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Developing Krishna prema

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Hare Krishna, The perfection of consciousness is to develop Krishna prema, pure love of God . In such a state of mind one can see Lord Sri Krishna constantly within and without . In this regard Srila Prabhupada explains : " Lord Sri Krishna's name, fame, pastimes, etc., cannot be understood by material senses . Only to one who is engaged in pure devotional service under proper guidance is He revealed . In the Brahma-samhita (5.38) it is stated, premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena santah

sadaiva hrdayesu vilokayanti: one can see the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Govinda, always within himself and outside himself if one has developed the transcendental loving attitude towards Him ." This is the supreme perfection of existence . One becomes re-situated in one's eternal constitutional position .

Anything else we may accomplish is temporary at best . Krishna prema is the one attainment which can be retained eternally. Becoming Krishna’s devotee does not mean to become irresponsible. It means to become the most responsible person in the human society. A devotee takes the responsibility to do the highest good for all living beings by making his own

life perfect and teachings the science of Krishna-bhakti for the benefit of all living beings. QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Question -1 (Why

Krishna Has Not Come Now? ) . I live in India

.. I have been reading the queries readers are posing and the replies you give them with almost unbelievable patience . I have a query which nobody has explained so far . I have seen it in many movies and have also read the sloka in the Bhagavad-gita in which the Lord has said that He will appear whenever adharma (irreligion) outweighs dharma (religion.) Obviously and without any doubt, the degree of inhuman and immoral activity of the day is exponentially

more than what the Kauravas did 5,000 years ago to prompt Krishna's appearance at that time. Everywhere we see the world situation is so much more corrupt both qualitatively and quantitatively than it was in the ancient times when Lord Rama and Lord Krishna appeared. What prevents the Lord from stopping this cruelty and criminality exhibited by human beings against fellow human beings, animals and trees?. This aspect has been puzzling me for quite too long. Also, can I abandon my family (maybe after providing for their lifetime needs) and get out in search of a spiritual master?. Please forgive me if there is anything that would

indicate arrogance or disrespect in the tone of my query. I request you to clarify as soon as it is convenient . Yours truly, Sastry Answer – (Krishna Has Come Now as the Krishna Consciousness Movement ) Krishna has come again to put an end to adharma. He has appeared now in the form of the Krishna consciousness movement to neutralize the effects of Kali yuga and bring a 10,000 year golden era of spirituality. You should not abandon your family. You may remain with your family and at the same time fully submit yourself to the lotus feet of the bona fide spiritual master. Question - 2 (Does a Devotee Have to Cut Off All Loving Relationships? ) 1: I have read somewhere the following: "My dear friend, if you are indeed attached to your worldly friends, do not look at the smiling face of Lord Govinda." Does this mean that in order to become a true devotee you must sever all ties to your friends and loved ones? You cannot become close to anyone? That leads into my next question: 2: Is it truly necessary to become indifferent to all things on earth to become close to Krishna? There are some that say that the Lord should be put before all else, which I agree with, but there are those that seem to glorify total isolation from people and things in order to be one with Sri Krishna. I understand how people find it necessary to try to give up material possessions that are unimportant and temporary, that drag us farther from the Lord by taking over our lives, but are people just

material possessions?. We are all creations of the Lord. We are here because He wills us to be here. So why not be together, sharing each other's love?. Is it really considered necessary to destroy all friendships to devote yourself to Krishna?. 3: Is there any right time of day to chant?. I've heard it's best to chant in the morning, because it's the purest point of the day, but is there really a right time? and is it mandatory to chant 16 rounds? I'm just curious; the most I've chanted is 4 rounds- should I keep doing that or try to up it? Thank you so much, Hare Krishna Answer – (A Devotee is the Most Loving Person ). A devotee of Lord Krishna is actually more loving and close than anyone else because he or she relates to others on the factual platform of existence, the spiritual platform . The entire human society is currently in the deep dark delusion of bodily identification, taking the body to be the self . A devotee distances himself from this illusory consciousness and dedicates his life fully to saving himself and others from this illusion . Such a person naturally no longer delights in those things which bind one to the false conception of the self . Rather he delights in those things which bring one into actual consciousness of the self. He renders the greatest loving service to the suffering humanity by spreading the ultimate science of the self-realization, Krishna-bhakti , all over the world. Chanting can be done any time of the day, but the early morning hours are the most conducive time for chanting. Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita that we should chant 24 hours daily. Therefore it will be very pleasing to Him if you can increase your chanting to at least 16 rounds daily. Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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