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How to achieve Pure Love of Sri Krishna.

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Hare Krishna, Praying is part of the process of surrender, but simply because one is praying does not mean that they are surrendered. Why is that? Because there are two ways to approach Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The surrendered way is to totally submit yourself to Krishna directly as His humble servant . The other is to approach Him indirectly as another Devata . If we pray for our selfish purposes alone, we are not surrendered. If we pray only to be purely surrendered to Krishna’s will, such prayer will be favorable for attaining the platform of factual surrender. Since we are not pure enough to hear the direct instructions of Krishna to us within our hearts we have to receive communication from Him through various mediums. This makes the process of surrender smooth. All we have to do is fully submit ourselves without any argument at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Krishna and then follow whatever instructions or orders that He has given in Bhagavad Gita. Just as in the military a soldier is completely surrendered to orders received from his commanding officer, the devotee fully accepts Krishna as his Lord and faithfully follows all of the instructions without fail . Many

people have a sentiment for God, but in this world it is a very, very rare to find a person who has actually achieved the state of spiritual perfection known as Krishna prema, pure love for the Supreme Godhead. Having a sentiment for Krishna does not situate someone beyond the material energy (Maya). It simply situates one in a higher position within the modes of material nature. To actually be situated beyond the material nature one has to achieve the state of pure love of Krishna. The pure lover of Krishna appears to undergo material sufferings like everyone else, but within his heart a devotee is constantly diving into an ocean of ever-increasing transcendental bliss. He voluntarily accepts distressful situations for the sake of the Lord's service. In the midst of such austerities he experiences the sweetest ecstasy. Praying for relief from material distress alone is not the platform of pure love of Krishna because one still has one's own purpose to fulfill . A devotee is happy to suffer, if by such suffering he can serve Krishna and His philosophy. This is the real meaning of being a lover of Krishna. Krishna does not discriminate. He is equally disposed towards all living beings because they are His beloved children. He simply reciprocates with them according to their degree of surrender : ye yatha mam prapadyante tams tathaiva bhajamy aham ( "As all surrender unto Me, I reward

them accordingly." Bhagavad-gita 4.11 ) . Everyone has the equal opportunity to fully surrender themselves unto the Lord and taste the sweetest ever-increasing nectar at every minute. If you want to surrender to Sri Krishna, simply take complete shelter of Him .

So this the insider's secret, the hottest tip available for how you can quickly and easily become a full enlightened spiritual being. Simply you must fully surrender yourself to Lord Sri Krishna and follow wholeheartedly His instructions . QUESTION & ANSWER Question ( Who is the "I?" ) This soul is still wandering in this planet earth without settling down to continue to chant and remember the Lord and glorify His name and pastimes. There is a question coming up to this soul. Who is the "I"?. Why everybody is representing themselves as "I." When this body is a perishable one and temporary why the "I" is used to represent various actions. Kindly guide this fallen soul as it is more confused as the age is going up now. It is nearing 67 years of stay on this planet earth . Kindly pardon this soul for its inability to perform the sadhana faithfully and to your expectations. Maybe its past actions are so abominable that in the present life it is put into lots of inconveniences that it is forced to walk away from the Lord's remembrance. Kindly help this soul to leave this body peacefully with less disturbances to neighbors. Answer – ( The "I" is Real. He is the Eternal Servant of Krishna. ) Your mind is badly polluted with impersonal philosophy. Kindly try to carefully understand that for many long years you have had a completely erroneous conception regarding the nature of the self, the "I." We cannot attribute lack of the Lord's remembrance to our past sinful actions. No matter how abominable our past karma may be, we always have the full power to overcome our past karma by taking complete shelter of the remembrance of Sri Krishna. "I" is the sense of personal identity. "I" is

real. It is not false. The impersonalist philosophers propagate the false conception that the "I" is false. Nothing could be further from the truth. Know for sure and certain on the authority of the Vedic wisdom that the "I" is not false. This is confirmed by Lord Sri Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita as follows : na tv evaham jatu nasam na tvam neme janadhipah na caiva na bhavisyamah sarve vayam atah param ( "Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be." Bhagavad-gita 2.12) . The false thing is when the "I" identifies himself as being the material body. The "I" is not the material body. The material body is a merely a covering being worn by the "I", just like today you are wearing a brown shirt and tomorrow you are wearing a yellow shirt . You are not the shirt .

This denial of the "I" as being the shirt does not mean that the "I" is false. The shirt is real and the wearer of the shirt is real . The only falsity is when the "I" thinks that he is the shirt . In your correspondence with me you have constantly denied the reality of the "I." This is a big mistake on your part . This denial of the "I" is the reason that you have not been able to take up the

pathway of Krishna-bhakti seriously. Now your body is growing very old and sickly and you are having many difficulties because of this. Your body may die at any time. Now is that time for you with great force to kick out of your brain this false conception that the "I" is false. The "I" is real. The "I" is an eternal individual spiritual being, and eternal servitor of Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme

Personality of Godhead. By stubbornly holding on to the impersonal conception for so many long years you have denied Lord Sri Krishna of the love that He has been desiring to receive from you. So now you must firmly and fully reject impersonal philosophy once and for all and fully surrender yourself as an eternal individual "I" who is the servant of Sri Krishna . Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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