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Seeing the Supersoul in all beings

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It has been clearly and amply illustrated everywhere in the Srimad

Bhagavad Gita that LORD SRI KRISHNA is the PARAMATMA (SUPERSOUL) who

resides in the hearts of all beings, whether they are beings of this

earth or of other planets. Thus, anyone who really follows Krishna,

will never have any disrespect for any being, whatever that being's

condition may be. In fact a true devotee will try to figure out ways

of enlightening such misled beings, by discussing the topics of Sri

Krishna,Srimad Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagvatam with the beings

who have forgotten Krishna.

It is quite easy to dismiss someone as a rascal or a theif, but it

is not easy to dismiss the fact that every rascal or theif also has

KRISHNA as the Supersoul within, and thus, being wise, one would

respect even a rascal and a theif.Humilty is hard to cultivate,

it entails the complete removal of self-centred behaviour,

inculcation of selfless devotional service (bhakti) and surrender to

Sri KRISHNA. At times when we come face to face with someone fallen

from grace, it becomes our duty as Vaishnavas, to remind them of

Krishna as the eternal resident within their hearts. Whatever

illusion they may be under, will disappear if we remind them of

Krishna. Thus a devotee refrains from petty mindedness, avoids

criticising others, and above all, always thinks of Krishna, and

Krishna alone, and thus works for the welfare of all beings.


As for Lord Siva, a Param Vaishnava, except for LORD KRISHNA no one

else can judge him. The Siva-Lila being performed on earth is vast,

inconceiveable, and has to be understood calmly, without prejudice

and coloration. We see the earth shuddering under the anger of the

Lord Siva, volcanoes erupting with more regularity, floods and

deluges killing large amounts of mankind, all this is Siva-Tandava.


KRISHNA is very active through various beings, demigods, Gurus,

seers and saints, and SRILA PRABHUPADA has been a shining icon

amongst the great teachers of today.


One more thing, the illuminated beings are capable of appearing

anywhere on earth. All of them are KRISHNA's energies, and one must

respect everyone if one wants to progress as a Vaishnava. A

Vaishnava is known for his excellent track record, for his simple

lifestyle, for humilty and most of all for his constant devotion to

KRISHNA. Controlling ANGER,LUST and GREED are the foremost duties of

a VAISHNAVA. Avoidance of FAULT FINDING is a habit which is highly

recommended in the Bhagvad Gita, and all Vaishnavas must cultivate

this habit.It is so easy to look for and find faults, but it is so

hard to eradicate faults even within ourselves, what to speak of


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