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Bhakti and Gyana

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Although the paths to Krishna are twofold, the Bhakti Marg is simple

to practice, recommended by the Lord himself for this particular

age, and thus is the most acceptable and easy path to follow. The

path of Gyan Marg or Self-Enquiry, which is based on well laid out

principles of logic, was followed by great illumined souls like Adi

Shankaracharya,Ramana Maharishi and many others, though in the end

they also concluded that Bhakti is the ultimate goal of Gyan Marg,

so in the end both paths become one and the devotee (Bhakta) and the

Gyani(Knower of the Self) both walk along together looking for



A most interesting thing happens when a Gyani meets a Bhakta. They

exchange information, and when they realise that both have the same

desire i.e to see Krishna, they begin to progress hand in hand,

together.Today in this world many people who have taken up the path

of Self-Enquiry have also come acrosss Bhaktas. The Bhakta is no

fool but well read in all scriptures, and knows the conclusions of

the scriptures , i.e to Serve Krishna. The Gyani on the other hand

needs to learn this additional thing , to serve Krishna, the Supreme

Mystic of all Mystics, the Lord of Lords, the Father in heaven, The

Supreme personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna. All praise and Glory be

to Sri Sri RADHE KRISHNA! All GLories abd Praise be to Srila

Prabhupada, for helping me see this in the correct way.


We can say that the path of Self-Inquiry is now under repair, so

everyone has to take the Bhakti Route.In Kaliyuga, one path has been

tampered with and therefore the Bhakti Route is recommended.

Although both paths lead to krishna, now one path is available - the

path of Bhakti Yoga.


When you perform some Bhakti for a while, and then you return to the

path of Gyana Yoga, you finally realise that Bhakti is easier of the

two. If you are a pure Bhakta, you will not even waste a little time

in material pursuits, instead you will simply take to Bhakti and

free yourself of useless encumberances of society. If you are a

Gyani, you may get easily carried away by promises of riches and

fame and wealth, social status, and so on, and thus get entangled in

Karma. So the Supreme lord knows what is best for you and keeps you

on the path of Bhakti. He gives you all your material needs and

keeps you fit physically too. He does not ever demand any service

from you, it would indeed by your good fortune if the Lord asked you

to serve Him directly. Few people get this fortune.


Even today everyone is trying very hard to serve krishna and yet

their services are sometimes not accepted as they are contaminated

with material desires. Serving Krishna without any selfish motive is

what is really respected and praised even by the other great

devotees of the Lord.Such an attitude of service develops after

humility has been practiced to its perfection.Humility is the

highest quality of a devotee.This leads to complete surrender and

Darshan of krishna, as the Supersoul within, as the Light whose

effulgence hides the wonderful forms of krishna, which only a pure

devotee who has been given divine eyes annointed with love for

krishna can see. To find such a devotee is not easy. Such a devotee

can take you upto the highest platform in devotional service.Srila

Prabhupada was one such devotee. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

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