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Sri Gopala Tapani Upanishad Verses 28-57

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Gandharvi (Radha) said: How is it possible that the Supreme

Personality of Godhead appeared among us as a cowherd boy? O sage,

how do you know this about Krishna? How is he to be glorified ? What

is the nature of His abode? Why has He appeared to take birth in

Devaki's womb? Who is His elder brother Balarama? How is He to be

worshipped? Why has the Original Personality of Godhead, who is

transcendental to material nature, revealed this form on this Earth?


Commentary by Srila Baladeva Vidyabhushana:


The word Devaki here may also be interpreted to mean Yasoda.as stated

in the Adi Purana:

" Nanda's wife has two names: Yasoda and Devaki. "


Sri Sukadeva Gosvami describes Lord Krishna's appearance in the

following words

(Bhagavatam 10.3.8):


" Then the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, who is situated in

the core of everyone's

heart, appeared in the heart of Devaki in the dense darkness of

night, like the full moon rising

on the eastern horizon, because Devaki's heart was pure and

uncontaminated and therefor of the

same category as Sri Krishna. "


He said: In the beginning only Lord Narayana existed. In Him the

material worlds are woven as thread on a loom. From His lotus heart

the demigod Brahma was born.



Lord Narayana and Associates

When Brahma performed severe austerities, Lord Narayana granted him a



Brahma chose a question.


Lord Narayana granted his request.


Brahma said: Among Your many appearance in the material world, which


top-most, the one that makes humans and demigods happy, the one that,

remembering Him, they become liberated from repeated birth and death?

Why is this form the best?


Lord Narayana said:


As on the summit of Mount Meru there are seven cities that fulfill

all desires, so on the Earth there are also seven cities that fulfill

ones desires and awards liberation. Among them the city of Gopala

Puri is directly the spiritual world.


In this city the desires of the demigods and all other creatures are

all fulfilled and everyone attains liberation.


Protected by My cakra, this city named Mathura, or Gopala Puri,

stands in this world as a lotus stands in a lake.


Gopala Puri contains these forests:


1. The great forest of Brhadvana

2. Madhuvana, the former residence of the Madhu demon

3. Talavana, full of palm trees

4. Delightful Kamyavana

5. Great Bahulavana

6. Kumudavana, full of lotus flowers and water lilies

7. Khadiravana, full of Khadira trees

8. Bhadravana, the favorite spot of Lord Balarama

9. Bhandiravana, the great forest of Banyan trees

10. Srivana, the abode of the goddess of fortune

11. Lohavana, the former residence of the demon Loha

12. Vrndavana, ruled by the goddess Vrnda-devi.


Commentary by Srila Baladeva Vidyabhushana:


The word bhadra here means

" the place where Balabhadra (Balarama) enjoys pastimes. "


In these forests Demigods, Human beings, Gandharvas, Nagas, and

Kinnaras always engage in Sankirtan. The twelve Adityas, eleven

Rudras, eight Vasus, seven sages, Brahma, Narada, five Vinayakas,

Viresvara, Rudresvara, Ambikesvara, Ganesvara, Nilakanthesvara,

Visvesvara, Gopalesvara, Bhadresvara, and 24 other lingas reside



These forests are divided into two groups:


1. Krishnavana, or Krishna's forests, and

2. Bhadravana, or Balarama's forests.


Among these twelve forests some are sacred and others are most



Commentary by Srila Vishvanatha Chakravarti:


Krsna's forests are:

1. Brhadvana 2. Madhuvana 3. Talavana 4. Kamyavana 5. Bahulavana 6.

Kumudavana 7. Khadiravana and 8. Vrndavana.


Balarama's forests are:

1. Bhadravana 2.Bhandiravana 3. Srivana, and 4. Lauhavana.


There the demigods reside and the Siddhas attain perfection.


Commentary by Srila Baladeva Vidyabhushana:


In this connection the Gautamiya Tantra explains:

" In subtle forms the demigods and great sages reside in Vrndavana. "


In this place are a Deity of Rama, a Deity of Pradyumna, a Deity of

Aniruddha, and and the most attractive form of Krishna.


In this way there are twelve Deities in the forests of Mathura.


The Rudras worship the first Deity, Brahma worships the second,

Brahma's sons worship the third, The Maruts worship the fourth, the

Vinayakas worship the fifth, the Vasus worship the sixth, the sages

worship the seventh, the Gandharvas worship the eighth, the Apsaras

worship the ninth, the tenth Deity is now invisible, the eleventh

Deity has gone to His own planet, and the twelfth Deity is now on the



They who worship this Deity will surpass death and attain liberation.

They cross beyond the three-fold miseries consisting of much



The three fold miseries are:

1. Suffering caused by other beings like insects, mean spirited

people etc.

2. Suffering caused by our own mind and body - mental illness,

pride, illness of the body, oldage, death etc.

3. Suffering caused by Material Nature -earthquakes, floods,

excessive heat cold etc.


Let us refer to these slokas: Lord Krishna, accompanied by His three

potencies, and by Balarama, Aniruddha, Pradyumna, and Rukmini, stay

in delightful Mathura Puri, which is worshipped by Brahma and the

other demigods and protected by His conch, cakra, club, and sarnga



These four names are identical with the name Om.


Commentary by Srila Vishvanatha Chakravarti:


The names Balarama, Pradyumna, Aniruddha, and Krishna are

identical with the name Om.


They are all transcendental yet each has its own particular spiritual



One should think: I am spiritual, beyond material passion. One should

think: I am Lord Gopaka's. In this way one will attain liberation. He

realizes his spiritual nature. He becomes a knower of spirit.


Commentary by Srila Vishvanatha Chakravarti:


As a ray of sunlight is, in one sense is identical with

the sun, in the same way,

the individual living entity is, in one sense, identical with Lord



Since the beginning of creation He lovingly protects (alati) the

conditioned souls (gopa) therefore he is addressed as Gopala.


Om tat sat ..... I am an individual spirit soul. I am a part-and-

parcel of Krishna. My spiritual form is eternally full of bliss ...



The Supreme Personality of Godhead is therefore known as Gopala. With

all one's heart one should think: I am Gopala's.


Lord Gopala is non material, limitless, and eternal.


Lord Narayana continued: O Brahma, decorated with a forest-flower

garland, and holding a conch, disk, mace and lotus, I will reside

eternally in Mathura.


O Brahma, he who with all his heart meditates on Me, whose form is

the resting place of all forms, whose form is supremely powerful and

splendid, whose form is wonderful, and who has no material form, goes

to MY abode. Of this there is no doubt.


Commentary by Srila Vishvanatha Chakravarti:

The word visva-rupam here means

" He in whom are all forms. "


Some texts give the word here as cit-svarupam, or

" he whose form is spiritual. "


The word param-jyotih means

" powerful " or " splendid. "


The word svarupam means

" He whose form is extraordinary. "


The word rupa-varjitam means

" He who has no material form. "


The word mat-padam means

" My abode. "


O Brahma, a resident of this earth planet who resides in the district

of Mathura and worships Me as I appear in this form, becomes very

dear to Me.


You should always worship Me as Krishna in Mathura.


Jai Radhe-Krsna

Jai Gaura-Nitai

Jai Kripaluji Maharaj

Jai Sri Praphupada

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