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Lord Krishna Helps Us At All Times

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Hare Krishna It is very nice that you have your faith intact even amidst the ups and downs of life. Indeed Krishna will never let down anyone who loves Him and believed in Him. But one needs to be cautious in the process of Krishna Consciousness. It is very easy to concoct meanings and interpratations of the teachings and the principles of Krishna Consciousness. While it is very true that Krishna will take care of His devotees and His needs, He does it in His way and not necessarily in our way. Infact for a person who wants to advance in Krishna Consciousness it is very necessary to firmly believe that whatever happens in life is Krishna's mercy. A person who wants to really understand Krishna should not use the power of the Hare Krishna mantra to ask Him for material favors. Everyone is living in the material world and everyone needs to work. But Krishna

Consciousness is much more than asking for success in material life. Eventually, one may get what he asks for, but he misses the golden opportunity to use his prayers to move closer to Krishna. As Srila Prabhupad says an intelligent person uses every opportunity to move up in Krishna Consciousness and it has nothing to do with the material world. A person who chants the Hare Krishna mantra faithfully will definitely advance spiritually but how much more time do you think he may take compared to someone who knows how to separate his material existence and spiritual advancement and one who never asks Krishna for material favors? Also, the first clear sign of a true devotee of Krishna is that he never compares himself to the greatest devotees of Krishna and he always considers how lucky they were to be directly associated with Him. The cowherd boys and the damsels of Vraja are completely

liberated souls and the fact that they were always in direct associating with Him is proof enough that He favored them. Until we establish our personal relationship with Him, we should draw from the lives of other great souls. Even after that learning and humbleness should not end. Humility is very very important in spiritual progress, sustenance and enlightenment.Aaron Thomason <theeunnameable93 wrote: In response to Lord Krsna helping devotees with their material life, I think sometimes we have to ask Him for help. It has come to that point for me. I started off in a more Renunciated Mood but the way my life is going it is showing that I most definitely do have to take care of my material life, I can't just ignore this. I have a history of losing

jobs over and over again. Just a few weeks ago I lost my job and the day after my car broke down. I was working a job that I hated and I was not making enough money to take care of my car anyway. I'm so humbled right now taking walks and looking for a job but I do solely rely on Lord Krsna's Mercy to lead me to the right place. At first it appears that I am going absolutely nowhere being 'blissed out' so to say but later on in the day I start to develop a proper focus on the things that I need to be doing. He is teaching me a great lesson right now and I know it's Him. It's always Poison in the Beginning but Definitely Nectar in the End. Sometimes I get extremely impatient and I want to give up but I keep going and abiding in the philosophy. We have to find a Balance here, we cannot go Back to Godhead immediately but we can simultaneously be there and here at the same time for we all already are if we

are all Part and Parcel of Him, wherever we go Vaikuntha ( meaning Freedom From Anxiety) or better yet Goloka is with us , all Devotees. We have to learn to see this, the best way is through Joy in Knowing who the Supreme Personality of Godhead is, Isvarah Paramah Krsnah, Sac-Cid-Ananda-Vigrahah, Anadir Adir Govindah, Sarva-Karana-Karanam. I actually read the Brahma-Samhita over and over again to keep this focus. Still I have to ground myself after doing this. I'm not in an asram, I'm living in the material world. If I could just leave here I would but Lord Krsna wants me here to do a Great Work to help others. Still I am having a hard time, my rent is way behind so yes I have to ask Him for help. What else can I do? As a devotee I have to put my Trust in Him. Lord Krsna actually likes us to talk to Him even thought He knows our problems He is very Interactive with us

all. He wants us to express our concerns in life and not just ignore them for the sake of the spiritual world, that is not the right thing to do in this Age, we more or less have to work with this Age or we will find that we will be stuck in a situation that we would rather not be in. The same goes for me, more than anything I wanted out of here and Lord Krsna sent a devotee to train me up to go back to Godhead via the teachings of Srila Prabhupada. I learned a very hard lesson, we cannot go all too soon. Actually we can all approach Goloka through Devotion, we don't have to be so annoyingly serious about this. It is arrogant to say that only certain people can Go Back to Godhead, that is all nonsense. Lord Krsna Loves everyone and He is hardly exclusive. Maybe in a Previous Age great saints could only reach Goloka but that has changed, I know this for a fact. Our spiritual outlook has changed.

