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Krishna-prema , Emanating from Sri Mayapur Dham.

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Hare Krishna, From Navadvip-Mayapur Dham is emanating a tidal wave of Krishna prema (love of Godhead Sri Krishna) that is sweeping the entire world and inundating everyone. It was predicted five centuries ago by the great fully realized devotee,

Krishna Das Kaviraj, saj-jana, durjana, pangu, jada, andha-gana prema-vanyaya dubaila jagatera jana ("The Krishna consciousness movement will inundate the entire world and drown everyone, whether one be a gentleman, a rogue or even lame, invalid or blind." Caitanya Caritamrita Adi Lila, Chapter 7, Text 26 ) The words of such devotees as Krishna Das

Kaviraj cannot go in vain. It is very wonderful to be right here in Mayapur, the place from which this divine merciful flood of love of Godhead is coming forth. I am simply praying to Lord Caitanya to bless me with the understanding and full appreciation of how fortunate am I to be in this place. Every second spent in this place is more valuable than all the wealth of the entire universe. Yesterday I relished the sweetest nectar of taking a midday bath in the sacred Ganges River. In Mayapur we have easy convenient access to the Ganges. It flows just at the

front edge of our temple property right across a small road. As our temple complex and its surrounding area was teeming with thousands and thousands of pilgrims, the bathing ghats on our side of the river were highly congested. So we hired a boat to take us across the river where there was nothing but an isolated pristine beach. The boatman accomplished everything with one simple paddle maneuvering us across the Ganges at a very good clip. After a 20 minute cruise over the most divine waters the boatman secured the boat on the western bank. After donning my gamcha for bathing I chanted, "Gangamayi ki jaya! (All glories to Mother Ganges.)" and with great joy I entered the most sacred Ganges directly from the boat. I dipped myself three times into her transcendental waters and standing waste deep I chanted my noon Gayatri mantras as well as prayers to Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya. A Ganges bath is truly the most exhilarating enlivening experience because not only is it refreshing and cleansing for the body. It

purifies the soul from the contamination accumulated over millions of lifetimes. Sankarshan das

Adhikari QUESTIONS & ANSWERS. Question -1 ( Killing Trees and Waging War) What About Killing Trees and Waging War? Why should we support the slaughter of innocent animals?" We are slaughtering trees everyday for food. Since our survival depends on them, we have this attitude "don't know, don't want to know" about suffering of the trees. Also, you opposed wars. Sure, many of us do not support them. But they have been happening ever since Kurukshetra and before, and Lord Krishna was the

supporter of a war. He called it just, as it would punish the sinners for their bad karmas. If a war was justified for greater good then, why shouldn't it be justified now? Also, you and I are enjoying the personal security as a result of the sacrifices by our soldiers. You are being able to carry out your noble mission across the globe probably because of the war on terror. Even though war gives only short term gains, we are benefiting from it right now. If we criticize the entire war, aren't we hypocrites? Thanks, Satya Answer . (No Need to Kill Trees for Food. War Can Be Accepted. ) There is no need to kill trees for survival. We can eat the fruit of the tree while the tree continues to live. War can be either be accepted or rejected depending on the purpose for which it is being fought. War is rejected if it is for the purpose of sense gratification. But if it is fought for a Krishna conscious purpose then can be accepted. For example, if there is a

Krishna conscious country whose citizens are peacefully and happily engaged in Krishna consciousness, and a greedy power monger invades it with a desire to plunder its resources, that country has a right to wage war against the invaders to protect itself. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Question - 2 (Are All of Our Sins Forgiven? ) Sir, does the Lord forgive all of our sins? S.R. Vaswani Answer - (Yes, If You Fully Surrender. ) If you fully surrender to Krishna, He will deliver you from all of your sins, otherwise not. Therefore you should fully surrender yourself and become actually free, once and for all. sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja aham tvam sarva-papebhyo moksayisyami ma sucah ("Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender

unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear." Bhagavad-gita 18.66) Sankarshan Das Adhikari Question - 3 (Will We Merge into Krishna? ) Please help me to understand the Bhagavad-gita, Chapter 12, Text 8, where the Supreme Lord Krishna says “ Just fix your mind upon Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and engage all your intelligence in Me. Thus you will live in Me always, without a doubt." Please explain the “Live in Me” part, because here Lord Krishna is clearly stating that we will live in Him. Does this mean that we will merge in Him? I understand that devotional service to

the Supreme will be satisfying to the nth degree but here the Lord is making a statement that we can live in Him. Veren Maharaj Answer – (We Will Live in a Direct Relationship with Him, Not Merged into Him. ) Srila Prabhupada has answered your question in his wonderful purport. Living in Krishna means living in a direct relationship with Krishna. It does not mean merging into Him. Sankarshan Das Adhikari ---------------------

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