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We Should See Lord Krishna's Arrangement at Every Step.

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Hare Krishna, In this material world we are constantly being exposed to so many varieties of ups and downs. These are called the dualities of material existence. Sometimes we are sick. Sometimes we are healthy. Sometimes we have money. Sometimes we don't. Sometimes people are appreciating us. Sometimes they are criticizing us. We must master the art of how to be steady in all varieties of up and down

situations. We can do so by seeing the arrangement of the Lord at every step. We should never be intoxicated by material happiness, nor should we be devastated by material distress. We simply must see how Krishna is arranging everything for our purification, for our advancement upon the path of Krishna-bhakti . This steadiness of mind will enable to always take shelter of Krishna's holy names in all varieties of situations. The English rendition of Hari Hari Viphale by Narottam das Thakur is like this : Although I've come to this human form, My Lord, I've spend my life uselessly. I did not care for Radha and Krishna, So I shall swallow poison foolishly. So foolishly. Hare Krishna mantra comes straight from Krishnaloka, But with chanting I have no connection. Day and night I'm burning in this dark world Without working to make the correction. No correction. Lord Krishna comes as Saci's son. Balarama descends as Nitai. By chanting the wretched have all been saved, Including Jagai and Madhai. Oh, my Lord, Oh son of King Nanda, Together with Vrishabanu's daughter. I've got no shelter but Radha and Krishna, Humbly prays Narottam Das Thakur. Um huh huh. Although I've come to this human form, My Lord, I've spend my life uselessly. I did not care for Radha and Krishna, So I shall swallow poison foolishly. So foolishly. I did not care for Radha and Krishna, So I shall swallow poison foolishly. So foolishly. So foolishly. If we make a habit of rising early by 4am, taking bath, and enthusiastically chanting the names of Lord Sri Krishna, the consciousness-dulling effects of the material mode of ignorance can be quickly and easily overcome. Questions & Answers Question -1 ( How can I get freed from egoism ? ) . I have been reading the Bhagavad-gita and chanting 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily on japa beads, but recently I have been feeling that because I am still egotistical and hot-tempered, I do not deserve to read the Bhagavad-gita. My husband keeps telling me, "You read the Bhagavad-gita.

What is the use, if you don't follow it?". I feel that I am only bringing disgrace to the holy book. I think every day that I am going to be more tolerant, but at the end of the day I am still the same. I also want to ask you what is the difference between being egotistical and protecting your self respect. If somebody is treating your badly or taking advantage of your niceness, is it wrong to teach them a lesson?. Thank you for your time and consideration. Hare Krishna Answer (Though We are Undeserving, We Must Accept Lord Krishna's Mercy ) Your idea of not deserving to read Bhagavad-gita is correct . None of us deserve the mercy of Lord Krishna because we all purposely abandoned His service in the spiritual world to come here to try to enjoy separately from Him. But in spite of our not deserving His mercy, we must accept it because this is our only hope of ever developing saintly qualities and regaining our original position in the spiritual world. If you stop reading the Bhagavad-gita because you think you do not deserve it, you will be giving the greatest displeasure to Lord Krishna. He wants us to read it regularly, chant Hare Krishna Mahamantra

daily, and qualify ourselves for returning to our original home, His eternal abode. If someone is taking advantage of a devotee's humbleness by disrespecting him, that devotee should train them not to do that. The devotee does not do this out of a spirit of pride. Rather he or she does this out of kindness for the offending person to benefit them in their spiritual progress. Question 2 (Is it right to sell Bhagavad-gita Sold on the Roadsides? ) Is it right for devotees to sell sacred books like Bhagavad-gita on road-sides?. Does it earns respect, for our life-saving Bhagavad-gita, when devotees approach a car and the driver winds up the window?. Or listening to 'No'

again and again from the ignorant world for Bhagavad-gita?. I think people will come to Krishna eventually as there's simply no other way to get out of this hellish universe. Please correct me if I am wrong. Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare Pankaj Answer – ( You Should Be Glorifying the Devotees) . I appreciate very much your humble spirit of asking to be corrected if you are wrong. Thank you for being a gentleman. Your idea that everyone will come to Krishna automatically is not correct . Unless one can be blessed by the mercy of a devotee, who plants the seed of bhakti within his heat, one will remain perpetually in misery There is no more solid way to receive the bhakti seed within the heart than to receive a copy of the Bhagavad-gita. Therefore those devotees who sacrifice all personal comfort for distributing the Bhagavad-gita anywhere and everywhere to everyone they meet are the dearmost servitors of the Lord . For them spiritual perfection is guaranteed and anyone who takes advantage of their loving kindness is also

guaranteed to achieve spiritual perfection. On all sides we are being solicited by the Kali yuga to become more and more degraded . Therefore the devotees dedicate their lives fully to making the teachings of Lord Krishna as available as possible for the fallen, conditioned souls of this age . Do we criticize a doctor for going to an epidemic area to innoculate the people against a dangerous disease?. Of course not. We

greatly applaud his efforts . Similarly, instead of criticizing the devotees of the Lord who risk all dangers even up to the point of death for distributing the teachings of Lord Sri Krishna, you should be glorifying them for their compassionate, heroic activities . Sankarshan Das Adhikari

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