This is the Age of Darkness and Struggle but really that is all a joke, I'm very surprised that more people don't stop in their tracks to realize this. We all must realize this. This is seemingly a very difficult age to live in but really it is not. We cannot try to think the way others did 5000 years ago, that is not realistic. I used to try to do this myself and I am in trouble right now for adopting this mentality. I have found that if anyone just shows a little bit of interest in chanting Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare, Lord Krsna is ultimately and absolutely pleased. When I first tried only a few years ago, He responded to me. Am I to deny this and say that this is Maya? Why would I? If I even consider this at all things always go wrong. My awareness of Him has changed my life

for the better but I do have some lessons to learn. My experience may not be totally in sync with what others have learned via the Processes of Bhaktivedanta but it is still happening. We cannot be perfectionists, we can only accept what He gives to us even if it is our life here on this Planet and learn to work with this School of Learning. It's actually more beautiful that way. Personally I think it is very very dangerous to adopt the attitude of a Previous Age, it's better just to chant Hare Krsna and Be Happy, plain and simple. Do you really think that the Cowherd Boys and Gopi Girls are thinking about all of this silly nonsense about whether they are in Vrindavan or not? Bhakta Aaron Everyone's Servant and All Glories to Everyone! wrote: There is 1 message in this issue.Topics in this digest:1. Re - Lord Krishna Dwells in the Heart of His Devotee .Krishnadaya __________Message: 1 Mon, 3 Apr 2006 07:41:38 -0700 (PDT)Krishnadaya Re - Lord Krishna Dwells in the Heart of His Devotee .Hare Krishna , Sri Krishna is totally different from the other Devatas on the following aspect :The other Devatas provide their devotees only those boons that are being requested . On the other hand, Sri Krishna considers Himself to be ‘Bhaktadasa’ and resides in the heart of His devotee to take care . There is no need for the devotee to ask for anything because Krishna knows everything and is

always pro-active . Let us look into the experiences of some of His devotees :1. Young prince Dhruva was fed up with the cruel ill-treatment at home and he did penance . But when Lord Maha-Vishu appeared , he did not ask for anything though the Lord urged him to ask . The merciful Lord gave him the ultimate boons which helped Dhruva to conquer everyone besides making him eternal . Same was the experience of Prahlad . 2. Sudama was Krishna's class-mate and devotee. He was very poor. His wife could not bear the starving of their children. She often goaded him to go to Krishna and ask for financial help. At last, Sudama agreed to visit Dwaraka. Krishna rushed barefooted to the gate to receive Sudama and escorted him inside. Seating him on a cushion, Krishna washed his feet and entertained him duly. Rukmini, Krishna's wife, kept fanning Sudama all this while. Sudama stayed with Krishna for a few days and then returned home. In Dwaraka,his mind was so filled with

devotion that he could not even mention about his poverty to Krishna . On his way back Sudama was worrying about the reply to be given to his wife. His mind was filled with thoughts ‘ Neither I could tell about my poverty to Krishna nor the Lord asked about it ! Now what can I say to my wife?. My poor children would be expecting me to bring something for them from Dwarika!’. When Sudama reached near his home, he was highlyastonished to see his hut replaced by a magnificent palace full of each and every comfort and his family dressed in valuable garments. How happy must he have felt indeed !.Whatever joy or sorrow we are experiencing in this life are the results of our ‘karma’ in previous births . When a devotee surrenders at Krishna’s feet and lives as the Lord's instrument , Krishna ensures his well being . The harmful reactions of the devotee’s past-sins will be cleared with a token punishment and the devotee must fully abide by the Lord’s decision in this

regard . Lord Krishna said to King Yudhisthira: "My devotee is not deterred by any adverse conditions of life; he always remains firm and steady. Therefore I give Myself to him, and I favor him so much that he achieves the highest success in life." In Gita (9.22) Krishna says the following :“ However, for those who are always absorbed in thoughts of Me, and who worship Me with one-pointed devotion by every means, I Myself attend to their needs to achieve what they lack and preserve what they have” . Your humble servant ,Krishnadaya ---------------------Saumil J ™ Mon Apr 3, 2006 1:44pm Re: Lord Krishna Dwells in the Heart of His Devotee . –Hare Krishna Prabhu,With regards to this statement 'The Devotee is interested only to serve Lord Krishna without asking for

favors in return' , is it right on our part to worship Lord Krishna and take his guidance or ask for to bring us peace by sharing with the Lord our feelings of financial unstability, worries on studies, mental health etc.Can this be termed as a desire since, we though not asking a favor from the Lord Krishna, we are voicing our concerns to the Lord to help us get rid of this problem to a certain extent. In Your Service,Bhakt SaumilKrishnadaya wrote:Hare Krishna, ‘Vishhu Sahsranama’ is divine mantra . Any one who understands it ; chant it with devotion ; and accordinly leads a desireless life as an instrument of Krishna , is an enlightened Vaishnava . Lord Krishna dwells in the lotus heart of such a devotee (your Father is an example) . The devotee is interested only to serve Krishna without asking for favors in return .

