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Varnasrama Dharma : an Ideal Culture for the Mankind

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Dear Friends and the Vedic Scholars:Namaste and Hari Bol.I am forwarding the article : "Varnasrama Dharma - an Ideal culture for the Mankind" for your information and review. This information is based upon my reading of Srimad Bhagavata Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam - the ripened fruits of the Vedic Literature transliterated by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada and my educational experience past twenty five years. It is my humble attempt to reiterate in my every article about the super-scientific understanding of the fundamental principles as described in Srimad Bhagavata Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam and the Vedic Literature. Also, I strongly believe that the concepts and

understanding of the branches of the Modern Science including Sociology are superficial and are at the observational level. The deeper and super-scientific explanation and concepts of our Vedic Literature can and will provide higher dimension and higher insight in the various branches of the Modern Science now and in the future. Also, it my humble observation that the Srimad Bhagavata Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam are also read by many professors and scholars of the various universities in USA, Europe and certainly in India past forty years as Iskcon BBT has distributed millions of these wonderful books all over the world in many languages. The professors and scholars of the famous universities such Stanford University, Harvard University and other different Universities in USA and other countries are certainly reading these Vedic Text Books and they are amazed by the depth, clarity and super-scientific knowledge as described in these Vedic Text Books.

They also know very well that these Vedic concepts are helping now and will help in future to improve the fundamental principles of all the branches of the Material and Spiritual Sciences they are aware of them. Unfortunately, they do not give any credit to our blissful and eternal Vedic Literature. They are happy to take this wonderful information, make good business and give credit to Greek Philosophers, Egyptian and Persian Philosophers who are not any better than the professors of the different Universities in USA and Europe now.It is not my intention to discredit these learned professors of the different universities in USA and other places. The reason for their poor understanding, primarily, is their unclean diet and poor training in the Spiritual practices which prevent them to understand the knowledge as described in the Vedic Text Books. We can help them to understand as it is. Also, we know that Srila Prabhupada has translated the Vedic

Literature for the benefit of the mankind free of charge. So, this kind of cheating business going on at the different University and at different level in USA and other country. Fortunately, the Vedic Literature are made tamper-proof by our great Sages and Rishis and the unauthorized usage will detected immediately by checking of the fundamental understandings and concepts applied at different universities and countries. Our forum should safeguard and actively protect the contents of the Vedic Text Books. I hope and pray with all the humbleness that this article will be informative and interesting for our forum.Thank you and Hare Krishna. Atul Krsna dasa. (Atul C. Shah, MD) Troy, Michigan, USA ************************************************************************************************ " Varnasrama Dharma - an Ideal culture for the Mankind" A. Introduction:In Srimad Bhagavata Gita (BG 4.13) the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna says that " According to the three modes of material nature and the work associated with them, the four divisions of human society are created by Me." In Chapter eighteen of Bhagavata Gita ( BG 18.41 to 18.44 )

Lord Sri Krishna describes the characteristic and actions of these four Social and four spiritual Spiritual divisions of the human society very clearly (SB 5.19.19) . B. The Description of the characteristics of the Four Social or Occupational division:In Srimad Bhagavata Gita (BG 18.41 - 44) Lord Krishna describes the characteristics of four Social or Occupational division of Varnasrama system:"Brahmanas, Ksatriyas, Vaishyas and Sudras are distinguished by the qualities born of their own natures in accordance with the material modes, O chastier of the enemy" (BG 18.41)" Peacefulness, self-control, austerity, purity, tolerance, honesty, knowledge, wisdom and religiousness - these are the natural qualities by which the brahmanas work ". ( BG 18.42)"Heroism, power,

determination, resourcefulness, courage in battle, generosity and leadership are the natural qualities of work for the Ksatriyas".(BG 18.43)"Farming, cow protection and business are the natural work for the Vaishyas, and for the Sudras there is labor and service to others". (BG 18.44)C. The prevalence of Varnasrama system in our planet and other part of the Universe:Also, Srimad Bhagavatam ( 5.20.22 & 5.20. 27) describes authentically in chapter of the "Structure of the Universe" that this Varnasrma system is prevalent not only in our blue planet known as Bharata-varsa but also prevalent in other parts of our universe. "The inhabitants of those islands are also divided into four caste - Rtvrata, Satyavrata, Danavrata and Anuvrata - which exactly resemble brahamana, ksatriya, vaishya and sudra. They

practice pranayama and mystic yoga, and in trance they worship the Supreme Lord in the form of Vayu" (SB 5.20.27)So, Varnasrama system is prevalent and all parts of our planet Earth as well as the other parts of the material universe in which we live since the creation of this single material universe. Also, Srimad Bhagavatam and Srimad Bhagavata Gita narrate that prevalence of Varnasrama dharma in India, the daivi Bhumi, is natural and present since the time immemorial. But any one and every one of this planet earth can be the participant and member of this divine Varnasrama Dharma. Also, in Srimad Bhagavata Gita (14.16), Lord Krishna says that the "Go-brahmana hitaya Ca" or Cow and Brahmana should be protected by the followers of the Varnasrama

