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Nectarian Mellows-- HH Radhanath Swami Maharaja Glorifying Srila Prabhupada few years back!

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This was one of the offering written by My Gurudev, Glorifying Srila Prabhupada ,Jagad Guru and Founder of The Hare Krsna Movement,, a few years back:

Dear Srila Prabhupada

The beautiful forest of Sri Vraja-Dham is your eternal home. Sri Vrindavan is the supreme abode of divine love. The immortal realm of selfless surrender. The infinitely sweet abode wherein all walking is dancing, all speaking is singing, and the ambrosial song of Krsna’s flute is everyone’s constant companion. The Vrndavana forests are filled with desire trees, cows, peacocks, and sweet-singing birds. The supremely fortunate gopas exchange in timate pastimes of spontaneous love for the pleasure of Sri Sri Krsna-Balarama. Upon the treasured banks of Sri Yamuna, the supremely

worshipable gopis forever immerse their pure hearts in endless reciprocations of ecstatic love for the pleasure of Sri Sri Radha-Syamasundara. The intimate pastimes of Sri Goloka reign supreme among

all of the Vaikuntha planets in the spiritual sky.

Sri Sri Radha-Gopinatha have extended their most magnanimous mercy upon all souls by descending into this world as Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Lord Caitanya enacted His all-attractive pastimes with His eternal, confidential associates. They blessed all living beings by giving the opportunity to achieve freedom from the sufferings of birth and death. They plundered the storehouse of love of Godhead and profusely distributed the contents. By their grace all spiritual perfections are achieved. They invite everyone to enter into the divine lila of Sri Vrndavana through the congregational chanting of the holy names.< /SPAN>

The six Gosvamis resided in the forests Sri Vraja. For the benefit of all the world, they established the sacred life and teachings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. That supremely merciful Lord Caitanya is Sri Radha and Sri Vrndavanacandra combined in an infinitely beautiful golden form. He personally empowered the heart of Srila Rupa Gosvami with the most intimate realizations of His divine mission. Thus, through the parampara flowed the nectarean current of the purest truth. The heart of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura wept upon seeing the all-pervading ignora! nce of Kali-yuga. The world was cast into darkness. His compassionate< /FONT> prayers invoked Lord Caitanya to bless this world with the descent of His beloved associate, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. This divinely empowered acarya declared war against all misconceptions. He established pure love of Godhead throughout India by the tireless preaching efforts of! the Gaudiya Matha. The heart of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura is the abode of Lord Caitanya’s love. That heart intolerably burned with the compassionate desire to inundate the entire world with the sankirtana of the holy name.

Srila Prabhupada, it was you who fulfilled this most benevolent prayer of your beloved Guru Maharaja. You accepted the blessed order of Sri Guru and Gauranga as your very life and soul. At the sacred samadhi mandira of Srila Rupa Gosvami, you made your residence. Immersed in the spirit of being the

selfless instrument in the hands of the previous acaryas, you worshiped Sri Sri Radha-Damodara. There you prepared to fulfill a prophecy never before achieved in the history of mankind. Armed with the unconquerable love of Srila Rupa Gosvami, you departed from your dear home in Vrndavana.

In Bombay, as the ambassador to the spiritual world, you stood as a penniless beggar. Begging for the opportunity to sacrifice your life in the service of your beloved Guru Maharaja.

Alone, on the Jaladuta, you gratefully endured repeated heart attacks as this small cargo ship, surrounded by a vast sea of darkness, was abusively smashed again and again by the mighty Atlantic storms. The humble prayers you offered upon the J! aladuta have transformed the consciousness of the


In New York City you struggled. We will never know how you struggled. There was not another Vaisnava within ten thousand miles. Far, far from your dear home, you graciously accepted abuse after abuse from a demoniac civilization. Your only capital was your ever-present faith in the words of your beloved Guru Maharaja. Your infallible determination sprung from the infinite compassion that burned in your heart. In the wealthiest city on earth you were by far the wealthiest of all, for you possessed the priceless treasure of pure devotional service. You came to humbly beg everyone, without/ SPAN> discrimination, to accept this matchless gift.

As the most loving and caring spiritual father, you patiently nurtured your new-born spiritual children. Your compassionate love has no boundaries. You thus established the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Your devotional ecstasies are manifested through your illustrious books. Each

word of your glorious books, lectures, and other instructions are illuminated by the unfathomable mercy of Sri Sri Nitai-Gauracandra.

Unprecedented genius was revealed as you brilliantly balanced the needs of a worldwide preaching mission with the ultra-personal nature of Vaisnava culture. As Lord Krsna’s empowered spiritual warrior, you fearlessly challenged all the illusions of the Age of Kali. You have virtually constructed a canal to carry the nectarean flow of the pastimes of Lord Caitanya’s sankirtana movement to every town and village on earth. You have openly revealed to the world the hidden treasures of your eternal home, Sri Vrndavana-dhama.

Srila Prabhupada, today we are celebrating the glorious event of your most auspicious appearance in this world. I pray that I may worship your lotus feet with my heart and soul for all of eternity.

Aspiring to be the servant of your servants,

Radhanatha SwamiThank You for Reading,Your Humble Servant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Jaya Kesava Dasa

Please Read My Web Site Pleasure Unlimited In Krsna Consciousness -

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