guru and Krishna in all times,

places and circumstances?


Answer: By performance of devotional service as much as possible your

heart will become purified and you will become a fixed-up advanced

devotee. That devotional service is of nine varieties: Hearing,

Chanting, Remembering, Offering Prayers, Rendering service, Serving

the Lotus Feet, Worshiping the Lord, Befriending the Lord, Offering

everything to the Lord.


Question: Is it a correct understanding that once we reach a certain

level of purity in Krishna consciousness, we can be completely

ecstatic in any time, place and circumstance, so in that way we

transcend our desire for liberation?


Answer: Yes. All we have to do is think, speak, and act in a way that

is pleasing to Guru and Krishna. If we master the act of always doing

this in all situations, we will be situated beyond liberation in pure

devotional service.


Question: How do we develop a genuine taste for chanting free from

all selfish motivations?


Answer: You simply have to chant your 16 rounds daily without fail.

The power of the holy name will gradually completely transform your



Question: How do we deal with non devotees, and not become entangled

with them? In other words, how do we not waste hours and hours of

time, talking about nonsense or nothing, while still maintaining

friendly relations and offering them help/support in the form of

trying to give them Krishna –bhakti ?


Answer: Get in. Give them as much as mercy as they can handle, and

then get out. Give them some time and space to digest the first dose

of mercy fully. Then once that has happened you can give them a

second dose, third dose, etc until they become devotees. And then

once they become Krishna -bhakti you can always associate with them.


Question: Overall, I feel weak when preaching, which I know stems

from me not having a solid basis, not having strong conviction. As it

is said, you can only give what you have. I want to be able to give

more knowing that there is so much more to give but I'm not sure how

to do it.


A: Whatever you do have, give that in full and then Krishna will give

you more realization. Then you must share that level of realization.

Once you have done that, Krishna will give you even more realization.

And so on, on and on, ad infinitum.


Sankarshan Das Adhikari

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