Dharma at every cost and as the sacred duty (Vishnu Purana 1.19.65). These two Living Entities - Cow and Brahmana are considered to be in the Mode of Goodness or in the Sattvic quality. All other animals such as monkeys, lions and buffalo etc are primarily in the Tamasic quality but Cows and Bulls are created in the Sattivc quality and the dairy product ( not the beef product which transforms to tamasic diet) are also in the Sattvic quality and an ideal food substance for the mankind. How a culture treats these two Living Entities - Cow and Brahamana - determines the nature of that culture whether that culture beongs to Divine or Demoniac Culture. Modern beef-eating cultures of the America, Europe and Middle-eastern countries are gliding themselves and six billions of people of this planet into the demoniac species in present life and in their future life. How there will be a peace and proseprity amongst the members of the demoniac species in our planet

? Present dangerous situation in the USA, Europe and Middle-east is the direct effect of the Cow-killing culture and systemic degradation of the Brahminical culture in our world. Therefore, the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna is putting heavy emphasis for the great and sacred protection of these two Living Entities - Cow and Brahamana - by the followers of the Varnasrama Dharma. Also, the researchers and professors of the Insectology in our modern science have discovered that in the colonies of ant-hills and bees-hives there are

soldier-ants and soldier-bees and the worker-ants and worker-bees. These sub-human species may not need Vaishya ants/bees and Brahmana ants/bees and they may live and survive with only two divisions in their society. But in the human society four divisions are very essential. Also, surprisingly, the Nobel prize winner Sociologists and Anthropologists are very happy to agree with the observation of the Insectologist about divisions of the ants and bees but they are unable to differentiate and recognize the four natural divisions of the human society !! I guess that they do not like the Vedic conclusions and they may be inimical to the Vedic Literature - the original body of knowledge for the mankind. D. Description of the four divisions of human society according to the

gross anatomical structure or the gross body:So, four divisions of the human society according to Guna and Karma are prevalent and active since the creation of the human society and creation of this universe including our planet. The Sanskrit terminology for these four Social and Spiritual divisions are: Four Social Divisions:1. Brahmanas or Intellectual class or the Head of society2. Ksatriyas or Administrative class or the Arms of society3. Vaishyas or Entrepreneurs class or the Belly of society4. Sudras or Laborer

class or the Legs of society Four Spiritual Divisions: 1. Brahmachary-asrama or Student life for first 25 years. 2. Grihasth-asrama or Married life for next 25 years 3. Vanaprasth-asrama or Retired life for middle age for 25 years. 4. Sannyas-asrama or Renounced order for last 25 years of human life. The gross anatomical structure of an average human being is approximately five feet and seven inches in height and 150 lb in weight. The weight and surface area of the head of an average human being is approximately ten percentage, of the arms are about twenty percent, of the belly is about thirty percent and, finally, of the legs are about forty percentage of the human body. Total 100 % of the average human

body.Srimad Bhagavatam and Srimad Bhagavata Gita authentically describe that the Subtle Body or the Mental apparatus of the human being is run by the three modes of nature - Sattva , Rajas and Tamo Guna since the conception up to the death. The Gross and Subtle Body of the Brahmana is conducted by the Sattva Guna, of the Ksatriya by the Rajo Guna, of the Vaishya by the mixture of Rajo and Tamo guna and, finally, of the Sudra by the Tamo guna. These three modes of nature are responsible for all the actions through out their life time. The three modes of nature determine their physical, psychological and spiritual characteristics of four social and the spiritual divisions of the human society. This will be described further in detail in the subsequent paragraphs. E. The percentage of the four Social Divisions in the any

human society can be categorize and summarize as follow: The Percentage or Pyramid of Social Divisions of Varnasrama System in human society as described in the section D:1. The Percentage of Brahmanas or Intellectual class is about 10 %.2. The percentage of Kastriyas or Administrative class is about 20 %.3. The percentage of Vaishyas or Business class is about 30 %.4. The percent of Sudra or

