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Sri Gopala Tapani Upanishad Verses 58-93

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Four kinds of men worship Me.


Commentary by Srila Vishvanatha Chakravarti:


The four kinds of worshippers describe here are the devotees of

Lord Vasudeva, Lord

Sankarsana, Lord Pradyumna, and Lord Aniruddha.


Following the devotional process prescribed for the age, intelligent

devotees in this world will worship Lord Gopala, who is accompanied

by His elder brother Balarama and His Queen Rukmini.


I am the unborn eternal Gopala. I am eternal Pradyumna. I am Rama. I

am Aniruddha. He who is intelligent worships Me.


Free from selfish motivation, the residents of Krishnavana and

Bhadravana worship Me, following the regulations of bhakti I Myself

have spoken.


Even they who formerly rejected the principles of religion and were

swallowed up by the age of Kali, may become devoted to Me, and also

reside in Mathura.


Anyone who becomes My sincere devotee will become very dear to Me. As

dear as You and Your sons, as dear as Shiva and his associates, as

dear as the goddess of fortune, Laksmi.


Lord Brahmaji said: How has the one Supreme Personality of Godhead

become four divine personalities? How has the single sacred syllable

OM become many?


The Lord said to him: Before the material world was manifest, only

the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is one without a second,



From Him came the impersonal Brahman.


The Impersonal Brahman or Brahmajoyti is the effulgent hue emanating

from the transcendental form of the lord.


From that came the syllable OM.


From OM came the mahat-tattva. From the mahat-tattva came false-ego.

From false-ego came the five tanmatras. From them came the elements.


OM is embedded within all these things.


I am the sacred syllable. I am OM. I am ageless, deathless, the

source of bliss ( Ananda ) , fearless and Supreme. I am never

touchecd by material natures influence. I am unchanging.


The eternal Supreme Personality of Godhead manifested Himself as the

all-pervading universal form. In the same way the Lord, who is one

without a second, by His transcendental potency expanded Himself into



Commentary by Srila Vishvanatha Chakravarti:


That the Lord is the master of transcendental potencies is

described in the sastras:

" The sages declare that eternal Lord Vishnu is the master of all

transcendental potencies. "


The sacred syllable OM consists of three letters: A, U and M.

Balarama, the son of Rohini, is the letter A. Splendid Pradyumna is

the letter U. Intelligent Aniruddha is letter M. Lord Krishna, in

whom the entire universe rests, is the ardha-matra letter, which

completes the syllable OM.



AUM .... OM


Rukmini is Lord Krishna's consort. She is the creator of the worlds

and the root of material nature.


The Vedic literatures explain that the goddess of fortune appeared

among the women of Vraja.


Commentary by Srila Vishvanatha Chakravarti:

The following statement is found in the Skanda

Purana,Matsya Purana, and other sastras.

" Rukmini is the Lord's consort in Dvaraka and Radha is

His consort in Vrndavana. "


The Rk-parisista explains: " Lord Madhava always stays by Radha's


Radha always stays by Madhava's side. "


Learned transcendentalists say that the Lord's potency is the

syllable OM.


Therefore, all-pervading Lord Gopala is the syllable OM.


Learned transcendentalists declare that the syllable OM is not

different from the sacred syllable klim.


He whom meditates on Me as I appear in Mathura attains liberation.


In his mind one should meditate on Me standing on the blossomed eight-

petaled lotus of the heart, My two feet marked with conchshell, flag

and umbrella, My chest marked with srivatsa and splendid with the

kautabha gem, My four arms holding the conch, cakra, mace, and sarnga

bow, My arms decorated with armlets. My neck splendid with a flower

garland, My head circled by a splendid crown, My ears decorated with

glistening shark-shaped earrings, My form splendid and handsome,

holding a flute and buffalo-horn bugle, and granting fearlessness to

the devotees.



The Lords Four Armed Form - Vishnu


When the entire universe is churned (mathyate) by the churning-rod of

spiritual knowledge, the butter produced is the Supreme Personality

of Godhead in Mathura. That is why it is called Mathura.


In my heart I meditate on the material world with its eight dik-palas

(protectors of the directions) as a blossomed lotus flower growing in

the ocean of repeated birth and death.


The sun and moon are the splendour of My body. Golden Mount Meru is

My splendid flag. Brahmaloka as My umbrella. The seven lower

planetary systems are My feet.


I am marked with srivatsa and svarupa. Therefore the learned sages

call me Srivatsa-lanchana (marked with srivatsa).


Aware of My supremacy, the sages declare that the splendour of the

sun, moon, fire, and eloquent speech has come from My glittering

Kaustubha jewel.


The four arms of My universal form are goodness, passion, ignorance,

and false-ego. The five material elements are the conchshell I carry

in the hand that is the mode of passion.


Childishness is said to be the cakra, the original illusory potency

the Sarnga bow, and the universe the lotus flower in the hand of the

universal form.


The origin of ignorance is known as the club I always carry in My



Religion, economic development, and sense-gratification are the

splendid bracelets that eternally decorate the wrists of My universal



The neck, said to be the qualityless Brahman, is garlanded by the

first unborn. O Brahma, your mind-born sons have elaborately

described this garland.


Commentary by Srila Vishvanatha Chakravarti:


The word " nirguna " here refers to Brahman. The " first unborn " here is

the maya potency, splendid with knowledge and ignorance. The mind-

born sons are the four Kumaras.


The sages say that My eternal form is the crown.


The two things above the changing material world are My two

glittering earrings.


Commentary by Srila Baladeva Vidyabhushana:


The two things are the spiritual paths of sankhya and yoga. This is

confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam:

" Sankhya and yoga are the two shark-shaped earrings worn by the

Supreme Person. "


He who meditates in this way is eternally dear to me. He attains

liberation. When liberated I give Myself to him.


Commentary by Srila Baladeva Vidyabhushana:

This is confirmed in the Sruti-sastra:

" The devotees of the Lord become liberated from the grip of the

illusory potency. "


O Brahma, I have said all that will be about My two forms: one made

of the modes of nature, and the other beyond the modes of nature.



The Universal Form of the Lord

" Visvarupa "


Commentary by Srila Vishvanatha Chakravarti:

The form made of the three modes of material nature is the universal


and the form beyond the modes of material nature is the auspicious

transcendental form.



The Lords Auspicious Two Armed Form


Commentary by Srila Baladeva Vidyabhushana:


The form beyond the modes of material nature mentioned in these

verses are

the Lord's two-armed and four-armed forms.


Brahma said: What are the ornaments worn by the Deities You have

described? How do the Maruts, Rudras, Brahma, sons of Brahma,

Vinayakas, twelve Adityas, Vasus, Apsaras, and Gandharvas worship

them? Who is the Deity that has gone to His own abode? Who is the

Deity now invisible? Who is the Deity the humans worship?


Jai Shri Radhe-Krsna

Jai Shri Gaura-Nitai

Jai Shri Prabhupada

Jai Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj

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