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Separation from Vrindavan.

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Hare Krishna, Separation from Vrindavan This is it. This is our last day in Vrindavan. It's always bitter-sweet to be leaving Vrindavan. The bitterness is being away from Krishna's transcendental abode. The sweetness is that by intensely feeling the separation from Vrindavan, this supreme holy abode, Sri Vrindavan Dham, becomes fully manifest in our hearts. Just as a lover pines in separation from her beloved the devotees languish in separation from Sri Vrindavan Dham. When Swami Prabhupada, left Vrindavan and was sailing to America on the ship Jaladuta for starting the Krishna Consciousness Movement, he lamented his separation from Vrindavan in the

following words recorded in his dairy: 10 FRIDAY 1965 Today the ship is plying very smoothly. I feel today better. But I am feeling separation from Sri Vrindaban and my Lords Sri Govinda, Gopinath, Radha Damodar. The only

solace is Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita in which I am tasting the nectarine of Lord Chaitanya's Leela. I have left Bharat Bhumi just to execute the order of Sri Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati in pursuance of Lord Chaitanya's order. I have no qualification, but I have taken up the risk just to carry out the order of His Divine Grace. I depend fully on Their mercy so far away from Vrindaban. Just as Srila Prabhupada left Vrindavan to execute the order of his spiritual world to spread consciousness to the

English speaking world, we are also instructed to leave the sweet atmosphere of Vrindavan for spreading Krishna consciousness all over the world. By remaining ever faithful to his order we can feel ourselves in the transcendental abode of Sri Vrindavan Dham at every moment. Therefore with complete submission I place myself humbly at Srila Prabhupada's feet and beg for his mercy that every ounce of my

energy from now up until my last dying breath will be 100% engaged in the divine mission of delivering the suffering humanity from the dense, dark dungeon of illusion. May all living entities throughout the universe realize what is the sweet transcendental atmosphere of Sri Vrindavan Dham. The Krishna consciousness atmosphere is the original natural environment for all varieties of living beings. No matter what kind of simple or sophisticated arrangements we try to make to be happy and fully satisfied in this material world, we will find our efforts to be futile. Therefore we must take fully to unalloyed Krishna consciousness to taste the full pleasure of what existence is actually supposed to be like. We will

have a last look at the Krishna Balaram Temple and Srila Prabhupada's samadhi as we drive by on our way out of town to the Delhi airport three hours away. Just as when arrived in Vrindavan I sang "Jaya Radhe Jaya Krishna Jaya Sri Vrindavan," I will also sing those same sweet words as I depart Vrindavan. Oh, Vrindavan Dham, when will you again give me Your shelter? Our work lies ahead. Our mission is to inundate this entire planet in the ultimate spiritual enlightenment of pure devotion to Lord Sri Krishna , the Supreme Godhead . Krishna please help us and bless us that we can be successful in purifying our own hearts and in manifesting a spiritual revolution that will completely alter transform the course of human history from the dense deep darkness of delusion into the brilliant light of pure love of Godhead. Sankarshan das Adhikari QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Question - Ravi Argues that Words Cannot Gives Us Truth My philosophy is that That Truth : the SatChidAnanda Brahman of Vedanta, the SatChidAnanda Shiva of the Tantras, the SatChidAnanda Krishna of the Puranas, cannot be expressed, described, shown, given. One already is Truth, therefore It can only be lived. Normal words we use, the Vedas use, the Upanisads use, other religions use... they cannot give us That Truth. Words cannot make someone realize That Ultimate Goal in life. I cannot give you That Truth with words, nor can you give It to me. That is the philosophy. Whatever it is you are saying about what I speak being wrong or something is not my philosophy, you have misunderstood. Ravi Answer - We Agree that Ravi's Words Cannot Give the Truth You are saying with words that words cannot give the truth. Therefore according to your philosophy, your words cannot give the truth. But, with all due respect, I beg to inform you that you are wrong. The words of Krishna do give the truth. Krishna therefore says in the Bhagavad-gita : jnanam te 'ham sa-vijnanam idam vaksyamy asesatah yaj jnatva neha bhuyo 'nyaj jnatavyam avasisyate ( "I shall now declare unto you in full this knowledge, both phenomenal and numinous. This being known, nothing further shall remain for you to know." Bhagavad-gita 7.2 ) You say that truth can only be lived, but speaking is part of living. "Truth cannot spoken," is a very nice philosophy for someone who doesn't know the truth. That way they can remain silent and not spread untruth. But someone who has fully realized the

truth speaks unlimitedly for the benefit of the suffering souls of this world. His words convey the truth into the hearts of those who are in illusion. And when they follow the truth they will personally realize it themselves and can then enlighten others. Sankarshan Das Adhikari

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