Laborer class is about 40 % in any given human society.So, total 100 % percent of the four Social Divisions in the any human society.The human society in our planet will not able to function properly if every one is 100% Brahmanas, 100 % Ksatriyas, 100 % Vaishyas or 100 %Sudras. The 10%, 20 % , 30 % and 40 % (plus or minus one or two percentage) of these four natural divisions of the human society are essential for the smooth and efficient functioning for the spiritual elevation. F. Description of how these percentages of four natural divisions in the

human society are maintained and carried out: We have experienced that 50 % of our human population are man and 50 % of population are female with one percent of variation in the Sex differentiation. The percentages of the Varnasrama System are meticulously maintained and carried out at and before the time of conception or Garbhadhana Samskara and other sixteen Samskaras in the Vedic society as described in the Vedic text books. So, if a Brahmana couple is not careful and they are inattentive in their actions and behaviors, they may conceive another varieties of off springs in their family. This is also true and applicable to the other divisions of the society. The percentage of

the modes of nature at the time of conception determines the off springs of a family. In other words, in one family there may be four sons or daughters born of four different Guna or mentality: one may become of a Professor, one may be an Administrator, one may be a Businessman, or a Janitor. Also, by following the sixteen samskara by a Brahmana couple, Ksatriya couple, Vaishya couple and Sudra couple they may produced 100 %, 75 %, 50 % or 25 % of the progeny in one family. This information should not be misinterpreted as "Hereditary or Jati" or "Caste System" as prevalent in some part of India and other countries and other religions. G. The Subtle Body present in the heart is origin of the three modes of nature: Srimad

Bhagavatam ( 5.19.19) and Srimad Bhagavata Gita (2.17) clearly mentions that the Subtle Body (who carries soul and aggregated Karma) present in the heart is the origin of the three modes of nature - Sattva, Rajas and Tamo gunas present in the heart of an individual - male or female. At the time of conception and Garbhadhana Samskara, the variable percentage of the three modes of nature are the determining factor and they are responsible for the characteristic and personality of the off-springs. The union of the sperm and ovum of the (married Vedic) couple is significantly affected by the production of and percentage of the Sattva, Rajo and Tamo guna from the Subtle Bodies of the (Vedic) couple. The Original Blue print created at the time of of the Union of the SEX CELLS determines the future child - a Brahmana, Kastriya, Vaisya or a Sudra child. If the Subtle Bodies present in the heart of the (married) couple produces pre-dominantly Sattva guna, then, the

next child will be a Brahamana boy or girl. This is also true with other subsequent child as Ksatriya, Vaishya or Sudra category. The subtle effects of the other planetary system also plays a significant role in the formation of the Original Blue prints. I will not be able to describe this topic. I may beg that some of our sclolar of Astrology may provide higher insight in this interesting topic. The modern Genetic Science and their theories primarily are speculative, semi-scientific and the poor imitation of the Vedic concepts or understandings. Presently, the Modern Genetic Science is describing only the subsequent stages for the development of the personality of the next generation or new off-springs. Our eternal and blissful Vedic Literature will provide higher dimension in the fundamental principles of the Modern Genetic Science pretty soon. H. Description of the formation of Original Blue print of the Gross Body and Subtle body of the four Social divisions: Now, we are entering into the deep water of Embryology, the development of neuro-anatomical structures and Cardiology to understand the how the

Varnasrma system has been created by the Supreme Lord. The brain of a Brahmana, Ksatriya, Vaishya and Sudra is not at the same category and the brain of each class is differently structured and created at the time of conception and during the intra-uterine developmental stages. In other word, the gross body and subtle body of each class are constructed differently at the time of conception and during the intra-uterine growth or the formation of the Original Blue Print as Brahmana, Ksatriya, Vaishya and Sudra. Srimad Bhagavatam and Srimad Bhagavata Gita (BG 2.17- Purport) authentically

describes that the position of the heart of the man and woman of a (married) couple at the time of physical union determines the Sattvic quality of the Brahmana, Rajasic qualities of Ksatriya & mixed qualities of Rajas and Tamo guna of Vaishya and Sudra. The the subtle Body present in the heart pumps not only blood with all the components (BG 2.17) but the Subtle Body in heart also generates and spreads the three modes of nature - Sattva, Rajo and tamo guna along with the liquid energy- the blood - which determines the formation of the Original Blue Print. This Original Blue print is imprinted with the vital information for each class of man - the next batch or generation of the Varnasrama system. The Cardiologists, Neurologists, Embryologists of the Modern Bio-medical science are unaware of this super-scientific information of the Vedic Literature - Srimad Bhagavatam, Srimad Bhagavata Gita and other Vedic text books. If we take the current model or the Modern Concepts of Embryology, Neurology and Cardiology, we will get a very confusing information and concept. If we take the super-scientific concept of the Vedic Literature, then, we will get a transparent and authoritative model or concept unparalleled in the modern history of the Bio-medical science. So, in summary, the