Such an enlightened devotee enjoys the bliss of 'Vaikunta' during the stay in this world ; and attains Vaikunta , upon death . Lord Krishna instructs Uddhava (Srimad Bhagavatam Chapter 11 ) :Do your duties , to the best of your abilities for Me without any selfish motive, and remember Me at all times – before stating a work, at the completion of a task and while inactive. Practice to look upon all creatures as Myself in thought , word and deed; and mentally bow down to them. Although I the Supreme God, can never be captured by ordinary sense perception, my devotees may use their intelligence and perception ( from bhakti-yoga) to directly search for Me through both apparent and indirect symptoms. Awaken your dormant Krishna-bhakti and perceive through the activities of mind , senses, breathing and emotions that My power is within you at all times, and is constantly doing all the work using you as a mere instrument .Your humble servant

,Krishnadaya.---------------------"Bharat Vyas" Thu Mar 30, 2006 9:00pm Re: The Perfection of Dedication . Hare Krsna Prabhu,All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. Please accept my humble obesiences because i am indefinitely obliged to Prabhupada and all his disciples.Regarding Vaikuntha answer you have given, i have a doubt prabhu if you can solve it.My father reads vishnu sahasrnaam regularly infact he has memorized it completely and keeps on chanting holy words. I once told him i want to go Vaikuntha and do personal service to Lord Krsna, however he asked me "Do you know the meaning of word Vaikuntha ?" and i replied "no". He said 'Vaikuntha' means desirelessness. A place where there is no desires or a mental state where there is no desire. He says you dont have to die

to reach vaikuntha, when you reach a state of desirelessness you have reached vaikuntha. I counter argued saying "you mean there is no material desire" and he says no desires period. My father is certainly not an impersonalist and neither a buddhist. He never reads any books but i would say he knows a thing or two about god. Please solve this confusion for me prabhu."Is Vaikuntha a (mental) state of being -- which can be achieved even by embodied beings" or "Vaikuntha is exclusively spiritual world -- achieved only after one dies".In Your Service,Bharat VyasOn 3/30/06, Krishnadaya Hare Krishna, Dedication is the very substance of our being. It is the fiber of our existence. Everyone has a sense of dedication to something or someone. No one functions without some kind of dedication. A man dedicates himself to his family. If he does not have a family, he will keep a dog so he dedicate himself to the dog.

Because we do not know where to repose our dedication for achieving ultimate happiness, we dedicate ourselves in so many varieties of ways that ultimately do not satisfy us . The intelligent person will seek out where the best result can be obtained from his dedication. He then dedicates himself enthusiastically there and relishes the topmost happiness at every moment. The Vedic wisdom teaches where and how to dedicate ourselves in such a way that our dedication become universal and perfect . The Perfection of Dedication means Krishna-bhakti . QUESTION & ANSWERQuestion - ( Is the Spiritual World Only Achieved After Death?... )In the Introduction to the Bhagavad-gita, Srila Prabhupada has explained that when one attains the highest truth one reaches the abode of Lord Krishna called Goloka Vrindavan. Is it possible to reach this supreme abode while we are alive, or is it possible only after we leave the material world at the time of death?

I had a discussion regarding this with some people who have also read the Bhagavad Gita and they said that it is only possible for great saints to reach this place and not normal people like us. Kindly throw some light on this topic. Thanking you, Mahima Answer - ( Alive or After Death... )As described by Srila Prabhupada in his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam 7.4.34, there is one great devotee named Prahlada Maharaja who lives simultaneously in the spiritual and material worlds . So it is possible to achieve the spiritual world even while living in the present body. Generally however, achieving the spiritual world means that after your present material body dies you achieve a spiritual body in the kingdom of God --Any normal person who fully surrenders himself to Lord Krishna can achieve the spiritual world at the time of death. Going back to Godhead is the real meaning of being normal . Those who do not do so

are abnormal. Unfortunately at the present moment 99.999% percent of the world population is abnormal. No wonder so many weird things are always happening on this planet . Sankarshan Das Adhikari New Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big.[This message contained attachments]__________------

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