Subtle Body present in the heart of an individual at singular, dual and plural levels is the origin of the formation of the three modes of nature. The different positions of the heart who pumps the Sattva, Rajo and Tamo guna in different proportions in the blood stream at the time of physical union of the (married) couple is the determining factor of the four class of people or the formation of the original Blue Print as Brahmana, Ksyatriya, Vaishya and Sudra. The detail information about how, when and the subsequent steps and stages of this phenomena will be the another topic and it is beyond the scope of this article. The above-mentioned super-scientific, revolutionary and tamper-proof information from the Vedic Literature - Srimad

Bhagavatam and Srimad Bhagavata Gita - will certainly change the semi-scientific understanding of the Embryology, Neurology, Cardiology and Psychology & Psychiatry of the modern science. Current theory of Krebs's cycle and ATP or Adenosine-tri-phosphate enzyme as the "Engine of a Cell" are semi-scientific, confusing and hodge-podge in nature. The Vedic text books will provide higher dimension in the Mechanism and Energy production at the atomic, cellular, molecular and organ levels in the human body and mind. These are the super-scientific, tamper-proofed concepts of the eternal and blissful Vedic Literature. We pray and hope that the scientific community in India, America and other places will take advantage of this super-scientific information for the betterment and the bright future of the mankind. I. The Four Spiritual Divisions of the human society:1. Brahmacary-asrama or Student life for first 25 years2. Grihasth-asrama or Married life for next 25 years.3. Vanaprasth-asrma or Retired life for the middle age for 25 years4. Sannyas-asrama or Renounced order of life for the final 25 years of human life.The above-mentioned four Spiritual Divisions are created by the Supreme Lord primarily to train each and every human being to understand the primary goal of the human existence - to elevate to the Sattvic guna from the Tamo guna and to surpass the four animalistic propensities : eating, Sleeping, mating and defending behaviors. As we know well that

the time span for the Spiritual Division is twenty five years for each section in the progressive manner. During Brahmachari stage, the students are provided guidance and training by his or her Spiritual master in the all the branches of the Material Science including the twenty four elements of the Gross Body, Subtle Body and ultimately the Spiritual Science of the Soul, Super Soul and the Supreme Personality of Godhead - the original source of every thing. During the Grihastha stage, the person gets married, practices with family members what s/he has learned during the first quarter of life to progess toward the God-Consciousness or Krishna Consciousness. Restricted sex life is permitted during this quarter only for the propagation of the God-conscious or Krishna Conscious children. During the Vanaprastha stage, the person retires from the worldly duties and with his wife he travels to holy places to cultivate the actual understanding of the Spiritual life s/he has acquired during the first two quarters of the life. During the Sannyasa stage, the person renouncing every thing including his wife, the most beloved and long-standing companion. He depends completely on the desire

and mercy of the Supreme Lord to help other people to develop their God-Consciousness or Krishna Consciousness. So, this is very short summary of the actions and characteristics of the four Spiritual Divisions of the Varnasrama Dharma in human society created by the Supreme Lord. So far and in the nutshell, I have described the prevalence, Characteristics, percentages, Pyramid and how the four Social and Spiritual Divisions of the mankind are created and maintained and the purpose of the Varnasrma system.Srimad Bhagavatam (5.19.19) describes the prevalence of Varnasrma Dharma in Bharata-varsa as follow: "The people who take birth in this tract of land are divided according to the qualities of material nature - the modes of goodness

(sattva-guna), passion ( rajo-guna), and ignorance (tamo-guna). Some of them are born as exalted personalities, some are ordinary human beings, and some are extremely abominable, for in Bharata-varsa one takes birth exactly according to one's past karma. If one's position is ascertained by a bona fide spiritual master and one is properly trained to engaged in the service of Lord Visnu according to the four social divisions ( brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra) and the four spiritual divisions ( brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha and sannyasa ), one's life becomes perfect. "So, people of this blue planet Bharata-varsha are divided according to the four natural and scientific divisions created by the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. Again, I greatly appreciate your precious time. Hare Krishna. Atul Krsna

dasa. (Atul C. Shah, MD) Troy, Michigan, USA


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